littering是什么意思 littering的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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littering是什么意思 littering的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-07-15 23:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  littering是什么意思 littering的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




  - littering fines:指的是因为乱扔垃圾而被罚款。

  - littering prevention:预防乱扔垃圾。

  - littering problem:乱扔垃圾的问题。

  - littering habits:乱扔垃圾的习惯。

  - littering laws:有关乱扔垃圾的法律。


  - stop littering:停止乱扔垃圾。

  - no littering:禁止乱扔垃圾。

  - picking up litter:捡起乱扔的垃圾。

  - littering is prohibited:乱扔垃圾是被禁止的。

  - littering is not tolerated:不容许乱扔垃圾。

  发音拼写:littering的发音为 [?l?t?r??]。


  1. Littering is a serious environmental problem in our city. 乱扔垃圾是我们城市一个严重的环境问题。

  2. Please throw your garbage in the trash can and avoid littering. 请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里,避免乱扔垃圾。

  3. The park has posted signs prohibiting littering. 公园贴出了禁止乱扔垃圾的标志。

  4. Littering fines have increased in an effort to reduce pollution. 为了减少污染,乱扔垃圾罚款的金额已经提高了。

  5. If we all work together, we can put an end to littering in our community. 如果我们大家一起努力,我们可以结束社区内的乱扔垃圾。



  1. Littering is a bad habit that can harm the environment.(乱扔垃圾是一种会损害环境的坏习惯。)

  2. Don’t throw garbage on the street. It’s littering.(不要在街上乱扔垃圾,那是乱丢垃圾。)

  3. The government has implemented anti-littering campaigns to encourage people to dispose of their trash properly.(已经实施了反乱丢垃圾的运动,鼓励人们正确地处理垃圾。)



  例句:With help from Mr. Gatto, the girl met with the police chief to discuss environmental issues like littering. (在Gatto先生的帮助下,女生与警长见面,探讨诸如乱扔垃圾等环境问题。)


  例句:- Citations for parking in a red zone more than 18 inches from the curb, blocking a fire hydrant expired registration, no front plate, littering, attempt to extort an officer and willfully destroying a court summons. (-罪证 泊车在红域 离路边距离超过18英寸挡住消防栓 驾照过期 无保险杠)


  例句:If you see someone littering, we will promptly stop him, and told him to do so is wrong. (假若瞅到有人乱扔垃圾,我们要及时阻止他,并且给我说他这样做是错的。)


  例句:Nowadays there are still many behaviors against public morality, such as spiting or littering in public places, cutting in line, wasting water or electricity and so on. (翻译:现在仍然有许多违背公共道德的行为,如在公共场所随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾、插队、浪费水、电等。)

  littering一般作为名词、动词使用,如在no littering(请勿乱扔废弃物)等常见短语中出现较多。

  no littering请勿乱扔废弃物1. If you see someone littering, we will promptly stop him, and told him to do so is wrong. (翻译:假若瞅到有人乱扔垃圾,我们要及时阻止他,并且给我说他这样做是错的。)

  2. Nowadays there are still many behaviors against public morality, such as spiting or littering in public places, cutting in line, wasting water or electricity and so on. (翻译:现在仍然有许多违背公共道德的行为,如在公共场所随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾、插队、浪费水、电等。)

  3. Maybe by littering the battlefield with peels so the Wehrmacht would slip hilariously on them. (翻译:也许在战场上铺满香蕉皮,国防军就会滑的滚瓜尿流。)

  4. No, I know what you mean, cos littering is the most moronic crime. (翻译:我知道你的意思,因为随便扔垃圾是最多的道德犯罪 No, I know what you mean, cos littering is the most moronic crime.)

  5. But western jets bombed the regime forces’ armour, with at least 22 wrecked tanks littering main junctions in and around Ajdabiya. (翻译:但西方战斗机轰炸了军的装甲,在艾季达比亚镇内外主要路口处散落着至少22辆坦克的残骸。)

  6. A law enforcement source said the scene inside was awful with rifle casings littering the scene. The casings from a 223 caliber rifle. (翻译:一执法人员称现场非常恐怖,到处都是凌乱的外壳,这些外壳来自于223口径的。)

  7. I mean, unless you’re worried about being extradited for littering. (翻译:我的意思是,除非你担心 乱抛垃圾会被引渡。)

  8. Prohibit littering the spare paint impregnant. (翻译:禁止乱倒剩余漆料溶剂。)

  9. Maybe by littering the battlefield with peels so the Wehrmacht would slip hilariously on them. (翻译:也许在战场上铺满香蕉皮,国防军就会滑的滚瓜尿流。)

  10. Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering? (翻译:欧比,你觉得我会因为乱丢垃圾而准备上吊吗?)

  11. Citywide campaigns are trying to curb public spitting, discourage public cursing and littering and also promote lining up. (翻译:城市范围内的运动正在展开,试图遏制在公共场所吐痰,劝阻市民说脏话和乱丢垃圾并鼓励排队。)

  12. They warn people, for example, against chewing gum, littering, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, spitting, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it. (翻译:提醒人们不能吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。)

  13. McDonald’s, Greggs, KFC and Subway need to do more to exclude littering by their customers. (翻译:麦当劳、格雷格斯、肯德基和赛百味需要采取更多措施,杜绝顾客乱扔垃圾。)

  14. People stopped littering; crime rates dropped — because the streets were alive with people. (翻译:人们不再乱扔垃圾。犯罪率下降了。街道因为大家而生机勃勃)

  15. Littering, smoking and other unacceptable behavior may be things that you can be made to feel guilty about. (翻译:在乱丢垃圾,烟头和其他一些不被别人所接受的事情的时候,人们都会因此而感到内疚。)


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