meritocracy是什么意思 meritocracy的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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meritocracy是什么意思 meritocracy的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-07-09 18:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

meritocracy是什么意思 meritocracy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

词的意思:meritocracy 源自拉丁语“meritum”,意为“功绩”,指一种社会制度,其中领导层的成员是通过他们的能力和表现来选拔的,而非出身、财富或其他考虑因素。


常用场景:meritocracy 通常用于描述一种社会制度或组织文化,其中人们通过个人素质和能力来实现升迁和晋升的目标。


1. merit-based 以功绩为基础的

2. merit system 能力制度

3. meritocratic selection 功绩选拔

4. meritocratic society 以能力为本的社会


1. the principle of meritocracy 功绩主义原则

2. meritocracy vs nepotism 功绩主义与裙带关系

3. the meritocracy myth 功绩主义神话



读音:měi lì tuó qǐ


1. 这个国家的制度是一个义的社会,只有具备实力和才能的人才能够获得成功。

Translation: The system of this country is a meritocracy, only those with the ability and talent can achieve success.

2. 精英主义制度下,社会资源严重集中在少数人手中,而普通人往往处于弱势地位。

Translation: Under the meritocratic system, social resources are heavily concentrated in the hands of a few people, while ordinary people often find themselves in a disadvantaged position.



例句:People have a certain kind of “merit” in mind when they speak glowingly of a meritocracy, and that kind of merit tends to run in the family. (当人们称赞一个精英体制时,他们脑海中存在着某种“优点”,而那种“优点”往往在家族中流传。)


例句:The anthropology of the meritocracy is you’re not a soul to be purified, you’re a set of skills to be maximized. (精英主义不会把你看作 一个需要被救赎的灵魂, 而是技能被最大化利用的技能套装。)

meritocracy一般作为名词使用,如在hereditary meritocracy(遗传的英才教育)等常见短语中出现较多。

hereditary meritocracy 遗传的英才教育

1. I don’t like quotas either; they run counter to my belief in meritocracy, governance by the capable. (翻译:我也不喜欢定额;它们与我信奉的英才统治、能者治理的理念背道而驰。)

2. The message of the meritocracy is you are what you accomplish. (翻译:这个主义传递着一个信息: 你的成就造就了你。)

3. And it is, again, linked to something nice, and that nice thing is called meritocracy. (翻译:再一次地,它也和好的概念有关 这个好概念叫做“功绩主义“)

4. To call the company a meritocracy would be an understatement. (翻译:称这个公司为知识界的精英群一点都不为过。)

5. I mean, we like to believe the film industry is a meritocracy, right? (翻译:我的意思是,我们都相信电影界是任人唯贤的地方,对吗? )

6. It was that moment that I realized that this idea of a meritocracy that every organizations sells is really just a myth. (翻译:在那一刻我才意识到 精英体制的含义, 这个被所有企业推崇的, 不过是一个虚构的想法。)

7. And if I didn’t make that public for everybody to see, we wouldn’t have an idea meritocracy. (翻译:如果我不让每个人都能看见, 这就不是精英对话。)

8. Grant was contemptuous of any aliens rewarded by the meritocracy of the Empire, so he loathed the Chiss Grand Admiral and his achievement. (翻译:格兰特本人反感任何异种人得到加入帝国精英阶层的奖励,因此他不喜欢这位奇斯人帝国元帅或者任何与他有关的成就。)

9. Every time I talked to a company, they would say, “Our culture, our process, is a meritocracy. (翻译:每次当我走进一家公司, 他们都会说,“我们的企业文化, 我们的流程,都是最精英的。)

10. And we literally tape almost all conversations and let everybody see everything, because if we didn’t do that, we couldn’t really have an idea meritocracy. (翻译:我们会记录下所有的对话, 让每个人都能看清一切, 如果我们不这么做, 就不能实现真正的精英管理。)

11. In other words, not an autocracy in which I would lead and others would follow and not a democracy in which everybody’s points of view were equally valued, but I wanted to have an idea meritocracy in which the best ideas would win out. (翻译:换个说法是, 不利用自己的权利来带领其他人, 也不是每个人都能 平等说出自己观点的氛围, 而是用精英对话的方式, 来得到最好的点子。)

12. Some call this a meritocracy. (翻译:有人称这是一种精英制度。)

13. The emotion of the meritocracy is conditional love, you can “earn” your way to love. (翻译:精英主义是有条件的爱, 你可以努力“挣”到爱。)

14. The plutocracy may be a meritocracy, but increasingly you have to be born on the top rung of the ladder to even take part in that race. (翻译:财阀统治可能是任人为才 但你必须出生在权贵之家 否则连参加角逐的机会都没有 )

15. It is, in many ways, a pure meritocracy. (翻译:从许多方面来看,这都是纯粹的实力主义。)


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