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CF卡一、PC CARD MEMORY MODE1、GND2、D33、D44、D55、D66、D77、CE18、A109、OE10、A911、A812、A713、VCC14、A615、A516、A417、A318、A219、A120、A021、D022、D123、D224、WP25、CD226、CD127、D1128、D1229、D1330、D1431、D1532、CE233、VS134、IORD35、IOWR36、WE37、RDY/BSY38、VCC39、CSEL40、VS241、RESET42、WAIT43、INPACK44、REG45、BVD246、BVD147、D848、D949、D1050、GND

CF卡二、PC I/O CARD MODE 1、GND2、D33、D44、D55、D66、D77、CE18、A109、OE10、A911、A812、A713、VCC14、A615、A516、A417、A318、A219、A120、A021、D022、D123、D224、IOIS1625、CD226、CD127、D1128、D1229、D1330、D1431、D1532、CE233、VS134、IORD35、IOWR36、WE37、RDY/BSY38、VCC39、CSEL40、VS241、RESET42、WAIT43、INPACK44、REG45、SPKR46、STSCHG47、D848、D949、D1050、GND

CF卡三、TRUE IDE MODE1、GND2、D33、D44、D55、D66、D77、CS08、A109、ATA SEL10、A911、A812、A713、VCC14、A615、A516、A417、A318、A219、A120、A021、D022、D123、D224、IOIS1625、CD226、CD127、D1128、D1229、D1330、D1431、D1532、CS133、VS134、IORD35、IOWR36、WE37、INTRQ38、VCC39、CSEL40、VS241、RESET42、IORDY43、INPACK44、REG45、DASP46、PDIAG47、D848、D949、D1050、GND



