Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course

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Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course

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Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course

This is a quick introduction to the Elixir syntax for Erlang developers and vice-versa. It is the absolute minimum amount of knowledge you need in order to understand Elixir/Erlang code, support interoperability, read the docs, sample code, etc.

Running code Erlang

The fastest way to run some code is to launch the Erlang shell – erl. Many code snippets on this page can be pasted directly into the shell. However, when you want to define a named function, Erlang expects it to be inside of a module, and modules have to be compiled. Here’s a skeleton for a module:

% module_name.erl -module(module_name). % you may use some other name -compile(export_all). hello() -> io:format("~s~n", ["Hello world!"]).

Add your functions to it, save it to disk, run erl from the same directory and execute the compile command:

Eshell V13.0.4 (abort with ^G) 1> c(module_name). ok 1> module_name:hello(). Hello world! ok

You may keep the shell running while you’re editing the file. Just don’t forget to execute c(module_name) to load the latest changes. Note that the filename has to be the same as the one declared in the -module() directive, plus an extension .erl.


Elixir too has an interactive shell called iex. Compiling Elixir code can be done with elixirc (which is similar to Erlang’s erlc). Elixir also provides an executable named elixir to run Elixir code. The module defined above can be written in Elixir as:

# module_name.ex defmodule ModuleName do def hello do IO.puts("Hello world!") end end

And compiled from iex:

Interactive Elixir (1.14.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex> c("module_name.ex") [ModuleName] iex> ModuleName.hello() Hello world! :ok

However, notice that in Elixir you don’t need to create a file only to create a new module; Elixir modules can be defined directly in the shell:

iex> defmodule MyModule do ...> def hello do ...> IO.puts("Another Hello") ...> end ...> end {:module, MyModule, , {:hello, 0}} iex> MyModule.hello() Another Hello :ok Notable differences

This section goes over some of the syntactic differences between the two languages.

Operator names

Some operators are spelled differently, others are not available.

Erlang Elixir Meaning and NOT AVAILABLE Strictly boolean ‘and’, evaluates both arguments andalso and Strictly boolean “and”, short-circuits or NOT AVAILABLE Strictly boolean ‘or’, evaluates both arguments orelse or Strictly boolean “or”, short-circuits xor NOT AVAILABLE Strictly boolean ‘xor’ =:= === Strictly equals to =/= !== Strictly not equals to /= != Not equals to = X = X + 1. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 11 3> X1 = X + 1. 11 4> f(X). ok 5> X = X1 * X1. 121 6> f(). ok 7> X. * 1: variable 'X' is unbound 8> X1. * 1: variable 'X1' is unbound


iex> a = 1 1 iex> a = 2 2 iex> ^a = 3 ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 3 Calling functions

Invoking a function from a module uses different syntax. In Erlang, you would write

lists:last([1, 2]).

to invoke the last function from the lists module. In Elixir, use the dot . in place of the colon :

List.last([1, 2])

Note. Since Erlang modules are represented by atoms, you may invoke Erlang functions in Elixir as follows:

:lists.sort([3, 2, 1])

All of the Erlang built-ins reside in the :erlang module.

Data types

Erlang and Elixir have the same data types for the most part, but there are a number of differences.


In Erlang, an atom is any identifier that starts with a lowercase letter, e.g. ok, tuple, donut. Identifiers that start with a capital letter are always treated as variable names. Elixir, on the other hand, uses the former for naming variables, and the latter are treated as atom aliases. Atoms in Elixir always start with a colon :.


im_an_atom. me_too. Im_a_var. X = 10.


:im_an_atom :me_too im_a_var x = 10 Module # this is called an atom alias; it expands to :'Elixir.Module'

It is also possible to create atoms that start with a character other than a lowercase letter. The syntax is different between the two languages:


is_atom(ok). %=> true is_atom('0_ok'). %=> true is_atom('Multiple words'). %=> true is_atom(''). %=> true


is_atom(:ok) #=> true is_atom(:'ok') #=> true is_atom(Ok) #=> true is_atom(:"Multiple words") #=> true is_atom(:"") #=> true Tuples

The syntax for tuples is the same in both languages, but the APIs are different. Elixir attempts to normalize Erlang libraries in a way that:

The subject of the function is always the first argument. All data structures functions employ zero-based access.

