
您所在的位置:网站首页 mysql编辑工具 MySQL的binlog2sql工具的使用


2023-04-17 04:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、下载binlog2sql及安装 git clone [root@db01 binlog2sql]# pwd /root/binlog2sql [root@db01 binlog2sql]# ls binlog2sql example LICENSE requirements.txt tests 安装python3环境: yum install python3 修改requirements.txt: [root@db01 binlog2sql]# cat requirements.txt PyMySQL==0.7.11 wheel==0.29.0 mysql-replication==0.13 安装依赖: 把PyMySQL==0.7.11修改为:PyMySQL==0.9.3 pip3 install -r requirements.txt pip3 show pymysql 可选: 连接mysql8.0后,升级pymysql至最新版本,上一步修改了就不用执行了 升级最新版本: pip3 install --upgrade PyMySQL 2、准备测试数据,并解析 1、导入world库 [root@db01 ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 < world.sql 查询city表中河南省的数据: db01 [world]>select * from city where District='henan'; +------+--------------+-------------+----------+------------+ | ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population | +------+--------------+-------------+----------+------------+ | 1906 | Zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 2107200 | | 1934 | Luoyang | CHN | Henan | 760000 | | 1951 | Kaifeng | CHN | Henan | 510000 | | 1957 | Xinxiang | CHN | Henan | 473762 | | 1967 | Anyang | CHN | Henan | 420332 | | 1969 | Pingdingshan | CHN | Henan | 410775 | | 1972 | Jiaozuo | CHN | Henan | 409100 | | 2036 | Nanyang | CHN | Henan | 243303 | | 2056 | Hebi | CHN | Henan | 212976 | | 2060 | Xuchang | CHN | Henan | 208815 | | 2076 | Xinyang | CHN | Henan | 192509 | | 2102 | Puyang | CHN | Henan | 175988 | | 2113 | Shangqiu | CHN | Henan | 164880 | | 2140 | Zhoukou | CHN | Henan | 146288 | | 2179 | Luohe | CHN | Henan | 126438 | | 2186 | Zhumadian | CHN | Henan | 123232 | | 2189 | Sanmenxia | CHN | Henan | 120523 | | 2242 | Yuzhou | CHN | Henan | 92889 | +------+--------------+-------------+----------+------------+ 2、模拟误操作,将所有的henan的城市名修改为zhengzhou db01 [world]>select * from city where District='henan'; +------+-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population | +------+-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | 1906 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 2107200 | | 1934 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 760000 | | 1951 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 510000 | | 1957 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 473762 | | 1967 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 420332 | | 1969 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 410775 | | 1972 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 409100 | | 2036 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 243303 | | 2056 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 212976 | | 2060 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 208815 | | 2076 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 192509 | | 2102 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 175988 | | 2113 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 164880 | | 2140 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 146288 | | 2179 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 126438 | | 2186 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 123232 | | 2189 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 120523 | | 2242 | zhengzhou | CHN | Henan | 92889 | +------+-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ 3、查询所使用的binlog日志 db01 [world]>show master status; +---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+----------------------------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set | +---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+----------------------------------------+ | binlog.000001 | 1464 | | | a13376a5-b313-11ed-9570-000c2949ba59:1 | +---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+----------------------------------------+ db01 [world]>show binlog events in 'binlog.000001'; +---------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Log_name | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info | +---------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | binlog.000001 | 4 | Format_desc | 1 | 125 | Server ver: 8.0.20, Binlog ver: 4 | | binlog.000001 | 125 | Previous_gtids | 1 | 156 | | | binlog.000001 | 156 | Gtid | 1 | 235 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'a13376a5-b313-11ed-9570-000c2949ba59:1' | | binlog.000001 | 235 | Query | 1 | 320 | BEGIN | | binlog.000001 | 320 | Table_map | 1 | 384 | table_id: 116 ( | | binlog.000001 | 384 | Update_rows | 1 | 1433 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F | | binlog.000001 | 1433 | Xid | 1 | 1464 | COMMIT /* xid=5464 */ | +---------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4、使用binlog2sql解析18行数据 注意:此处有坑,要想连接binlog2sql,必须新建一个用户,修改密码插件为mysql_native_password db01 [(none)]>create user root@'192.168.0.