雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Memory 记忆

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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Memory 记忆

2024-05-07 06:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Memory 记忆 已于2024年1月更新 生活中很多事情都是离不开记忆的,尤 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Memory 记忆



Are you good at memorizing things? 你擅长记忆事情吗?

No, I am not. I am terrible at memorizing things. I know some people are good at it and recommend that we use different methods to help us keep things in mind. But, somehow, I just couldn’t figure it out, which is kind of sad to me.


Have you ever forgotten something that was important? 你曾经遗忘过重要的事情吗?

Yes, I do. Last month, my community offered us some free masks during the covid. And, they required us to go to their office to pick them up at a specific time slot, which was in the morning of a Sunday, as there was a limited number of masks available. You know, I trusted my memory and didn’t set a reminder but I just missed it.


Why do some people have good memory while others just do not? 为什么有的人记忆力好而有的人却记性不好呢?

This also bugs me. But, I assume the most important reason is that some people are smarter than others in memorizing things. You know, they would think of different and creative ways to keep things they’ve seen or done in their mind. Also, they are more attentive than others when it comes to details. This also strengthens their memory.


Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things? 为什么越来越多的人依靠手机来记忆事情?

I suppose one obvious reason is that cellphones are becoming more and more advanced, which can serve as a memory assistant besides being used as a communication tool. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, it has a camera which helps people record their moments in life and some useful APPs that allow them to write simple notes of things so that they won’t forget them easily.


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