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person [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations//ˈpɜːrsən//US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈpɝsən/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling((pûrsən)) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'person' (n): peoplenpl personsnpl (Mainly used in formal or legal contexts)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 person, plural: people n (human being) (复数为people)SCSimplified Chinese 人 rén TCTraditional Chinese 人  Which person are you talking about? The mother or the daughter?  你在说谁?母亲还是女儿? person, plural: persons n (law: juristic person) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 法人 fǎ rén TCTraditional Chinese 法人  All persons having anything to do with this case should remain in court.  与该案有关的所有人都要留在法庭内。 person n (grammar) (语法)SCSimplified Chinese 人称 rén chēng TCTraditional Chinese 人稱  The third person singular of the present tense of "to be" is "is".  “To be”的现在时的第三人称单数形式是“is”。 person n (body)SCSimplified Chinese 身体 shēn tǐ TCTraditional Chinese 身體  She doesn't like it when you touch her person.  她不喜欢你碰她的身体。 person, plural: persons, people n (literature, theater: character) (文学作品、戏剧)SCSimplified Chinese 人物,人 rén wù,rén TCTraditional Chinese 人物,人  The play is about five persons on a desert island.  这出戏剧讲述了五个人物在一个荒岛上的故事。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 person n (philosophy: rational being) (哲学)SCSimplified Chinese 有理性的独立个体,理性存在 yǒu lǐ xìng de dú lì gè tǐ,lǐ xìng cún zài  A person differs from an animal or object in his or her ability to reason.  人类作为理性存在,与动物或一般事物的区别就在于人类具有判断力。 person n (law: natural person) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 自然人 zì rán rén TCTraditional Chinese 自然人  All companies and persons are subject to the regulation. person n with defining word (someone who likes [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 像...的人   SCSimplified Chinese 犹如...的人  My colleague is a dog person, but I'm more of a cat person. person n with defining word (someone who is good at [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 擅长...的人   SCSimplified Chinese 精通...的人  You'll have to ask Jane about that; she's our numbers person.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 as the next man, as the next woman, as the next person expr (just as much as anyone else)SCSimplified Chinese 和平常人一样   SCSimplified Chinese 跟别人一样 average person n (person with typical characteristics)SCSimplified Chinese 普通人 pǔ tōng rén   SCSimplified Chinese 正常人 pǔ tōng rén,zhèng cháng rén bad person n (evil individual)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人 huài rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人 businessperson, plural: businesspeople n (commercial executive)SCSimplified Chinese 商人 shāng rén TCTraditional Chinese 商人   SCSimplified Chinese 经营者 shāng rén,jīng yíng zhě TCTraditional Chinese 經營者   SCSimplified Chinese 生意人 shāng rén,shēng yì rén caveperson, cave person, plural: cavepeople, cave people n (prehistoric human)SCSimplified Chinese 洞穴人   SCSimplified Chinese 史前人类 shǐ qián rén lèi TCTraditional Chinese 史前人類 dead person n ([sb] no longer alive)SCSimplified Chinese 死人 sǐ rén  The man was arrested for using the passport of a dead person to try to enter the country. dead person n (corpse)SCSimplified Chinese 死尸 sǐ shī  After the accident, dead people were lying on the road. disabled person n (individual with a disability)SCSimplified Chinese 残疾人 cán jí rén TCTraditional Chinese 殘疾的人   SCSimplified Chinese 残障人士  It is illegal for employers to discriminate against disabled people. displaced person, plural: displaced persons, displaced people n often plural (refugee, [sb] driven from homeland)SCSimplified Chinese 难民 nàn mín TCTraditional Chinese 難民   SCSimplified Chinese 逃离家园的人  There are 