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mybatis 查询大量数据 效率低

2022-12-26 18:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


with temp as (select FUN_GET_DEPT_NAME(a.nurse_cell_code) as nurse_cell_name, month_code, sum(a.out_num) as out_num, /*出院人数*/ sum(a.bednum) as sjkfzcrs /*实际开放总床日数*/, round((sum(a.bednum) / 30), 1) as pjkfcws /*平均开发床位数*/, sum(a.end_num) as sjzyzcws /*实际占用总床日数*/ /*'期末人数'*/ from nurse_day_report a where a.month_code between '201501' and '201511' group by a.nurse_cell_code, month_code order by a.nurse_cell_code), data as ( select 'thisM' as time , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code='201511' union all select 'lastM' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code='201511' union all select 'thisY' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code between '201601' and '201511' union all select 'lastY' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code between '201501' and '201511' ) select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then regist else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then regist else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end),3))as lvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then regist else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) as "lastY" , decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then regist else 0 end) -sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) )*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) ,1))as lvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then outer else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then outer else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then outer else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then outer else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end),1) ) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) )*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then zzcs else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then zzcs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then zzcs else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then zzcs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then cwsyl else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then cwsyl else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data


with temp as (select FUN_GET_DEPT_NAME(a.nurse_cell_code) as nurse_cell_name, month_code, sum(a.out_num) as out_num, /*出院人数*/ sum(a.bednum) as sjkfzcrs /*实际开放总床日数*/, round((sum(a.bednum) / 30), 1) as pjkfcws /*平均开发床位数*/, sum(a.end_num) as sjzyzcws /*实际占用总床日数*/ /*'期末人数'*/ from nurse_day_report a where a.month_code between '201501' and '201511' group by a.nurse_cell_code, month_code order by a.nurse_cell_code), data as ( select 'thisM' as time , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code='201511' union all select 'lastM' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code='201511' union all select 'thisY' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code between '201601' and '201511' union all select 'lastY' , nvl(max((select count(1) as aa from fin_opr_register t1 WHERE t1.dept_code not in ('0019', '0277', '0278') /*挂号主表.科室号 急诊科 急诊外科 急诊产科*/ and t1.valid_flag = '1' and t1.reglevl_name ]]> ' ' and to_char(t1.oper_date, 'yyyymm') = month_code)),0) as regist, /*门诊人次:期内科室号不属于'0019', '0277', '0278'的有效挂号人数*/ nvl((sum(temp.out_num)),0) as outer, /*期内出院人数总计:0 治愈1 好转 2 未愈3 死亡 4 其他'*/ nvl(sum(sjzyzcws),0) as sjzyzcrs, /*实际占用总床日数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(pjkfcws), 0, 0, round(sum(out_num) / sum(pjkfcws), 1)),0)),0) as zzcs, /*周转次数,*/ nvl(to_number(nvl(decode(sum(sjkfzcrs), 0, 0, round(sum(sjzyzcws) * 100 / sum(sjkfzcrs), 1)), 0)),0) as cwsyl /*床位使用率*/ from temp where month_code between '201501' and '201511' ) select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then regist else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then regist else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then regist else 0 end),3))as lvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then regist else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) as "lastY" , decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then regist else 0 end) -sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) )*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then regist else 0 end) ,1))as lvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then outer else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then outer else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then outer else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then outer else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then outer else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then outer else 0 end),1) ) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) )*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then sjzyzcrs else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then zzcs else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then zzcs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then zzcs else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then zzcs else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then zzcs else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then zzcs else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data union all select sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "thisM", sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "lastM", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end) ,0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisM' then cwsyl else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastM' then cwsyl else 0 end),1)) as LvM, sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "thisY", sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end) as "lastY", decode(sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end),0,0,round((sum(case when TIME = 'thisY' then cwsyl else 0 end)-sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end))*100/sum(case when TIME = 'lastY' then cwsyl else 0 end) ,1)) as LvY from data




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