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月的英文怎么读 时间:2015-10-06 21:32:38 楚欣650由 分享




  moon ; month ; Luna

  网 络month;moon;months;November



  I lost several pounds last month.


  The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.


  Last night there was a full moon.

月的英文怎么读 月的英文怎么读


  July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown.


  He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.


  It was not until a few months later that he knew the story.


  How does the lunar regolith affect transmission of seismic energy?


  Chinese exports grew at their weakest level in eight months in the same month.


  Production went up faster this month than last month.

  1. The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781. 1781年3 15日,力量悬殊的两支队伍在吉尔福德狭路相逢。

  2. The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth. 叛乱分子会在6 10日前全部解散。

  3. Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16. 他们的第一辆车于12 16日下线。

  4. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd. 俱乐部把会议日期改到1 22号,星期六。

  5. In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon. 最近几个 ,很多保守政客都搭上了“反移民”这班车。

  6. He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear. 他是1 9号到的,蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。

  7. One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises. 离最后期限只有一个 时,我们认识到了这些许诺都是空头支票。

  8. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences. 三方将在下个 会面,以解决余下的分歧。

  9. The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13, 1893. 独立工党1893年1 13日在布拉德福德成立。

  10. She made her first and only space flight last September. 她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9

  11. He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive. 他描述了被俘4个 里挣扎求生的艰难岁月。

  12. Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November. 去年11 ,军队被派往这些岛屿以恢复秩序。

  13. The first snow came a month earlier than usual. 第一场雪比往年提早了一个

  14. The election was held six months ahead of schedule. 选举提前了6个 举行。

  15. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months. 这一地区3个 以来不断发生激战。

  16. There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th. 12 9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。

  17. He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November. 他获得保释,将于11 5日在地方法庭出庭受审。

  18. September is here, bringing with it a chill in the mornings. 9 到了,早晨已有了寒意.

  19. He only got a plurality on November 3rd, just 49 percent. 他在11 3号的选举中仅获得了49%的相对多数票。

  20. Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their monthly repayments. 极少数购房者会注意到他们 还款额的减少。

月的英文怎么读 汉语解释:月是象形字,古文月字像半月形。月,一般指地球的天然卫星月球,亦称月亮或太阴。同时也常指以月球绕地球公转周期为基准的时间单位,月份。想知道月的英文怎么说吗? 月[yu] 月的英文释义: moon ; month ; Luna 网 络month;moon 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式






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