overlook是什么意思 overlook的中文翻译、读音、例句

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overlook是什么意思 overlook的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-03-16 18:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. He overlooked the fact that he had a meeting scheduled for that afternoon.(他忽视了那个下午有个会议的事实。)

2. We climbed up to the top of the hill to overlook the beautiful scenery.(我们爬到山顶上俯瞰美丽的风景。)

3. From the balcony of our hotel room, we could overlook the entire city. (从我们酒店房间的阳台上,我们可以远眺整个城市。)




例句:You talk to us, maybe we overlook what you were doing there that night. (你跟我们说说 或许我们可以忽略你 那天晚上做的事情)


例句:So for example, the number 164 really stands out in that code; you can't overlook it. (例如,数字164 在这些代码中非常引人注目; 不可能忽略它。)


例句:"In our sleep-deprived society, it's easy to overlook sleepiness, " he said. (在我们睡眠匮乏的社会里,很容易忽视睡眠。)


例句:But to insist on only these negative stories is to flatten my experience and to overlook the many other stories that formed me. (翻译:但如果我仅仅关注这些悲观的故事, 那么我就简化了我的生命历程, 并且忽视了许多其他 同样塑造了我的故事。)


overlook一般作为名词、动词使用,如在overlook from(从…俯瞰)、overlook the account(un. 遗漏帐目)等常见短语中出现较多。

overlook from从…俯瞰overlook the accountun. 遗漏帐目例句

1. "In our sleep-deprived society, it's easy to overlook sleepiness, " he said. (翻译:在我们睡眠匮乏的社会里,很容易忽视睡眠。)

2. But to insist on only these negative stories is to flatten my experience and to overlook the many other stories that formed me. (翻译:但如果我仅仅关注这些悲观的故事, 那么我就简化了我的生命历程, 并且忽视了许多其他 同样塑造了我的故事。)

3. Many runners overlook the fact that staying well-hydrated is just as important in winter as in summer. (翻译:很多跑步者认为冬天带上水没有夏天戴上水重要。)

4. We met at the Harvey Ridge overlook. (翻译:我们在哈维岭俯瞰点见面 We met at the Harvey Ridge overlook.)

5. Advertisers are not so in thrall to the cult of youth that they are prepared to overlook such a shift. (翻译:广告商不再那么依赖生命力旺盛的年轻人,他们准备对此轮转变保持冷静。)

6. I'd overlook this, but unfortunately you are responsible for certain other criminal activity. (翻译:我本可以睁只眼闭只眼的 但不巧你们还有别的罪行)

7. Ya think you can make me overlook this just 'coz you're a former soldier? (翻译:我说你这个退役 你店里的人还真没教养啊)

8. I could overlook the importance of roots, traditions, rituals, stability -- and belonging. (翻译:我可能忽视那些 根源,传统,仪式,稳定性 -归属感的重要性。)

9. And there are certain illegalities we are prepared to overlook. (翻译:还有 我会对迄今为止的行为 继续睁一只眼闭一只眼)

10. However, if you help us, we are willing to overlook your part in it. (翻译:不过,如果你帮助我们 我们可以不追究你的责任)

11. The reason for that is that we tend to overlook the diversity and the variety of the natural world. (翻译:原因是我们总是不重视 自然世界的多样性 )

12. I mean, when you're in love with somebody you overlook certain things but there would've been a lot to overlook with Dink. (翻译:当你谈恋爱的时候 总会把一些事看得很重 我把他抬得太高了)

13. We'd agreed to overlook each other's families and everything and get married. (翻译:我们都同意忽视对方的家人 和其它一切然后就结婚)

14. In fact, we shall merely overlook it completely when applying Huygen's construction. (翻译:实际上,在应用惠更斯做图法的时候我们将完全不管它。)

15. And so he was right on that fundamental issue, and people were willing to overlook a lot to get there. (翻译:所以他在这个 根本问题上是对的 人们愿意为了安全 而忽视许多东西 )





1. 意思- overlook在动词时有两种基本意思:

a. 忽视某些事物或情况,漏看某些事情。

b. 俯瞰,从高处看到某个区域。

2. 同义词- 忽视,忽略,视而不见,瞥见,俯瞰,眺望等。

3. 反义词- 关注,留意,察觉,注意。


1. They overlooked the fact that the baby had a fever. (他们忽视了婴儿发烧的事实。)

2. You shouldn't overlook the importance of a healthy diet. (你不应该忽视健康饮食的重要性。)

3. From the balcony, you can overlook the entire city. (从阳台上,你可以俯瞰整个城市。)

4. Don't overlook the small details, they are often very important. (不要忽略小细节,它们往往非常重要。)

5. She accidentally overlooked the email and missed her flight. (她不小心忽略了邮件,错过了她的航班。)

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