Into, onto, up to

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Into, onto, up to

2023-09-24 13:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

有些人分不清楚 into 和 in to 的用法差異。Into 有時等於 in to,但有時並不相等,須視其後的受詞而定;onto 的情況亦然,而 up to 則比較容易處理,因為英文並無 upto 這個字。當一個動詞與 in 所構成的片語動詞 (phrasal verb) 後接 to 時,in 和 to 要分開,如 hand in to, step in to, turn in to,因為這個 to 可能是不定詞,也可能是介系詞,但不管是不定詞還是介系詞,in 恆為副詞,而 into 和 onto 一定是介系詞。例如:

John decided to hand the purse in to see if there was a reward. (約翰決定交出那個錢包,看看是否有獎賞) (正) - 就這句的 in to 而言,由於 to 後接動詞 see,所以 to 是不定詞。John decided to hand the purse in to the police. (約翰決定把那個錢包交給警方) (正) - 就這句的 in to 而言,由於 to 後接名詞 the police,所以 to 是介系詞。

有些動詞既可接 in 亦可接 into,意思相似,如 dive in/into, fall in/into, put in/into;由此可知,這裡的 in 是介系詞而非副詞,因此其後往往不能再使用當介系詞用的 to。例如:

Todd dived in the river to save a drowning girl. (陶德跳入河中拯救一個快溺斃的女孩) (正) Todd dived into the river to save a drowning girl. (正) Todd dived in to the river to save a drowning girl. (誤) Todd dived in to test the water. (陶德跳入水中試水溫) (正)Fiona put the fruit in the basket. (費歐娜把水果放入籃子裡) (正) Fiona put the fruit into the basket. (正) Fiona put the fruit in to the basket. (誤)

然而,turn into 有兩個意思,一為「(使) 變成」(transform into),如The government is turning waste land into housing estates. (政府正在使荒地變成住宅區);另一為「進入」,即「走進,走入」(walk into) 或「駛入」(drive into),如 Jason turned into Avenue des Champs-Élysées. (傑森走進了香榭麗舍大道)。這兩個意思有時會發生模稜兩可的情況,以 The car turned into a garage. 為例,相信絕大多數人都會理解為「車子開進車庫」,但如果有人堅持這句的意思是「車子變成了車庫」,誰也不能說它錯了。為了避免 turn into 產生歧義,我們往往把表示「走進;駛入」意思的 turn into 寫成 turn in to,但若句意夠清楚,不改寫亦無妨。例如:

Jason turned into Avenue des Champs-Élysées. (正)The car turned in to a garage. (車子開進了車庫) (正)Jack turned the car in to the cul-de-sac. (傑克把車子開進了死胡同) (正) - 這裡用 turned into 也可以,不會產生歧義,因為車子不可能變成死胡同。The caterpillar turned into a butterfly. (毛毛蟲變成了蝴蝶) (正)

On to 和 onto 亦適用上述的規則,但必須注意的是,onto 意為「到 … 之上;向 … 之上」。例如:

The boy jumped onto the chair. (男孩跳到椅子上) (正)Sam walked onto the balcony slowly and then climbed onto the roof. (山姆慢慢地走到陽台上,然後爬到屋頂上) (正)More and more fans moved onto the concert. (越來越多的粉絲往演唱會的上方移動) (誤)More and more fans moved on to the concert. (越來越多的粉絲往演唱會移動) (正)

Up to 和 upto 比較容易處理,因為英文沒有 upto 這個字;換言之,up to 恆為兩個字。例如:

I can’t afford upto 1,000 dollars. (我付不起多達 1,000 美元的金錢) (誤) - upto 須改為 up to。Children are forced to work up to 16 hours a day, 7 days a week in that country. (那個國家的兒童被迫每週工作 7 天、每天工作長達 16 小時) (正) Into, onto, up to 2014-10-30T11:10:09+08:00 2014-10-30T11:17:22+08:00 admin分享並推薦本文:分享到 LINE(在新視窗中開啟)按一下以分享至 Facebook(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Twitter(在新視窗中開啟)相關




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