60 million displaced people in the world. door person n (doorkeeper, [sb] guarding an entrance)SCSimplified Chinese 门卫 mén wèi   SCSimplified Chinese 看门人 mén wèi,kān mén rén TCTraditional Chinese 看門人 experienced person n ([sb] practised)SCSimplified Chinese 有经验的人 yǒu jīng yàn de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 经验丰富者 yǒu jīng yàn de rén,jīng yàn fēng fù zhě  The company is seeking an experienced person to manage the finance department. famous person n (celebrity)SCSimplified Chinese 名人 míng rén   SCSimplified Chinese 明星 míng rén,míng xīng first person n (grammar: I, we)SCSimplified Chinese 第一人称 TCTraditional Chinese 第一人稱  The pronoun in that sentence is in the first person. first person n as adj (narrative: in the first person) (叙述)SCSimplified Chinese 第一人称 TCTraditional Chinese 第一人稱  The writer uses first person narrative throughout the entire novel. good person n ([sb] kind, honest)SCSimplified Chinese 好人 hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人  Vivie is a good person who is always willing to help other people.  薇薇是个好人,她总是愿意帮助他人。 handicapped person n dated (person who is physically disabled) (过时用语)SCSimplified Chinese 残疾人 cán jí rén TCTraditional Chinese 殘疾的人  It's a home for mentally handicapped people. handicapped person n dated ([sb] with learning difficulties) (过时用语)SCSimplified Chinese 智障人士 zhì zhàng rén shì TCTraditional Chinese 心智障礙人士  He may have had learning difficulties, but he resented being called a "handicapped person.". important person, plural: important people n (prominent individual)SCSimplified Chinese 重要人物 zhòng yào rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 大人物 zhòng yào rén wù,dà rén wù  When I asked why the street was blocked off the officer explained that some "important person" was due to arrive. in person adv (in real life, in the flesh)SCSimplified Chinese 亲自 qīn zì TCTraditional Chinese 親自   SCSimplified Chinese 亲身 qīn zì,qīn shēn TCTraditional Chinese 親身   SCSimplified Chinese 本人 TCTraditional Chinese 本人  He was incredibly excited to see his favorite musician in person.  要去见最喜欢的音乐家本人,他格外激动。 in-person adj (face to face)SCSimplified Chinese 亲自的,亲身的 qīn zì de TCTraditional Chinese 親自的  It was their first in-person meeting after years of getting to know each other on social networking sites. influential person n ([sb] powerful or important)SCSimplified Chinese 大人物 dà rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 伟人 dà rén wù,wěi rén   SCSimplified Chinese 举足轻重的人物 dà rén wù,jǔ zú qīng zhòng de rén wù  Chomsky is an influential person in the field of linguistics. influential person n ([sb] who inspires and motivates)SCSimplified Chinese 有影响力的人 yǒu yǐng xiǎng lì de rén  My maths teacher was a very influential person in my intellectual development. innocent person n ([sb] who is not guilty of an offence)SCSimplified Chinese 无辜者 wú gū zhě TCTraditional Chinese 無辜者   SCSimplified Chinese 无罪的人 wú gū zhě,wú zuì de rén  The jury was able to tell from the evidence that the man on trial was an innocent person. irritable person n ([sb] who is habitually grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 急躁的人 jí zào de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 暴躁的人 jí zào de rén,bào zào de rén  I wish I could talk to my boss about this, but he is such an irritable person that it puts me off. large person n ([sb] fat or ample)SCSimplified Chinese 大块头 dà kuài tóu TCTraditional Chinese 大塊頭   SCSimplified Chinese 大胖子 dà kuài tóu,dà pán zi  He's a large person and has difficulty finding clothes to fit him. lazy person n ([sb] who is idle)SCSimplified Chinese 懒人 lǎn rén  Clive's teachers often described him as a lazy person. little person n (short due to genetic condition)SCSimplified Chinese 小个子 xiǎo gè zi   SCSimplified Chinese 侏儒 xiǎo gè zi,zhū rú little person n figurative (lacking money, power)SCSimplified