giba是什么意思 英文名giba[吉巴]的翻译、发音、来源

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giba是什么意思 英文名giba[吉巴]的翻译、发音、来源

2023-05-29 14:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: giba的意思是吉巴,giba是什么意思 英文名giba[吉巴]的翻译、发音、来源,giba常见英文名翻译是吉巴,多见于姓氏,常用作男孩名,最早来源于英语,giba是个好记的名字,这个英文名字表示风华正茂、心口如一。




1. The X-ray showed a prominent giba at the lower end of her spine.


2. The dromedary camel's giba is used for storing fat, which can provide energy during long periods of time without food.





例句:The name "Abegg" is actually A-B-E-G-G, and that's the main theme in the melody. (阿贝格这个名字─实际上是A-B-E-G-G, 这是旋律的主题 )


例句:Other: 100g carrots, 100g peas. (其他:胡萝卜100克,豌豆100克。)


例句:Shared is equivalent to -g on Solaris. (shared等价于Solaris上的- G。)


例句:HG, Steve, Mrs. Frederic-- they'd all be dead. (翻译:H. G. Steve Frederic夫人...)


1. Shared is equivalent to -g on Solaris. (翻译:shared等价于Solaris上的- G。)

2. HG, Steve, Mrs. Frederic-- they'd all be dead. (翻译:H. G. Steve Frederic夫人...)

3. - Well, you would be able to if you'd stop looking away every single time somebody tries to tip you! (翻译:你可以闪. 如果你不在J . g人 给你小督的时译看g .)

4. IBA is a policy concept and mutually related to the function evolution of agriculture in the process of industrialization. (翻译:工业反哺农业是一个政策性概念,政策选择与工业化进程中农业的功能演变密切相关。)

5. High-fat foods: 200g avocado, 30g almonds, 20g hazelnuts, 10g flaxseed, 3g Brazil nuts. (翻译:高脂肪食品:牛油果200克,杏仁30克,榛子20克,亚麻籽10克,巴西坚果3克。)

6. Earned his G.E.D. and tutored other inmates towards theirs. (翻译:获得了G. E. D文凭,而且还辅导其他囚犯去拿文凭 Earned his G.)

7. The concn . and their ratio of ZT and IBA were the important factors of influencing regeneration in vitro and rooting of blueberry leaves. (翻译:ZT和IBA的浓度及二者比例也是影响蓝莓叶片再生和生根速率的重要因素。)

8. There's Chris, there's Dr. G's umbrella, and no Dr. G! (翻译:那是克莉丝 那是G博士的雨伞 没有G博士!)

9. The codecs used for transmitting audio are G.711 and G.723. (翻译:用于传输音频的编码是G . 711和G . 723。)

10. How many people we have out there at the place, G-Man? (翻译:G哥,我们当时有多少人? How many people we have out there at the place, G -Man?)

11. - G-G-Good morning, Dr. Robertson-son. (翻译:早上好 Robertson -son博士)

12. My test model came with 3 GB of memory and a huge 500 GB hard disk. (翻译:我测试的型号配备3G内存和庞大的500G硬盘。)

13. The IBA responded yesterday with a statement saying it was "surprised" at the Minister's reaction. (翻译:爱尔兰业者协会昨天发表声明来回应说,他们对部长的反应感到“惊讶”。)

14. Fokin, I. Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk (翻译:Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk)

15. ♪ Avec mon regime vegetarien ♪ (翻译:§ EC周一政权végétarien §)

1. 词义:giba是指脊背上的驼峰,通常是因为脊柱的生理异常或畸形引起的。

2. 词性:giba是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组有"giba deformity"(驼峰畸形)、"humpback giba"(驼背的驼峰)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:[ˈɡibə]


1. He suffered from a giba deformity and struggled with back pain.(他患有驼峰畸形,经常背痛。)

2. A humpback giba can be caused by a variety of factors such as kyphosis or scoliosis.(驼背的驼峰可能是由于各种因素引起的,如脊柱后弯或侧弯。)

3. The doctor examined her giba and recommended physical therapy to alleviate the pain.(医生检查了她的驼峰,并建议进行物理治疗来缓解疼痛。)

4. He wore a special brace to correct his giba, which helped improve his posture.(他戴着特殊的支架来矫正他的驼峰,这有助于改善他的姿势。)

5. The giba on his back made it difficult for him to sit or stand for long periods of time.(他背上的驼峰使他难以长时间坐或站。)

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