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2023-11-07 16:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,百分之几用英语怎么表达 2,百分之几用英语怎么说 3,百分之十用英语怎么说?谢谢 4,“百分之几”用英语怎么表达? 5,百分比用英语怎么表示? 6,英语中的百分之多少,该怎么说 1,百分之几用英语怎么表达

百分之几英文翻译为:A few percent 用法: 数字+ per cent 你把per cent连起来写成percent也行。 例如: 百分之5 5% 读作 five percent. 不过50%你可以直接说half,西方人以简洁为先。 例句: 1.如果你是游短距离冲刺自由泳的,那么你一定清楚大多数比赛都是在百分之几秒间分出胜负的。 If you are a sprint freestyler, you know that most races are won by hundredth of a second. 2.用人单位中有百分之几使用这种招聘方法? What is the percentage of the employers who engage in this method of recruiting? 3.他所缴的所得税占他的收入的百分之几? What percentage of his income is paid in income tax? 4.皮埃尔·居里和我立刻着手这一研究,并希望这种新元素的浓度能达到百分之几。 Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent. 5.也许我过于重视那个百分之几而丢了自我。 I may be too much emphasis on that and the percentage of lost myself.



原文:九折 八五折 八折 七五折 七折 六五折 六折 五五折 五折 四五折 四折 九折 :ten percent off 八五折 :fifteen percent off 八折 :twenty percent off 七五折 :twenty-five percent off 七折 :thirty percent off 六五折 :thirty-five percent off 六折 :forty percent off 五五折 :forty-five percent off 五折 :fifty percent off; half discount 四五折 :fifty-five percent off 四折 :sixty percent off 原文:90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 90%:ninty percent 85%:eighty-five percent 80%:eightty percent 75%:seventy-five percent 70%:seventy percent 65%:sixty-five percent 60%:sixty percent 55%:fifty-five percent 50%:fivety percent 45%:forty-five percent 40%:forty percent


百分之十用英语为ten percent。 例句: Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm. 一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。 百分数的表示方法:百分数由“基数词 percent”构成。如: With production up by 60 percent, the company has had another excellent year. 因为产量提高了60%,所以公司那年又取得了很好的效益。 扩展资料: 英语中分数表示方法 1、分数词是以基数词和序数词合成的,基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母。 基数词:one 、two、three、four…… 序数词:first、second、third、fourth、fifth…… 2、分子大于1时,分母需要用复数。 例:3/4 three quarters (3/4相当于3个1/4 ,所以分要用复数) 3、分数中的分母为2时,要用half 表示,不能用second ,因为second是一秒钟的意思。 1/2 a half one half 1/3 one third 1/4 one quarter


百分之几英文翻译为:A few percent 用法: 数字+ per cent 你把per cent连起来写成percent也行。 例如: 百分之5 5% 读作 five percent. 不过50%你可以直接说half,西方人以简洁为先。 例句: 1.如果你是游短距离冲刺自由泳的,那么你一定清楚大多数比赛都是在百分之几秒间分出胜负的。 If you are a sprint freestyler, you know that most races are won by hundredth of a second. 2.用人单位中有百分之几使用这种招聘方法? What is the percentage of the employers who engage in this method of recruiting? 3.他所缴的所得税占他的收入的百分之几? What percentage of his income is paid in income tax? 4.皮埃尔·居里和我立刻着手这一研究,并希望这种新元素的浓度能达到百分之几。 Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent. 5.也许我过于重视那个百分之几而丢了自我。 I may be too much emphasis on that and the percentage of lost myself.


百分比的英文:percentage,百分比的表示:数字+percent。如12%就是:12 percent。 重点词汇: 1、percentage 英 [pəˈsentɪdʒ] 美 [pərˈsentɪdʒ] n.百分比,百分率;比例,部分;[数]百分法。 2、percent 英 [pə'sent] 美 [pɚˈsɛnt] n.百分比,百分数;百分之一。 adj.百分之…的,每一百中有…的;百分之…支付利息的。 adv.以百分之…地,每一百中有…地。 例句: 1、Retail sales grew just 3.8 percent last year. 去年零售额只上升了3.8%。 2、Prices have gone up 61 percent since deregulation. 价格自解除管制以来已经上涨了61%。 扩展资料: 分数的英语表示: 1、分子用基数词;分母用序数词。如: 1/3: one-third 1/2: one-second 2、分子为基数词复数时;分母的序数词为复数形式。如: 2/5: two-fifths 9/10: nine-tenths 3、分数修饰的名词在句子中作主语时,谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与名词保持一致。如: Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen. 氧气只占空气的五分之一。


% percent percent 英 [pə'sent] 美 [pɚˈsɛnt] n.百分比,百分数;百分之一 adj.百分之…的,每一百中有…的;百分之…支付利息的 adv.以百分之…地,每一百中有…地 例如 30% thirty percent 1.Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years. 酒后驾车死亡人数在过去10年中下降了10%以上。 2.The net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years. 在过去的三年中每人的净收入增长了大约16%。 3.There is a Green party but it only scored around about 10 percent in the vote . 虽然有一个绿党,但在选举中该党只得到了大约10%的选票。 4.Retail sales grew just 3.8 percent last year. 去年零售额只上升了3.8%。 5.Prices have gone up 61 percent since deregulation. 价格自解除管制以来已经上涨了61%。




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