Chinese 小人物 xiǎo rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 平民 xiǎo rén wù,píng mín TCTraditional Chinese 平民 matchstick man, matchstick figure, matchstick person n UK (figure drawn with straight lines)SCSimplified Chinese 火柴人  I'm no artist; I can barely draw matchstick men! missing person n ([sb] who has disappeared)SCSimplified Chinese 失踪人员 shī zōng rén yuán TCTraditional Chinese 失蹤人員  My husband hasn't been seen for three days and the police have recorded him as a missing person. If you see this missing person, please call the police. morning person n (energetic in the morning)SCSimplified Chinese 喜欢早起的人,早上精力充沛的人  Marie is a morning person; she jogs 2 miles before work every day. nonperson, non-person n (person regarded as having no rights, person whose existence is not acknowledged)SCSimplified Chinese 存在不被认可的人 cún zài bú bèi rèn kě de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 没有社会权利(地位)的人 cún zài bú bèi rèn kě de rén,méi yǒu shè huì quán lì dì wèi de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 被社会遗忘者 cún zài bú bèi rèn kě de rén,bèi shè huì yí wàng zhě not a single person pron (nobody, not anyone)SCSimplified Chinese 没有一个人 méi yǒu yí gè rén   SCSimplified Chinese 一个人也没有 méi yǒu yí gè rén,yí gè rén yě méi yǒu  Not a single person was in favour of the price increases. old person n (senior citizen, elderly individual)SCSimplified Chinese 老年人 lǎo nián rén   SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo nián rén,lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人  She was rather spry for an old person. people person n informal ([sb] who gets on well with others) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 人缘好的人,善于交际的人 rén yuán hǎo de rén,shàn yú jiāo jì de rén  John's a real people person: he can chat to anyone. person in charge n (manager)SCSimplified Chinese 主管人 zhǔ guǎn rén TCTraditional Chinese 主管的人   SCSimplified Chinese 负责人 zhǔ guǎn rén,fù zé rén TCTraditional Chinese 負責人  The store clerk was rude to me, so I complained to the person in charge. person in charge of [sth] n (manager of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 负责…的人  To get access, you'll have to speak with the person in charge of security. person of color (US), person of colour (UK) n mainly US, often plural ([sb] of non-white descent)SCSimplified Chinese 有色人种 TCTraditional Chinese 有色人種 person of interest n (wanted for by police)SCSimplified Chinese 嫌疑人   SCSimplified Chinese 嫌犯 person unknown, person or persons unknown n often plural (law: unstated party)SCSimplified Chinese 某人 mǒu rén TCTraditional Chinese 某人   SCSimplified Chinese 某些人  The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter by person or persons unknown. person-to-person adv (directly between two people)SCSimplified Chinese 直接地, 面对面地  They cleared up the misunderstanding when they spoke person-to-person. person-to-person adj (directly between two people)SCSimplified Chinese 直接的, 面对面的  The disease is transmitted by person-to-person contact. POC n mainly US, initialism (person of color)SCSimplified Chinese 有色人种 TCTraditional Chinese 有色人種   SCSimplified Chinese 有色人 private person n ([sb] who values their privacy)SCSimplified Chinese 注重隐私的人,注重私人空间的人  Fred doesn't share many details of his life with his co-workers; he is a private person. resource person n (facilities manager)SCSimplified Chinese 管理人才  The company is recruiting a resource person to manage their facilities. resource person n (consultant: special knowledge)SCSimplified Chinese 顾问,专业人士 gù wèn,zhuān yè rén shì TCTraditional Chinese 顧問,專業人士  You should consult a resource person for advice because this project requires specialized knowledge. responsible person n ([sb] sensible and trustworthy)SCSimplified Chinese 有责任感的人 yǒu zé rèn gǎn de rén  The company sought to hire a responsible person to guard the offices in the