domus是什么意思 domus的中文翻译、读音、例句

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domus是什么意思 domus的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-07-11 02:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

domus是什么意思 domus的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:橘子时光 • 2023-06-30 13:49:18 • 阅读 35


1. 词义:domus是拉丁语单词,意为“家庭”或“住宅”。

2. 词性:domus是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:domus有一些常见的词组搭配,如domus aurea(黄金之家,表示豪华富丽)、domus cookies(一种美国的饼干品牌)、domus dei(上帝的住所,表示神圣)等。

4. 短语:没有与domus相关的特定短语。

5. 发音拼写:domus的发音为/doʊ.mʊs/,拼写为d-o-m-u-s。


1. Multiculturalism is reflected in the architectural styles of domus across Toronto.(众多多元文化在多伦多的建筑风格中得到体现。)

2. Every Roman citizen had the right to own a domus, which was a symbol of wealth and status.(每个罗马公民都有拥有一座domus的权利,这是财富和地位的象征。)

3. The domus of the wealthy merchant was adorned with intricate mosaics and frescoes.(富有的商人的住宅被装饰着错综复杂的马赛克和壁画。)

4. The excavation of the ancient domus revealed incredible insights into the daily life of the Roman elite.(对古代domus的发掘揭示了罗马精英日常生活的令人难以置信的见解。)

5. The domus was converted into a museum to showcase the art and history of the region.(该domus被改建成博物馆,展示该地区的艺术和历史。)


读音:dōng mǔ sī


1. Domus magazine is a leading architectural and design publication.


2. The Roman domus was a type of affluent house in ancient Rome.





例句:All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state. (这些无不反映出,“奥古斯都家族”的出现给家国关系所带来的深远变化和影响。)


例句:And I've heard tell of manmade structures becoming possessed by a human soul so that the spirit becomes merged with wood and brick, creating a rear form of monster known as Domus Mctippilies. (我听过一个传说 有个房子被人类的灵魂附体 然后灵魂控制了房子 与房子合而为一 最后变成了怪物)


例句:and "The Pillared House" (~domus ad piloria~), because of a series of large pillars which sustained the three stories. (又由于支撑它那三层楼的一排大柱子,它又叫柱子房。)


例句:All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state. (翻译:这些无不反映出,“奥古斯都家族”的出现给家国关系所带来的深远变化和影响。)


domus一般作为名词使用,如在domus procerum([法] 贵族院, 上院, 上议院)、Domus de Maria([地名] 多穆斯-德玛丽亚 ( 意 ))、stet fortuna domus!([网络] 校训)等常见短语中出现较多。

domus procerum[法] 贵族院, 上院, 上议院Domus de Maria[地名] 多穆斯-德玛丽亚 ( 意 )stet fortuna domus![网络] 校训例句

1. and "The Pillared House" (~domus ad piloria~), because of a series of large pillars which sustained the three stories. (翻译:又由于支撑它那三层楼的一排大柱子,它又叫柱子房。)

2. All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state. (翻译:这些无不反映出,“奥古斯都家族”的出现给家国关系所带来的深远变化和影响。)

3. domus: How does the studio stick to the original concepts, the integration and the reaction to the site? (翻译:“标准营造”如何在设计中坚持原始概念、整合资源,在营造现场进行应对?)

4. 'We have drawn our conclusions by studying other Roman monuments in the city including the Domus Aurea or as it is also known the Emperor Nero's Golden Palace which also had a similar domed roof. (翻译:米兰理工学校的教授马格里说:“我们对万神庙还知之甚少,它的用途还还未明确,但是我们坚信这座建筑与太阳有极大关系。我们研究了罗马其他的遗迹,金宫也有类似的穹顶。)




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