That said, Elixir does not import the default element and setelement functions, but instead provides elem and put_elem:


element(1, {a, b, c}). %=> a setelement(1, {a, b, c}, d). %=> {d, b, c}


elem({:a, :b, :c}, 0) #=> :a put_elem({:a, :b, :c}, 0, :d) #=> {:d, :b, :c} Lists and binaries

Elixir has a shortcut syntax for binaries:


is_list('Hello'). %=> false is_list("Hello"). %=> true is_binary(). %=> true


is_list('Hello') #=> true is_binary("Hello") #=> true is_binary() #=> true === "Hello" #=> true

In Elixir, the word string means a UTF-8 binary and there is a String module that works on such data. Elixir also expects your source files to be UTF-8 encoded. On the other hand, string in Erlang refers to char lists and there is a :string module that works mostly with both char lists and UTF-8 encoded binaries.

Elixir also supports multiline strings (also called heredocs):

is_binary(""" This is a binary spanning several lines. """) #=> true Keyword list

Elixir offers a literal syntax for creating a list of two-item tuples where the first item in the tuple is an atom and calls them keyword lists:


Proplist = [{another_key, 20}, {key, 10}]. proplists:get_value(another_key, Proplist). %=> 20


kw = [another_key: 20, key: 10] kw[:another_key] #=> 20 Maps

Maps are key-value pairs with no ordering. Keys and values can be any term. Creating, updating and matching maps in both languages is shown below:


Map = #{key => 0}. Updated = Map#{key := 1}. #{key := Value} = Updated. Value =:= 1. %=> true


map = %{:key => 0} map = %{map | :key => 1} %{:key => value} = map value === 1 #=> true

If the keys are all atoms, Elixir allows developers to use key: 0 for defining the map as well as using .key for accessing fields:

map = %{key: 0} map = %{map | key: 1} map.key === 1 Regular expressions

Elixir supports a literal syntax for regular expressions. Such syntax allows regexes to be compiled at compilation time instead of runtime and does not require you to double escape special regex characters:


{ ok, Pattern } = re:compile("abc\\s"). re:run("abc ", Pattern). %=> { match, ["abc "] }

Elixir\s/, "abc ") #=> ["abc "] Modules

Each Erlang module lives in its own file which has the following structure:

-module(hello_module). -export([some_fun/0, some_fun/1]). % A "Hello world" function some_fun() -> io:format('~s~n', ['Hello world!']). % This one works only with lists some_fun(List) when is_list(List) -> io:format('~s~n', List). % Non-exported functions are private priv() -> secret_info.

Here we create a module named hello_module. In it we define three functions, the first two are made available for other modules to call via the export directive at the top. It contains a list of functions, each of which is written in the format /. Arity stands for the number of arguments.

An Elixir equivalent to the Erlang above:

defmodule HelloModule do # A "Hello world" function def some_fun do IO.puts("Hello world!") end # This one works only with lists def some_fun(list) when is_list(list) do IO.inspect(list) end # A private function defp priv do :secret_info end end

In Elixir, it is also possible to have multiple modules in one file, as well as nested modules:

defmodule HelloModule do defmodule Utils do def util do IO.puts("Utilize") end defp priv do :cant_touch_this end end def dummy do :ok end end defmodule ByeModule do end HelloModule.dummy() #=> :ok HelloModule.Utils.util() # "Utilize" #=> :ok HelloModule.Utils.priv() #=> ** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: HelloModule.Utils.priv/0 Function syntax

This chapter from the Erlang book provides a detailed description of pattern matching and function syntax in Erlang. Here, we briefly cover the main points and provide sample code both in Erlang and Elixir.

Pattern matching

Pattern matching in Elixir is based on Erlang’s implementation and in general is very similar:


loop_through([Head | Tail]) -> io:format('~p~n', [Head]), loop_through(Tail); loop_through([]) -> ok.


def loop_through([head | tail]) do IO.inspect(head) loop_through(tail) end def loop_through([]) do :ok end

When defining a function with the same name multiple times, each such definition is called a clause. In Erlang, clauses always go side by side and are separated by a semicolon ;. The last clause is terminated by a dot ..

Elixir doesn’t require punctuation to separate clauses, but they must be grouped together.

Identifying functions

In both Erlang and Elixir, a function is not identified only by its name, but by its name and arity. In both examples below, we are defining four different functions (all named sum, but with different arity):


sum() -> 0. sum(A) -> A. sum(A, B) -> A + B. sum(A, B, C) -> A + B + C.


def sum, do: 0 def sum(a), do: a def sum(a, b), do: a + b def sum(a, b, c), do: a + b + c

Guard expressions provide a concise way to define functions that accept a limited set of values based on some condition.


sum(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B) -> A + B; sum(A, B) when is_list(A), is_list(B) -> A ++ B; sum(A, B) when is_binary(A), is_binary(B) -> . sum(1, 2). %=> 3 sum([1], [2]). %=> [1, 2] sum(, ). %=>


def sum(a, b) when is_integer(a) and is_integer(b) do a + b end def sum(a, b) when is_list(a) and is_list(b) do a ++ b end def sum(a, b) when is_binary(a) and is_binary(b) do a b end sum(1, 2) #=> 3 sum([1], [2]) #=> [1, 2] sum("a", "b") #=> "ab" Default values

