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1、12月8日晚自习英语作业复制矩阵文本题 *姓名:_班级:_考号:_1. What do we know about Henry Ford from Paragraph 1? 单选题 *A. He made good use of ideas from others.(正确答案)B. He produced the first car in the world.C. He knew how to improve auto parts.D. He invented the production line.答案解析:本文是记叙文。讲述了亨利福特充分利用别人的想法,生产出了自己的汽车,形成了自己的生产

2、流水线。通过赛车比赛,使公众关注到自己的汽车,然后建立了自己的汽车公司,为所有的普通顾客生产汽车。1细节理解题。根据短文第一段倒数第二句话What Henry.better.可知:福特所做的就是利用别人的想法,然后更好地利用。故选A。2. Why did Henry Ford take part in the 1901 car race? 单选题 *A. To show off his driving skills.B. To draw public attention.(正确答案)C. To learn about new technology.D. To raise money for h

3、is new company.答案解析:2推理判断题。根据短文第二段内容及 It was. notice. 可知,开始时,每个汽车制造者都开赛车,并且这是引人注意的最好方法。因此亨利福特也制造自己的赛车,进行比赛,目的是引人注意。故选B。3. “That sale” in Paragraph 4 refers to _. 单选题 *A. the selling of Ford cars at reduced pricesB. the sale of Model T to the mass of peopleC. he selling of a car to a Detroit doctor(正

4、确答案)D. the sales target for the Ford Company答案解析:3词意猜测题。由上一句话“In 1903.the company”可知,that sale指代的是医生买车这件事。故选C。4. What was Henry Fords dream according to the text? 单选题 *A. Producing cars for average customers.(正确答案)B. Building racing cars of simple design.C. Designing more car models.D. Starting more

5、 companies.答案解析:4细节理解题。由短文倒数第二段It will be.So did farmers.可知福特造的车价格低,能挣钱的人都能买得起他的车,医生,农民甚至罪犯都买他的车。由此可知他的梦想就是为普通老百姓造车。故选A。5. According to Stephens questions to the author, we know that Stephen _. 单选题 *A. didnt want to attend the authors classB. had never been an A studentC. wasnt very confident about

6、himself(正确答案)D. couldnt pass the authors exam答案解析:本文是记叙文。许多人都认为没有任何希望的一个学生,在作者的帮助下,成功地完成了自己的学业。5推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“With a somewhat.pass(带着有点痛苦的表情,他问我的课是不是很难,他能不能通过)”即可判断出Stephen不自信。故选C。6. According to the passage, the author _. 单选题 *A. wouldnt have met Stephen without the introduction of PhilipB. told S

7、tephen how to deal with his studies(正确答案)C. helped Stephen get an A in his classD. didnt believe that Stephen could study in college答案解析:6推理判断题。根据第三段“I told him.workload.(我告诉他要完成所有的作业,并按时交上来。我告诉他,最成功的学生没有被所有的工作压得喘不过气来,而是把所有的作业都做成了一个主日历,这样他们就可以计划自己的工作量)”可判断出作者向Stephen介绍了如何提高学习成绩的方法。故选B。7. What does t

8、he passage mainly tell us about Stephen? 单选题 *A. He was an average student but hardworking.(正确答案)B. He was an excellent student, but didnt have selfesteem.C. He was a little stupid and didnt do well in school.D. He was far from a top student because of his failure.答案解析:7推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Stephen didnt

9、.sized parts. (斯蒂芬没有成为优等生。尽管如此,他还是通过了大部分的课程,因为他每天都在上课,按时交作业,并把他的学习分解成大小的部分)”可知他是一位学习刻苦的,成绩一般的学生。故选A。8. What lesson can we learn from the passage? 单选题 *A. A good beginning is half done.B. Look before you leap.C. Haste makes waste.D. One bite at a time.(正确答案)答案解析:8主旨大意题。根据文章倒数第二段“Stephen didnt.sized p

10、arts. (斯蒂芬没有成为优等生。尽管如此,他还是通过了大部分的课程,因为他每天都在上课,按时交作业,并把他的学习分解成大小的部分)”可知,Stephen成功的经验,一是学习刻苦,二是分解困难,各个击破。四个选项相比,D项(饭要一口一口吃,路要一步一步走)较为恰当。故选D。9. _ 单选题 *A. Building career choices.B. Volunteering means a lot more.(正确答案)C. Developing a sense of achievement.D. Building relationships with people is very imp

11、ortant.E. She volunteers by performing in concerts for senior citizens.F. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independence.G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.答案解析:本文是一篇说明文,详细介绍了做志愿工作的好处,建议人们多参加各种志愿工作。9根据文章接下来的三部分:Gaining new social experiences

12、、Giving back and helping others、Creating connections with people可知都是做志愿工作的好处和意义。本句应该是一个承上启下的句子,表示志愿工作意义重大,B项符合上下文语境,故选B项。10. _ 单选题 *A. Building career choices.B. Volunteering means a lot more.C. Developing a sense of achievement.D. Building relationships with people is very important.E. She voluntee

13、rs by performing in concerts for senior citizens.F. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independence.G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.(正确答案)答案解析:10根据前一句“Volunteering.environment.”可知志愿工作让学生参与到新的事情中学到在教室里学不到的知识。也就是说志愿工作可以让你体验不同的环境。G项与上下文语境一致,故

14、选G项。11. _ 单选题 *A. Building career choices.B. Volunteering means a lot more.C. Developing a sense of achievement.D. Building relationships with people is very important.E. She volunteers by performing in concerts for senior citizens.(正确答案)F. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independen

15、ce.G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.答案解析:11横线后一句“They.youth.”意为“他们总是告诉我们这是多么好听,他们多么希望在年轻的时候也能够花时间学习音乐。”可知Jill是为社区的老人做音乐方面的志愿工作。E项与上下文语境一致,故选E项。12. _ 单选题 *A. Building career choices.B. Volunteering means a lot more.C. Developing a sense of achievement.D.

