when 和 where 引导从句时,在从句中不作成分吗?

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when 和 where 引导从句时,在从句中不作成分吗?

2024-07-16 02:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

when 和 where 引导从句时,在从句中不作成分吗?



有网友对语法书的说法感到迷惑,曾两次提出这个问题。在所提的问题中称:“一般语法书上都说,引导状语从句的从属连词在从句中不充当成分。上次请刘老师分析的两个句子:Stay where you are.  Stay where you live. 从属连词 where 都充当了成分。那么 when,while 引导的状语从句呢?如:When the teacher came in, we were talking.  when 在此句中充当成分吗,充当什么成分?或者为啥就不充当成分了呢?这个书上表述是否有问题呢?”问题见:



when 和 where 引导句子(包括从句),都是在其引导的句中作成分的,分别作时间状语和地点状语。包括用来引导下列句子或从句:特殊疑问句、名词性从句(间接疑问句)、定语从句、状语从句,以及名词性关系分句。有的网友存在这样一个误区:只要从句不缺 “主语和谓语”,就认为不缺成分,这是十分错误的!别忘了,句子中还有其他成分,状语就是其中一个很常见的成分(包括时间状语、地点状语,还有其他很多状语),不要认为这些状语无足轻重,它们给句子增添了丰富的语义蕴含。此外,有的句子如果缺少状语,句子可能就没有意义。例如:  I put the book on the desk. 本句不缺主动宾,但如果没有 on the desk,句意就不完整,甚至无意义,因此 on the desk 是“必具性状语”,不可或缺。我把 where 和 when 引导的各种句子(从句),都分析一遍:

1. 直接疑问句:Where do you live? (where 作地点状语)看答语:I live in Beijing. (where = in Beijing,地点状语)

2. 名词性从句:I know where you live. —— I know you live in Beijing. (where = in Beijing ,地点状语)

3. 定语从句:I know the city where you live. (语法书每每都说,关系副词 where 在定语从句中作地点状语)

4. 状语从句:Stay where you live. (疫情期间,有一段时间号召大家不要外出,“呆在所住的地方不要出来”,就可以说这句话)。整个从句作 stay 的状语,而 where 作 live 的地点状语。比方说,You live in a big house.(地点状语)Please stay where you live. (where 代替了 in a big house,地点状语)

有时候,where 在从句中作地点状语似乎看不清晰,那么,where 作表语总不能忽略吧。看这句话:Stay where you are. where you are 是修饰 stay 的地点状语从句。在地点状语从句中,where 作 are 的表语。我们常说:He is here. You are in the classroom. where 就相当于 here 或 in the classroom 的作用。如果 where 不作成分,那么are 就缺少表语。

同样,when 引导句子(包括从句),也是在其引导的句中作成分的。

1. 直接疑问句:When did you meet Mary? (when 作时间状语)看答语:I met her yesterday. (when = yesterday ,时间状语)

2. 名词性从句:I know when you met Mary. —— I know you met her yesterday. (when = yesterday,时间状语)

3. 定语从句:I know the time when you met Mary. (关系副词 when 在定语从句中作时间状语,语法书都是这样说的)

4. 状语从句:I will hello to Mary when I meet her. —— When on earth will you meet her? ---I will meet her tomorrow. (when=tomorrow,时间状语)

5. 名词性关系分句:

Thanksgiving is when people celebrate the harvest. 感恩节是人们庆祝丰收的时候。

Last October was when we spent our honeymoon. 去年十月就是我们度蜜月的时候。

表语从句可以理解为省略了先行词的定语从句,即:when 是融合性关系副词,身兼先行词和关系词两职,when = the time when... 转了一圈,又回到了定语从句的 when,仍然在从句中作时间状语。

This is where I once lived. 这就是我曾经住过的地方。

Bejing is where we got married. 北京是我们结婚的地方。

表语从句可以理解为省略了先行词的定语从句,即:when 是融合性关系副词,身兼先行词和关系词两职,where = the place where... 转了一圈,又回到了定语从句的 where,仍然在从句中作地点状语。


◆回到网友这个句子:When the teacher came in, we were talking. 其实它和上面的例句I will hello to Mary when I meet her.  两个 when 的语法作用完全一样。我演绎一下:

1. When did the teacher come in?

2. He came in at 8 o’clock.

3. What were you doing when the teacher came in?

4. When the teacher came in, we were talking.

仔细体会以上句子,when 到底做不做成分。

◆在很多例句中,when 和where 由于不是“必具性状语”,所以有的网友就误认为它们不作成分。下面我用“必具性状语”来破解这个问题。


He lives in a big house.

She was born in 1990.

I put the book on the desk.

The book sells very well.

The boy behaved badly.

I am getting along quite well with my classmates.


◆我们选择前两个句子,看看where 和 when 到底做不做作成分。

1. Where does he live?

2. He lives in a big house.

3. During the outbreak of COVID-19, he must stay where he lives


1. When was she born?

2. She was born in 1990.

3. She was blind when she was born.

上述两组句子,每组3个,既然 where 和 when 都是必具性状语,那么它们肯定在从句中作成分。结论是:when 和 where,不仅在其他所有引导的句子或从句中作成分,而且,在状语从句中也作成分。这一点,when 和 where不同于其他从属连词。这两个连词是真正的“时间概念”和“地点概念”。也就是人们为什么用这两个词引导各种句子或从句:除了引导状语从句外,还引导直接疑问句,间接疑问句,名词性从句,定语从句等,其他连词都没有这些功能。关于when 和 where 的词性,可以抛开从属连词,考虑为融合性关系副词。





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