In addition, Elixir allows for default values for arguments, whereas Erlang does not.

def mul_by(x, n \\ 2) do x * n end mul_by(4, 3) #=> 12 mul_by(4) #=> 8 Anonymous functions

Anonymous functions are defined in the following way:


Sum = fun(A, B) -> A + B end. Sum(4, 3). %=> 7 Square = fun(X) -> X * X end. lists:map(Square, [1, 2, 3, 4]). %=> [1, 4, 9, 16]


sum = fn a, b -> a + b end sum.(4, 3) #=> 7 square = fn x -> x * x end[1, 2, 3, 4], square) #=> [1, 4, 9, 16]

It is possible to use pattern matching when defining anonymous functions, too.


F = fun(Tuple = {a, b}) -> io:format("All your ~p are belong to us~n", [Tuple]); ([]) -> "Empty" end. F([]). %=> "Empty" F({a, b}). %=> "All your {a, b} are belong to us"


f = fn {:a, :b} = tuple -> "All your #{inspect(tuple)} are belong to us" [] -> "Empty" end f.([]) #=> "Empty" f.({:a, :b}) #=> "All your {:a, :b} are belong to us" First-class functions

Anonymous functions are first-class values, so they can be passed as arguments to other functions and also can serve as a return value. There is a special syntax to allow named functions be treated in the same manner.


% math.erl -module(math). -export([square/1]). square(X) -> X * X. Eshell V5.9 (abort with ^G) 1> c(math). {ok,math} 2> lists:map(fun math:square/1, [1, 2, 3]). [1,4,9]


defmodule Math do def square(x) do x * x end end[1, 2, 3], &Math.square/1) #=> [1, 4, 9] Partials and function captures in Elixir

Elixir supports partial application of functions which can be used to define anonymous functions in a concise way:[1, 2, 3, 4], &(&1 * 2)) #=> [2, 4, 6, 8] List.foldl([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, &(&1 + &2)) #=> 10

We use the same & operator to capture a function, allowing us to pass named functions as arguments.

defmodule Math do def square(x) do x * x end end[1, 2, 3], &Math.square/1) #=> [1, 4, 9]

The above would be equivalent to Erlang’s fun math:square/1.

Control flow

The constructs if and case are actually expressions in both Erlang and Elixir, but may be used for control flow as in imperative languages.


The case construct provides control flow based purely on pattern matching.


case {X, Y} of {a, b} -> ok; {b, c} -> good; Else -> Else end


case {x, y} do {:a, :b} -> :ok {:b, :c} -> :good other -> other end If


Test_fun = fun (X) -> if X > 10 -> greater_than_ten; X 0 -> less_than_ten_positive; X zero_or_negative; true -> exactly_ten end end. Test_fun(11). %=> greater_than_ten Test_fun(-2). %=> zero_or_negative Test_fun(10). %=> exactly_ten


test_fun = fn x -> cond do x > 10 -> :greater_than_ten x 0 -> :less_than_ten_positive x :zero_or_negative true -> :exactly_ten end end test_fun.(44) #=> :greater_than_ten test_fun.(0) #=> :zero_or_negative test_fun.(10) #=> :exactly_ten

There are two important differences between Elixir’s cond and Erlang’s if:

1) cond allows any expression on the left side while Erlang allows only guard clauses;

2) cond uses Elixir’s concepts of truthy and falsy values (everything is truthy except nil and false), Erlang’s if expects strictly a boolean;

Elixir also provides an if function that resembles more imperative languages and is useful when you need to check if one clause is true or false:

if x > 10 do :greater_than_ten else :not_greater_than_ten end Sending and receiving messages

The syntax for sending and receiving differs only slightly between Erlang and Elixir.


Pid = self(). Pid ! {hello}. receive {hello} -> ok; Other -> Other after 10 -> timeout end.


pid = Kernel.self() send(pid, {:hello}) receive do {:hello} -> :ok other -> other after 10 -> :timeout end Adding Elixir to existing Erlang programs

Elixir compiles into BEAM byte code (via Erlang Abstract Format). This means that Elixir code can be called from Erlang and vice versa, without the need to write any bindings. All Elixir modules start with the Elixir. prefix followed by the regular Elixir name. For example, here is how to use the UTF-8 aware String downcase from Elixir in Erlang:

-module(bstring). -export([downcase/1]). downcase(Bin) -> 'Elixir.String':downcase(Bin). Further reading

Both programming languages have plenty of resources available to dig deeper. Check out their respective websites (Elixir and Erlang) for more information.




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