16、Building relationships with people is very important.(正确答案)E. She volunteers by performing in concerts for senior citizens.F. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independence.G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.答案解析:12本段的主题是“Creating connection

17、s with people”志愿工作可以帮助我们与他人建立联系。横线后两句告诉我们志愿工作可以帮助我们和他人建立良好关系。本句应该是本段的中心句,强调取得与他人良好关系的重要性。D项符合要求,故选D项。13. _ 单选题 *A. Building career choices.B. Volunteering means a lot more.C. Developing a sense of achievement.(正确答案)D. Building relationships with people is very important.E. She volunteers by performi

18、ng in concerts for senior citizens.F. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independence.G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.答案解析:13根据本段最后两句Volunteer work.spirits.可知志愿工作能够让我们自我感觉良好,提升精神状态并增强自信心,这些都有利于我们获得成就感。C项符合要求,故选C项。14. I was one of the peopl

19、e 14 came from all parts of China to work on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 填空题 *_(答案:who|that)答案解析:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在参与修建青藏铁路时,为了保护当地生态生态,工程队做了许多的努力。14考查定语从句。句意:我是从中国各地来到青藏铁路工作的人员之一。分析可知,“ came from all parts of China to work on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway”在句中为定语从句,先行词为people,在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who/that,故填who/

20、that。15. It is a record of all of our efforts 15 (complete) the most difficult engineering challenges. How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns. 填空题 *_(答案:to complete)答案解析:15考查不定式。句意:它是我们完成最困难工程挑战的全部努力的记录。分析可知,空处及之后的内容为定语,修饰名词efforts,effort to do sth.“做某事的努力”,故填to complete。16

21、. The Qingshuihe Bridge is the worlds longest bridge 16 (build) over permafrost. 填空题 *_(答案:built)答案解析:16考查过去分词。句意:清水河大桥是世界上最长的跨越永久冻土的桥梁。分析可知,“16 (build) over permafrost”在句中为定语,修饰名词bridge,动词build与名词bridge为动宾关系,所以此处用过去分词built,故填built。17. To prevent damage to wetlands and grasslands, 675 bridges with a

22、 total 17 (long) of about 160 kilometres were built between Golmud and Lhasa. 填空题 *_(答案:length)答案解析:17考查名词。句意:为了防止湿地和草原受到破坏,在格尔木和拉萨之间修建了675座桥梁,总长约160公里。形容词修饰名词,空前total为形容词,所以此处用名词length,作with的宾语,故填length。18. We even moved 140,000 square metres of wetland to 18 new area in order to protect its distin

23、ct ecosystem. 填空题 *_(答案:a)答案解析:18考查冠词。句意:为了保护其独特的生态系统,我们甚至将14万平方米的湿地迁移到一个新的地区。area“地区,区域”为可数名词,此处使用了单数,所以空处用不定冠词a,表示把湿地移到了一个新的地区,故填a。19. Located at over 5,000 metres above sea level, Tanggula Station is the 19 (high) railway station in the world. 填空题 *_(答案:highest)答案解析:19考查形容词的最高级。句意:位于海拔5,000多米处,唐古

24、拉车站是世界上(海拔)最高的火车站。结合空后的“in the world”,可知,此处指在世界范围内,同时结合空前的定冠词the,所以此处用最高级highest,故填highest。20. To make sure we railway workers stayed healthy, several oxygen-making stations 20 (construct). We were also able to enjoy regular breaks in lower areas. 填空题 *_(答案:were constructed)答案解析:20考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:为了

25、保证我们铁路工人的健康,建造了几个制氧站。空处在句中为谓语,结合前文的“stayed”可知,空处的时态为一般过去时;另主语several oxygen-making stations和动词construct为动宾关系,所以空处用被动语态,且主语是复数,谓语动词是复数。故填were constructed。21. Using thousands and thousands of sandbags, we built a twenty-kilometre wall along Cuona Lake to protect it 21 construction waste. 填空题 *_(答案:fro

26、m|against)答案解析:21考查介词。句意:我们利用成千上万的沙袋,沿着错那湖建造了一道20公里长的围墙,以保护它不受建筑垃圾的污染。短语:protect .from/against .“保护免遭”,所以空处填介词from/against。22. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 22 (attract) peoples admiration for centuries. 填空题 *_(答案:has been attracting|has attracted)答案解析:22考查时态。 句意:青藏高原几个世纪以来一直吸引着人们的目光。结合时间状语“for centurie

27、s”可知,空处的动作可以表示动作从过去发生一直持续到现在,可能还将继续延续或者表示截止到现在的一个结果,所以空处的时态可以用现在完成进行时或者现在完成时。主语“The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”为单数含义,所以空处填has been attracting/has attracted,故填has been attracting/has attracted。23. Now, thanks to our efforts, passengers from all over the country have been enjoying these magical landscapes. It 23 (true) is an extraordinary “Sky Railway”. 填空题 *_(答案:truly)答案解析:23考查副词。句意:它的确是一条非同寻常的“天空铁路”。空处在句中为状语,所以用副词。故填truly。




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