【中考英语考点】too,either,also,as well 表示“也”的区别(附练习)

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【中考英语考点】too,either,also,as well 表示“也”的区别(附练习)

2024-07-15 18:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在英语学习中 too,either,also 和一个词组 as well,它们都可以用来表示 “也” 的意思。但其用法不同:

1. too:具有肯定意义,当相邻的两个肯定句所叙述的事实相同时,后句末尾常用too表示“(后者)也……”。

too, 在句子中的位置,主要有两种情况。

(1) 放在句子末尾,可以用逗号隔开,也可以不用逗号隔开。如:

Tom is a teacher.His wife is a teacher, too. (用逗号隔开)

Tom is a teacher.His wife is a teacher too. (不用逗号隔开)

Tom 是一名老师。他的妻子也是一名老师。

I can speak French,too.


(2) 插入句子中。作为正式用语,too也会插入句子中间,但必须紧跟主语之后。作为插入语,通常用逗号隔开,但不能用在助动词或情态动词之后。如:

I, too, have been to Canada.(必须紧跟主语)



A: I am going home.


B: Me too.(= So am I. / I am as well. I am also going home.)


A: I like this song.


B: Me too. / I like it too. (= So do I. / I do as well. I also like it.)


通常不说:I too.(较正式) 或 me also.(无此用法) 或 me as well. (无此用法)

2. either:只用于否定句中,常用either表示“(后者)也(不)……”。只放在句子末尾,可以加逗号,也可以不加逗号。如:

Danny doesn't speak French.

Danny 不说法语。

Jenny doesn't speak French either.

Jenny 也不说法语。

I don't love fish. I don't love pizza either.


I didn't like the movie, either.


3. also:含较庄重色彩,通常用于主要动词之前,但若主要动词是 be,则置于其后。如:

(1) 放在be动词之后。如:

 I am also Canadian.


(2) 放在实义(行为)动词之前。如:

 I also sing.


(3) 放在助动词、情态动词之后。如:

I can also speak French.


(4) 放在句首,用逗号隔开,表示强调。如:

It is a small house. Also, it needs a lot of repairs.


4. as well:用于肯定句中,表示“也”的意思。用法与too基本相同,放在句子末尾。常用与口语。如:

Tom is a teacher. He teaches Chinese, and he teaches math too.

Tom teachesChinese, and he teaches math as well.

Tom teaches Chinese and he also teaches math.

Tom 是一名老师。他教语文,他也教数学。


用 also, too, either填空:

1. I don’t like cold climates. I don't think you like it _________ .

2. My friends aregoing to college next year. I am going to college next year _______ .

3. My wife is a diligent engineer. I am a diligent engineer _______ .

4. I love swimming. My son loves it __________ .

5. Today the weather isn't so good. It wasn't really good yesterday _________ .

6. I eat a lot more than an average person. My brother eats a lot _______ .

7. A bear can run very fast. A tiger runs very fast _________ .

8. I am not from Italy. My friend isn't from Italy __________ .

9. Paris is a big city. Madrid is a big city _________.

10. French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn _______


1. After learning the lesson above, you shouldn’t make such a mistake and he shouldn't _______ .

A. too            B. as well           C. either       D. also

2. My friend Christian’s a very good cook; and he’s a very good athlete __________.

A. too            B. as well           C. either       D. also

3. He didn’t thank me for the sumptuous meal, and you didn't ________ .

    A. too            B. as well           C. either       D. also

4. Sheila won’t tell you anything about her diet, and I won't ________ .

    A. too            B. as well           C. either       D. also

5. On holiday, fish was cheap, and potatoes were inexpensive ________ . The rest was unaffordable!

A. too            B. also              C. either       D. and too

6. In a small restaurant, the forks weren’t clean, and the knives weren't _______ .

    A. too            B. as well           C. either      D. also

7. My friend spoke English and he spoke German as _________ .

    A. and too         B. as well           C. either      D. also

8. Their youngest daughter is a vegan _________ .

    A. and too         B. as well           C. either      D. also

9. The fruit crops are ________ good this year, I saw so many orchards.

    A. also too         B. as well           C. either      D. also

10. Not only children, but grown-ups ________ like climbing mountains.

    A. also too         B. as well           C. either      D. too

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