英语新闻词汇:Oh my God!是什么意思?

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英语新闻词汇:Oh my God!是什么意思?

2023-08-25 21:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语新闻词汇:Oh my God!是什么意思? 时间:2021-04-14 15:15:50


我们一直以为只要感到惊讶, 老外就会说Oh, my god(OMG)! 然鹅这句话可不能随乱说! 一不小心就犯了大忌~~   #今日主题# 什么情况下不能说OMG? 用什么代替OMG?   OMG不能乱说,为什么? 爱看美剧的宝宝肯定经常听到OMG 那是因为美国人的宗教观念没有那么强 但OMG真的不能乱说~ 因为 ① 对于虔诚的宗教信徒来说God是灰常神圣的,那是人家的主,你随便呼唤,人家会不高兴的 ② OMG是在特别"震惊"的时候才用你有事没事就来一句,也太大惊小怪了,还以为你是个戏精呢~ Quora上有人是这么回答这个问题的:     Sarah Yue     Saying “Oh my God” is “bad” because depending on who you are talking to, they may take that as an offence because they have certain religious beliefs.   说“Oh my God”是“不好的”因为这取决于你正在与谁交谈,他们可能会将其视为冒犯,因为他们有某些宗教信仰。   Sure, it is a social norm, but I personally think you are better of replacing “God” with “gosh”. It is waaayyy safer, and will not offend the other person or people you are talking to.   当然,这是一种社会常态,但我个人认为最好是用gosh来代替God。这样更安全,而且不会冒犯你正在交谈的其他人。   Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that is a good general rule of thumb. The only people who absolutely do have to stop saying “Oh my God“ are thos who say it all the time.   每个人都有自己的观点,但这是一个很好的经验法则。唯一必须停止说“Oh my God”的人是那些一直在说“Oh my God”的人。   It is worse when they say it multiple times in a row. You can expand your vocabulary you know!“oh my God” what? What are you trying to even say?!   更糟糕的是,他们连续说了很多遍OMG。你可以扩大自己的词汇量!“oh my God”什么?你究竟想表达什么呢?   用什么代替OMG? 想表达"我的天呐"既想保留OMG这种感觉 又不想冒犯别人试试这些表达:   Oh gosh! Goodness gracious me! Oh my! Holy moly For heaven’s sake! Oh Jesus! Blimey! int. 哎呀,天哪(用于表示惊奇、激动或惊恐) For the love of God! Gosh almighty! 万能的上帝;全能真神;全能的神 Shitting Hell! That is bare sick! Heavens to Betsy! Holy crap Oh my goodness! Oh boy! 分享到:




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