evening. right person n (most suitable individual)SCSimplified Chinese 最合适的人  The hiring process is going slowly because we want to be sure we hire the right person. right-hand person, right-hand man, right-hand woman n (trusted aide or advisor)SCSimplified Chinese 得力助手 dé lì zhù shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 左膀右臂 dé lì zhù shǒu,zuǒ bǎng yòu bei  Mary was my right-hand woman on this assignment. The president's right-hand man ensured that his day would go smoothly. right-handed person n ([sb] whose right hand is dominant)SCSimplified Chinese 惯用右手的人 guàn yòng yòu shǒu de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 右撇子 guàn yòng yòu shǒu de rén,yòu piē zi  Right-handed people outnumber left-handed by around eight to one. sad person n ([sb] who feels unhappy)SCSimplified Chinese 悲伤的人 bēi shāng de rén TCTraditional Chinese 悲傷的人  She's such a sad person because she has nothing in her life to make her happy. sad person n ([sb] to be pitied)SCSimplified Chinese 值得同情的人 zhí dé tóng qíng de rén  George was one of those sad people who never have much luck in life. second person n (grammar: you)SCSimplified Chinese 第二人称  The ending of the verb tells you that it is in the second person. second person n as adj (narrative: in the second person)SCSimplified Chinese 第二人称的  The author uses a second-person narrative in this story. selfish person n ([sb] self-interested)SCSimplified Chinese 自私的人 zì sī de rén  Gilbert is a selfish person who's only interested in getting what he wants out of other people. shy person n ([sb] timid or reserved)SCSimplified Chinese 害羞的人 hài xiū de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 腼腆的人 hài xiū de rén,miǎn tiǎn de rén  She was such a shy person, she could not talk to strangers. sick person n (patient, [sb] who is unwell)SCSimplified Chinese 病人 bìng rén TCTraditional Chinese 病人   SCSimplified Chinese 生病的人 bìng rén,shēng bìng de rén  It is a nurse's job to look after sick people. silly person n ([sb] foolish or childish)SCSimplified Chinese 傻人 shǎ rén   SCSimplified Chinese 笨蛋 shǎ rén,bèn dàn  Some silly person forgot to close the gate, and the dog got out. single person n ([sb] without a partner)SCSimplified Chinese 单身人士 dān shēn rén shì TCTraditional Chinese 單身人士  Sarah created a dating site for single people who are looking for a relationship. spiteful person n ([sb] malicious)SCSimplified Chinese 恶毒的人 è dú de rén TCTraditional Chinese 惡毒的人   SCSimplified Chinese 怀有恶意的人 è dú de rén,huái yǒu è yì de rén  She made up a story about me because she is a spiteful person and was jealous that I won. street person, plural: street people n (homeless individual)SCSimplified Chinese 街头流浪汉  They didn't choose to be street people: they just don't have a home to go to. stunt person n (person performing stunts)SCSimplified Chinese 特技演员 tè jì yǎn yuán TCTraditional Chinese 特技演員 stupid person n pejorative (idiot) (非正式用语,轻蔑语)SCSimplified Chinese 傻子,笨蛋 shǎ zi ,bèn dàn  A stupid person cannot add two and two. third person n (grammar: he, they) (语法)SCSimplified Chinese 第三人称 dì sān rén chēng TCTraditional Chinese 第三人稱  When I say "he spoke", I'm using the verb in the third person. third person n as adj (narrative: in the third person)SCSimplified Chinese 第三人称的   SCSimplified Chinese 以第三人称方式的  Most novels are written in the third-person narrative mode. violent person n ([sb] physically abusive)SCSimplified Chinese 粗暴的人 cū bào de rén TCTraditional Chinese 粗暴的人   SCSimplified Chinese 有暴力倾向的人 cū bào de rén,yǒu bào lì qīng xiàng de rén  I don't see what she sees in him because he's such a violent person. weak-willed person n ([sb] with no willpower)SCSimplified Chinese 意志力不强的人 yì zhì lì bù qiáng de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 意志力薄弱者 yì zhì lì bù qiáng de rén,yì zhì lì bó ruò zhě  He was a weak-willed person who never escaped his father's influence. wealthy person, plural: wealthy people, the wealthy n ([sb] rich)SCSimplified Chinese 有钱人 yǒu qián rén TCTraditional Chinese 有錢人  A lot of wealthy people live in this part of town. young person, plural: young people n often pl (youth, adolescent)SCSimplified Chinese 青少年 qīng shào nián  Most movies today are targeted towards young people.