#include "../inc/includes.h"#include "New_sd.h"sbit c_SPI_CS = P2^4;         //Sht-mp3 Config//set MMC_Chip_Select to high (MMC/SD-Card Invalid)#define SD_Disable()    c_SPI_CS = 1//set MMC_Chip_Select to low (MMC/SD-Card Active)#define SD_Enable()     c_SPI_CS = 0sbit c_SPI_SI = P1^5;sbit c_SPI_SO = P1^6;sbit c_SPI_CLK = P1^7;sbit c_SD_In = P2^7;sbit c_SD_WP = P2^6;sbit c_SD_Power = P2^3;#define Macro_Set_SI_High()       c_SPI_SI = 1#define Macro_Set_SI_Low()       c_SPI_SI = 0#define Macro_Set_CLK_High()       c_SPI_CLK = 1#define Macro_Set_CLK_Low()       c_SPI_CLK = 0//bool bSPICLK_LowSpeed;static void SD_PowerOn(void){     c_SD_Power = 0;}/*static void SD_PowerOff(void){     c_SD_Power = 1;}*///extern uint8 BUFFER[512];uint8 SD_SPI_ReadByte(void);void SD_SPI_WriteByte(uint8 ucSendData);//#define SPI_ReadByte()   SD_SPI_ReadByte()//#define SPI_TransferByte(x) SD_SPI_WriteByte(x)/*static uint8 SPI_ReadByte(void){     uchar ucReadData;     uchar ucCount;     ucReadData = 0;     Macro_Set_SI_High();     for(ucCount=0; ucCount//             Delay_100us();//         }         Macro_Set_CLK_High();//         if(bSPICLK_LowSpeed)//         {//             Delay_100us();//         }             if(c_SPI_SO)         {             ucReadData |= 0x01;         }     }     return(ucReadData);//   SPDR = 0xFF;//   while (!(SPSR & 0x80)); //   return SPDR;}static void SPI_TransferByte(uint8 ucSendData)  {        uchar ucCount;     uchar ucMaskCode;     ucMaskCode = 0x80;     for(ucCount=0; ucCount             Macro_Set_SI_High();         }         else         {             Macro_Set_SI_Low();         }         //降低时钟频率//         if(bSPICLK_LowSpeed)//         {//             Delay_100us();//         }         Macro_Set_CLK_High();         ucMaskCode >>= 1;         //降低时钟频率//         if(bSPICLK_LowSpeed)//         {//             Delay_100us();//         }     }//SPDR=cmp1;//while(!(SPSR&(1         ucReadData //             Delay_100us();//         }             if(c_SPI_SO)         {             ucReadData |= 0x01;         }     }     return(ucReadData);//   SPDR = 0xFF;//   while (!(SPSR & 0x80)); //   return SPDR;}static void SPI_TransferByte(uint8 ucSendData)  {        uchar ucCount;     uchar ucMaskCode;     ucMaskCode = 0x80;     for(ucCount=0; ucCount             Macro_Set_SI_High();         }         else         {             Macro_Set_SI_Low();         }         //降低时钟频率//         if(bSPICLK_LowSpeed)//         {//             Delay_100us();//         }         Macro_Set_CLK_High();         ucMaskCode >>= 1;         //降低时钟频率//         if(bSPICLK_LowSpeed)//         {//             Delay_100us();//         }     }//SPDR=cmp1;//while(!(SPSR&(1         uint8 tmp,i;         uint8 retry=0;         SD_Disable();         SPI_TransferByte(0xFF);         SD_Enable();         for(i=0;i                 tmp = SPI_ReadByte();         }while((tmp==0xff)&&(retry++          SD_SPI_WriteByte(*cmd++);         }         SD_SPI_ReadByte();                 do{                 tmp = SD_SPI_ReadByte();         }while((tmp==0xff)&&(retry++              _nop_();         }    //Active SPI bus at low speed //   SPCR=0x53; //SPI Master,MSB First //   SPSR=0x00; //double speed disable,Fsck=Fosc/128     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)       SPI_TransferByte(0xff); //send 74 clock at least!!!         //Send Command CMD0 to MMC/SD Card    SD_Enable();    retry = 0;    do    { //retry 200 times to send CMD0 command       temp = Write_Command_SD(CMD);      if (retry++ == 200)         return INIT_CMD0_ERROR;//CMD0 Error!    }    while (temp != 1);       //Send Command CMD1 to MMC/SD-Card    CMD[0] = 0x41; //Command 1    CMD[5] = 0xFF;    retry = 0;    do    { //retry 100 times to send CMD1 command       temp = Write_Command_SD(CMD);      if (retry++ == 100)         return INIT_CMD1_ERROR;//CMD1 Error!    }     while (temp != 0);       //Active High-speed SPI mode(Fsck=Fosc/2) //   SPCR = 0x50; //   SPSR = 0x00;     SD_Disable();   //set MMC_Chip_Select to high     return INIT_OK; //All commands have been taken.}uint8 SD_Read_Block(uint8 *CMD,uint8   *Buffer,uint16 Bytes)//****************************************************************************{      uint16 i;    uint8 retry, temp;        //Send Command CMD to MMC/SD-Card    retry=0;//#if 1    do    {   //Retry 100 times to send command.//       temp=Write_Command_SD(CMD);         temp=Write_Command_SD_HighSpeed(CMD);       if(retry++ == 100)          return READ_BLOCK_ERROR; //block write Error!    }    while (temp != 0);                    //Read Start Byte form MMC/SD-Card (FEh/Start Byte)    while (SPI_ReadByte() != 0xfe);//#endif    //Read blocks(normal 512Bytes) to MMC/SD-Card#if 1    for (i = 0; i < Bytes; i++)                 //int count for loop cost 13 machine cycle    {//       *Buffer++ = SPI_ReadByte();             //Cost 70 Machine Cycle                                             //When define point is a Xdata point then Cost 62 Machine Cycle       *Buffer++ = SD_SPI_ReadByte();             //Cost 70 Machine Cycle      // put_c(*Buffer);    }#endif /*     i = Bytes;     while(i--)                                 //When Delete {} 2 Machine Cycle is save.       *Buffer++ = SPI_ReadByte();             //Cost 70 Machine Cycle*/           //CRC-Byte    SPI_ReadByte();//CRC - Byte     SPI_ReadByte();//CRC - Byte        //set MMC_Chip_Select to high (MMC/SD-Card invalid)    SD_Disable();    return READ_BLOCK_OK;}//****************************************************************************//Routine for writing a Block(512Byte) to MMC/SD-Card//Return 0 if sector writing is completed.uint8 SD_read_sector(uint32 addr,uint8   *Buffer)//****************************************************************************{        //Command 16 is reading Blocks from MMC/SD-Card    uint8   CMD[] = {0x51,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF};    //    asm("cli"); //clear all interrupt.    //Address conversation(logic block address-->byte address)      addr = addr >24 );    CMD[2] = ((addr & 0x00FF0000) >>16 );    CMD[3] = ((addr & 0x0000FF00) >>8 );    return SD_Read_Block(CMD, Buffer, 512);        }/*uint8 SD_write_sector(uint32 addr,uint8 *Buffer)//****************************************************************************{      uint8 tmp,retry;    uint16 i;    //Command 24 is a writing blocks command for MMC/SD-Card.    uint8 CMD[] = {0x58,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF};        asm("cli"); //clear all interrupt.    addr = addr >24 );    CMD[2] = ((addr & 0x00FF0000) >>16 );    CMD[3] = ((addr & 0x0000FF00) >>8 );    //Send Command CMD24 to MMC/SD-Card (Write 1 Block/512 Bytes)    retry=0;    do    {   //Retry 100 times to send command.       tmp = Write_Command_SD(CMD);       if(retry++ == 100)          return(tmp); //send commamd Error!    }    while(tmp != 0);        //Before writing,send 100 clock to MMC/SD-Card    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)       SPI_ReadByte();        //Send Start Byte to MMC/SD-Card    SPI_TransferByte(0xFE);            //Now send real data Bolck (512Bytes) to MMC/SD-Card    for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)       SPI_TransferByte(*Buffer++); //send 512 bytes to Card    //CRC-Byte     SPI_TransferByte(0xFF); //Dummy CRC    SPI_TransferByte(0xFF); //CRC Code           tmp=SPI_ReadByte();    // read response    if((tmp & 0x1F) != 0x05) // data block accepted ?    {      SD_Disable();      return WRITE_BLOCK_ERROR; //Error!    }    //Wait till MMC/SD-Card is not busy    while (SPI_ReadByte() != 0xFF){};        //set MMC_Chip_Select to high (MMC/SD-Card Invalid)    SD_Disable();    return 0;} */extern unsigned char xdata Page_Buf[512];         //文件缓冲区。void SD_SPI_WriteByte(uint8 ucSendData);//测试SD卡SPI接口性能void TestSD_SPIFunc(void){     uchar ucCount;     uchar ucReadData;     ucCount = 0;         //开始     for(ucCount=0; ucCount         ucReadData = SPI_ReadByte();     //用C语言实现的SPI读字节机器赌周期为154                                         //自用C51的bData变量,采用位指令操作读字节机器周期为49     }     ucCount= 88;         //结束     SD_read_sector(0,Page_Buf);}




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