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leading up to 作为……的准备或先导,e.g. The events leading up to the outbreak of war.导致战争爆发的事件。

includes without limitation或 includes but is limited to包括但不限于

make sth. known to sb 向某人宣布某事

a reasonable person有理性的人

retain for the records = keep for the record存档、归档

tariffs、customs duties 都有关税的意思,impose、levy、collect都有征收(税)的意思,impositions、levies、duties都有税收、税款、征税的意思,fines、penalties都有罚金、罚款的意思,charges、fees和costs都有“收费”的意思,以上情况是同义词反复,无须一一译出。

For the purpose of this agreement是典型的法律文书用语,其实就是“in this agreement”的意思,与其译作“为本合同之目的”不如译作“在本合同中”,这样更为自然。

general meetings 股东大会,shareholders general meetings


with respect to属于法律英语中正式词,相当于concerning 关于、就……而言。

as of 是美国英语,as from是英国英语,某事开始的时间或者日期

e.g. This contract takes effect as of March 1, 2002.

pursuant to 根据,是正式用语,=in accordance with 

in the event of 如果……发生,万一

control“以……为准”,(可以理解为占主导地位)和prevail相同,e.g. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this agreement and the specific provision set forth in a Statement of Work, the provisions of the agreement shall control, except to the extent the provisions in a Statement of Work expressly provide otherwise.


难句:…no party having relied on any representation or warranty made by any other party which is not contained in this agreement…


without delay 立即,反译法

one and the same固定短语,加强the same 的语气,同一个,完全一样。

reasonably 典型的律师用语,在搭配不同的词时要酌情翻译,e.g. reasonable care、reasonable efforts、reasonable time能直译就直译,不能就使用加强的语气的形容词,或者不译,e.g. as soon as reasonably possible尽快。

a duly authorized representative正式授权代表

supersede 取代

Both version are equally authentic.两种文本具有同等效力。

generality 是个抽象名词,在译文中需要予以具体化,可译成“一般性原则”“一般性规定”。

force majeure 不可抗力

by reason of 更为正式,意思等于because of,因…

delivered personally 在语境中不一定是“亲自”in person的意思,而是专人手递,delivered by hand。

attest 见证、证明、证实

registered mail挂号信

inception 开始、发端,可指契约、遗嘱、票据、抵押、留置等开始生效,又可指案件或者诉讼开始。

cessation 结束、终止、中断、中止

facsimile 传真,等同于fax

the date of dispatch 发送日期

be sent by courier service交由快递送达

in connection with 关于,等同于regarding、concerning、concerned、in respect of、concerned with

in the event that引起的假设从句,省略“如果”采用“...的”的句式,更符合我国法律表达风格。

in the event of与in the event that 同义,但不是接从句

reference shall be made general international commercial practices. 


reference shall be made to是make reference to 的被动式

in no event等于not in any event无论如何都不;决不,但否定语气更强。以in no event 开头的句子必须是倒装句。

In no event shall any person be allowed to disclose the Confidential Information.决不允许任何人披露机密信息。

难句:Any dispute arising from, out of, or in connection with, this agreement shall be settled by the Parties through friendly consultation. 因本协议引起、产生于本协议或与本协议有关的任何争议应当通过友好协商解决。


in conflict with 不一致、冲突

court having jurisdiction = competent court 管辖法院

without regard to 不考虑(除外),翻译成“除外”使句子更顺。

amicably 友好地

in conformity with 与…相一致,遵守、符合

e.g. in conformity with the local laws.遵守当地法律,符合当地法律。

与in compliance with同义。

where appropriate 在适用的情况下

convention 公约, a convention on human rights人权公约

designated in the arbitration award规定在仲裁裁决中的

contractor 承包商

the venture capitalist 风险资本家

underwrite 在保险业意思是:to sign and accept liability under an insurance policy, thus guaranteeing payment in the event of loss or damage签发保单,承保,给…保险,承担赔偿责任。

e.g. Such an insurance shall be underwritten by an insurance company registered in the PRC.应由一家在中国注册的保险公司承保。

take out insurance 购买保险,take out: 取得、获得、领到(驾照、执照、贷款、保单等)if you take out something such as a loan, a licence, or an insurance policy, you obtain it by fulfilling the conditions and paying the money that is necessary. 

