便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读

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便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读

2023-02-23 15:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“You re cheap”? 你太小气了? 这是什么? 这是因为面试时工资低吗,面试官这么说的? 没那么简单!

便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 说某人“cheap”你什么意思? cheap adj. 英 /t?i?p/ 美 /t?ip/ 其实,“Cheap”除了有“便宜的”超出…的意义,还有“小气的;不足道的”的意思 。所以,“You're cheap”意思是说:你太小气了;你太小气了 。 便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 不愿意花钱: 他太小气了,他不会为我的生日买一张卡片 。 Sometimes your money saving ways puts you in a category of being a cheap person. 有时候你省钱的方式会让你成为一个小气的人 。 A cheap person is someone who always buys items at the lowest possible price. People who are cheap do not care about the quality of an item and try to spend as little money as possible. cheap person总是以尽可能低的价格买东西的人 。cheap有些人不在乎商品的质量,只是想尽量少花钱 。 They often buy items just because they are on sale, and will still use them years after they’re worn out. 他们经常买这些东西,只是因为它们在打折,而且这些东西用坏了几年还会用 。 便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 cheap skate 名词短语,指那些吝啬的人,翻译作“守财奴、小气鬼、吝啬鬼” 便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 还有一种人,他们也省钱,但会合理规划自己的开支 。人们会用这样一个褒义词来赞美他们,那就是 frugal 便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 Someone who is frugal is someone who cares about the price as well as the quality of an item they are purchasing. 节俭的人关注价格,他们也关心他们购买的商品的质量 。 As a frugal person, you enjoy saving money but you also appreciate good quality items and spending your time intentionally. 作为一个节俭的人,你喜欢存钱,但你也欣赏高质量的商品,有意识地花时间 。 便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读 文章插图 cheap和frugal人和人有什么区别? Cheap people believe that everything is too expensive. They hate spending in general, so they’ll always complain about prices. A stingy person won’t like spending $10 on a burger, or even $5. 便宜的人认为一切都太贵了 。一般而言,他们讨厌花钱,所以他们总是抱怨价格 。小气的人不喜欢花10花10美元买一个汉堡包,甚至5美元也是如此 。 However, frugal people understand that things cost money and will be savvy about their spending or look for alternatives. 然而,节俭的人知道买东西要花钱,他们会小心的,或者寻找替代品 。 【便宜英文单词 便宜英文单词怎么读】好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了吗?

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