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: person [ˈpəːsn] (pl gen people) n [c] 人 rén [个 gè] in person [appear, collect, sing] 亲(親)自 qīnzì on or about one's person 带(帶)在身上 dài zài shēnshang first/second/third person第一/二/三人称(稱) dìyī/èr/sān rénchēngperson 的复数形式通常为 people 。They were both lovely, friendly people…There were a lot of people at the party. persons 只用于正式场合和法律用语中。Persons who wish to adopt a child may contact their local social services department. 在这些条目还发现'person': 在英文解释里: a - a bit thick - a chip off the old block - a dab hand - a great one for - a live one - a piece of work - a shell - abandon - abandoned - abettor - abjurer - abo - aborigine - abrasive - absence - absentee - absentee voter - absorbed - abuser - Abyssinian - academic - accept - accessibility - accessible - accomplished - accuser - ace - achiever - achy - acquaintance - acquitted - acrobat - active - adaptable - adder - addictive nature - addition - adhesion - administrator - adulator - adult - adulthood - advanced - adventurer - adventurist - adventurous - adviser - affiliate - Afghan 中文: 士 - 者 - 上吊 - 专人 - 两面派 - 二百五 - 井底之蛙 - 亲自 - 亲身 - 人 - 人材 - 人次 - 人称 - 做人 - 全才 - 内涵 - 各奔前程 - 同乡 - 同行 - 品质 - 土著人 - 宠坏 - 常人 - 干材 - 年轻人 - 当事人 - 总管 - 意即 - 抬 - 挚爱 - 接受者 - 某甲 - 每人 - 法人 - 混血儿 - 游民 - 猫头鹰 - 用人 - 疯子 - 瘦子 - 盲人 - 看管 - 瞎子 - 矮子 - 硕士 - 美国人 - 老王 - 老高 - 胖子 - 自然人 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular nouns, Objects with teeth, 更多……同义词: individual, human being, human, somebody, someone, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [kind, friendly, nasty, violent, generous, sensible, responsible] person, a very important person, a [natural, living, artificial, normal] person, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'person' 的论坛讨论:

a cheap person a dirty person (who has sex with many people) Australian (person) average person become the youngest person to receive a bionic arm Before I came to China, I never expected to begin dating a Chinese person Budgeted person Cantonese: You are the most beautiful girl/person in the world crazy (describing a person or an action) Did you hear about (person's name) passing away? Features ( known person) I am charming and intelligent person! last minute (not giving the person much notice) "Nǐ ne" for asking the same question to a second person Old person person of interest Why's 儿 (a standing person) the semantic component of 允? Would anyone know the name of this person's channel? Would either of you like to play with us? We just need one more person. You are the person who hurt me the most 即 (a person kneeling卩 over food 皀) for 'assume' 即 (a person kneeling卩 over food 皀) for 'if' - He is an aggressive person. he does not care about other people’s feeling .(attacking) - English Only forum -s in the third person doubt on number - English Only forum . . . the person or thing to whom, from whom, for whom something is said, done, given, revealed, or happens. - English Only forum .. plus every person more? (Pricing) - English Only forum - English Only forum ....probably suffered more from those mistakes than any person ever did. - English Only forum ...but although he was only 22, he was a person who had a great mission. - English Only forum ...his person became indistinguishable... - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'person'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "person" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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