insure somebody or something against something. 针对……给某事、某人保险。e.g. He insured his house against fire and theft.他给自己的房屋保了火险和盗窃险。

insurance policy或 insurance policies 保险单

denominate 常见意思是“命名”,在涉及经济方面,则是“以…货币计价”,名词denomination是“货币的面值、单位”,e.g. The US coin of the lowest denomination is the cent. 美国硬币的最小单位为美分。

e.g. The insurance policies will be denominated in Renminbi or foreign currency or both, as appropriate. 


as appropriate 我们知道appropriate是适宜的、合适的,在这里翻译成“具体情况”更好。

insurance coverage 保险总额、保险范围。

a co-insured 共同被保险人

accepted 表示“普遍被接受的、为公众所接受的”

e.g. This is an accepted fact.这是公认的事实。

negligence 过失,omission 不作为。

loss payee 指损失赔偿受偿人,保险受益人。

instrumental [formal]: if someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan or system, they are one of the most important influences in causing it to happen.有帮助作用、有助于

e.g. She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.监狱改革法案得以出台多亏她大力促成。

e.g. His father was instrumental in getting him the job. 他父亲帮助他获得此项工作。

e.g. They are so instrumental to the maintenance of a sound economic order.它们对于维护良好的经济秩序有重要作用。

indemnification 赔偿金、补偿金

v. indemnify 

不同搭配意思不一样,indemnify sb. from/against 用于法律、商业文件,表示secure against harm, damage or loss; promise to compensate sb. for any harm, damage or loss he may suffer(使某人免受伤害、损害或损失;保证赔偿某人可能受到的伤害、损害或损失)

indemnify sb. for 表示compensate or reimburse for harm, damage or loss.为伤害、损害或损失向某人作出赔偿。

territory 不表示“领土”,表示推销区域:area over which a salesman operates.

the offending party 违约方,offending 造成问题的,e.g. The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted. 本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。

indemnify, hold harmless and defend Client 常见句子,译:向客户作出赔偿,使客户免受损害,并为客户进行抗辩。

in sb’s judgment 依某人看,e.g. In my judgement, the plan is feasible.依我看,该计划是可行的。

难句:claims, liabilities, losses, expenses(including reasonable attorneys’ fees), or damages(collectively “liabilities”) asserted against Client by a third party.第三方对客户提起索赔、追究责任、要求赔偿损失和费用(包括合理的律师费)或支付赔偿金(合称“责任”)。

release 免除

discharge 解除

collectively 合称,e.g. the patent is issued as of the date of this agreement(collectively, an “Intellectual Property Right”)

prejudice v. 受…损害

rights against the party B 针对乙方的权利

representations 陈述,动词represent

warranties 保证,动词warrant

customs declarations 报关

clearing procedure 通关手续(通关和清关不同)

severability 可分性

nothing 翻译时需要具体化,使用“内容”“规定”等词,且应采取相反的表达方式。e.g. ...nothing in this agreement is intended to …译:本协议的任何内容……都不……

constitute有“任命”的意思,give sb. formal authority to hold a position.

e.g. We hereby constitute you the spokesman of our company.我们谨此委任你担任我公司发言人。

e.g. He seemed to have constitute himself our representative. 他自封为我们的代表。

in excess of 超过,e.g. Never spend in excess of your income.


be reduced to practice 付诸于实践

under its authority 在其授权下

are and shall remain 有明确的时间概念,译文须用“现在是,以后仍然是”来表达。

other than = except(除了,所说的不包括在内)

书中第228页写到“‘sole and exclusive’是两个同义词组成的强势语,译成中文时用‘独有的’一词表达即可。”让我联想到,sole license 排他许可(许可人和被许可人,两者有权使用),exclusive license独占许可(许可人也被排除,仅被许可人有权使用),non-exclusive license 普通许可(许可人、被许可人、经许可人均可以使用)





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