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expiration是什么意思/翻译_expiration读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 10小时前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 2


expiration是什么意思/翻译_expiration读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 expiration

英 [ˌekspəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌekspəˈreɪʃn]

n.  告终; 期满; 截止


BNC.27079 / COCA.16118

expiration是什么意思/翻译_expiration读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 柯林斯词典 N-UNCOUNT 告终;期满;截止The expiration of a fixed period of time is its ending. …a few hours before the expiration of the midnight deadline.午夜最后期限截止前的几个小时 双语例句 Period may be extended upon expiration ( tough agreement). 通过协议可以延长期限。 Check the expiration date on your passport. 检查一下你护照上的截止日期。 Certificate expiration is managed. 对证书过期进行了管理。 This method works just like the expiration of cached actions and pages. 此方法的工作方式与缓存动作和缓存页面的到期失效是一样的。 The table shows the certificate file name and expiration period for each Encryption Expert component. 该表显示了每个EncryptionExpert组件的证书文件名和有效期。 Parallel-scp and parallel-rsync do not have a default expiration, but you can specify one using-t. parallel-scp和parallel-rsync没有默认的到期时间,但是可以用-t指定到期时间。 Each cache type can have a different expiration period setup. 每种类型的高速缓存都可以配置不同的到期时间。 The Schedule page shows the start and expiration dates for the advertisement and the priority setting. Schedule页面显示广告的起始和到期日期,以及优先级设置。 Start dates and expiration dates of the contract 合同的生效日期和终止日期 When you get a new job, set an expiration date. 当你获得一份新的工作的时候,给它设定一个有效期限。 The shipment must arrive here before the expiration of the license. 这批货物必须在许可证期满前运到。 I think I can do this job and after the expiration of the visa to return to China. 我认为我可以胜任这份工作而且在签证到期后返回中国。 The organization shall maintain a record of the expiration date or quantity authorized. 组织应保存授权的有效期限或数量方面的记录。 And a credit card number and the expiration date? 信用卡的号码和有效期是? There should be or more than one year before expiration date of Residence Permit. 《外国人居留证》或外国人拘留许可有效期应在一年以上,且距离到期日应有一年()上。 Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date? 能告诉我你的信用卡号码和它的到期日吗? Updates the expiration date and time of an item in the session data store. 更新会话数据存储区中的项的到期日期和时间。 Which newsgroups should be affected by this expiration policy? 此过期策略将影响哪些新闻组? Licensor shall not prohibit Licensee from using Know-how and Improvement after the expiration of Contract. 许可方不得禁止被许可方在合同期满后继续使用专有技术和改进技术。 Options that permit exercise at any time on or before the expiration date. 在任何时间或者是在有效日期前被允许执行的期权。 If my love is an item, you are the expiration date. 如果我的爱是一样物品,你就是他的有效期限。 Its effect is to invalidate all existing items immediately ( by default) or after the expiration specified. 它的效果是使已经存在的项目立即失效(缺省),或在指定的时间后。 Also referred to as the subscription expiration period. 这也称为订阅过期时间。 Protect your site and your business by checking the expiration date of your domain name. 保护你的网站和你的业务查核到期你的域名。 We offer unlimited users and longer file expiration periods. 我们可提供无限的用户和较长的文件有效期。 Would you please tell me your credit card number and expiration date? 你能将你的信用卡号和日期告诉我吗? When the expiration time duration is reached, the IP block list entry is disabled. 到了过期时间期间时,ip阻止列表条目将被禁用。 Which will be refunded to you at the expiration of the lease. 租约期满后会退还给你。 You can enable or disable accounts, set account expiration dates, and translate roaming profiles. 您可以启用或禁用帐户、设置帐户过期日期和转换漫游配置文件。 You manage the certificate structure, naming, validation, and expiration. 您管理证书的结构、命名、验证和截至日期。 英英释义


the act of expelling air from the lungs

Synonym:    exhalationbreathing out

euphemistic expressions for death thousands mourned his passing

Synonym:    passinglossdepartureexitgoingrelease

a coming to an end of a contract period the expiry of his driver’s license

Synonym:    terminationexpiry



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