%' identified with mysql_native_password by '123456'; db01 [(none)]>grant all on *.* to root@'192.168.0.%'; 解析刚才误操作的数据: 参数--sql-type,只针对某种DML操作进行过滤,两种类型都查询的话用空格分开:如:--sql-type update delete: [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type update 取其中的一条,可以看到luoyang被误修改为了zhengzhou UPDATE `world`.`city` SET `ID`=1934, `Name`='zhengzhou', `CountryCode`='CHN', `District`='Henan', `Population`=760000 WHERE `ID`=1934 AND `Name`='Luoyang' AND `CountryCode`='CHN' AND `District`='Henan' AND `Population`=760000 LIMIT 1; #start 235 end 1433 time 2023-02-23 13:53:40 5、查询广东省的数据,并且把广东省所有的城市数据删除 db01 [world]>select * from city where District='guangdong'; +------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+ | ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population | +------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+ | 1897 | Kanton [Guangzhou] | CHN | Guangdong | 4256300 | | 1926 | Shenzhen | CHN | Guangdong | 950500 | | 1943 | Shantou | CHN | Guangdong | 580000 | | 1974 | Zhangjiang | CHN | Guangdong | 400997 | | 1993 | Shaoguan | CHN | Guangdong | 350043 | | 2002 | Chaozhou | CHN | Guangdong | 313469 | | 2004 | Dongwan | CHN | Guangdong | 308669 | | 2006 | Foshan | CHN | Guangdong | 303160 | | 2018 | Zhongshan | CHN | Guangdong | 278829 | | 2042 | Jiangmen | CHN | Guangdong | 230587 | | 2052 | Yangjiang | CHN | Guangdong | 215196 | | 2072 | Zhaoqing | CHN | Guangdong | 194784 | | 2098 | Maoming | CHN | Guangdong | 178683 | | 2114 | Zhuhai | CHN | Guangdong | 164747 | | 2115 | Qingyuan | CHN | Guangdong | 164641 | | 2122 | Huizhou | CHN | Guangdong | 161023 | | 2168 | Meixian | CHN | Guangdong | 132156 | | 2190 | Heyuan | CHN | Guangdong | 120101 | | 2213 | Shanwei | CHN | Guangdong | 107847 | | 2234 | Jieyang | CHN | Guangdong | 98531 | +------+--------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+ 删除数据: db01 [world]>delete from city where District='Guangdong'; 查询数据已经空了: db01 [world]>select * from city where District='guangdong'; Empty set (0.00 sec) 解析删除广东省城市的语句: [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type delete 取其中一条: DELETE FROM `world`.`city` WHERE `ID`=2115 AND `Name`='Qingyuan' AND `CountryCode`='CHN' AND `District`='Guangdong' AND `Population`=164641 LIMIT 1; #start 2698 end 3514 time 2023-02-23 14:58:33 3、回滚数据 1、恢复删除的广东省的城市数据: 解析出的条目,后边有事务的开始和结束位置,可以选择加以反转操作 #start 2698 end 3514 time 2023-02-23 14:58:33 [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type=delete --start-position=2698 --stop-position=3514 -B 参数 -B就是flashback闪回 delete语句生成了insert into语句: INSERT INTO `world`.`city`(`ID`, `Name`, `CountryCode`, `District`, `Population`) VALUES (2234, 'Jieyang', 'CHN', 'Guangdong', 98531); #start 2698 end 3514 time 2023-02-23 14:58:33 回滚两种办法: 一、直接执行生成的语句 二、导出到文件,进入mysql中进行恢复 这里我选用第二种方法: [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type=delete --start-position=2698 --stop-position=3514 -B > /root/city_delete.sql db01 [(none)]>set sql_log_bin=0; db01 [(none)]>use world; db01 [world]>source /root/city_delete.sql db01 [(none)]>set sql_log_bin=1; db01 [world]>commit; 查询广东省的数据,都回来了 db01 [world]>select * from city where District='guangdong'; 2、闪回河南省的城市数据 先解析 [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type UPDATE 找到开始点和结束点: #start 235 end 1433 time 2023-02-23 13:53:40 update语句生成了新的update语句 [root@db01 binlog2sql]# python3 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type=update --start-position=235 --stop-position=1433 -B > /root/city_update.sql db01 [(none)]>set sql_log_bin=0; db01 [(none)]>use world; db01 [world]>source /root/city_update.sql db01 [(none)]>set sql_log_bin=1; 查询数据都回来了 db01 [world]>select * from city where District='henan'; db01 [world]>commit; 切记:生产环境恢复之后,一定要commit提交,才算更改完成。 6、基于远程的使用 例如:我的mysql服务器是192.168.0.51,我使用远程主机连接 远程访问,加上-h -P参数 [root@db02 binlog2sql]# python3 -h -P3306 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' [root@db02 binlog2sql]# python3 -h -P3306 -uroot -p123456 -d world -t city --start-file='binlog.000001' --sql-type=update --start-position=15935 --stop-position=16178 -B > /root/city_update.sql




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