
您所在的位置:网站首页 max不能撤销删除哪个文件夹 阶层修改


2024-04-23 06:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



目录 1 阶层 2 阶层特权 3 阶层议程 4 阶层预载 5 阶层王冠领地 6 界面 7 GFX 8 本地化 9 参考资料 阶层

阶层能在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/estates/*.txt 找到。阶层遵循这样的一般格式:

= { icon = color = { } # What color the estate appears as in the estate mapmode # If true, country will get estate trigger = { } # These scale with loyalty & power country_modifier_happy = { } country_modifier_neutral = { } country_modifier_angry = { } land_ownership_modifier = { } province_independence_weight = { factor = modifier = { factor = #Insert conditions here } } # Influence modifiers base_influence = influence_modifier = { desc = # The new name to apply trigger = { } influence = } # Loyalty modifiers loyalty_modifier = { desc = # The new name to apply trigger = { } loyalty = } custom_name = { desc = # The new name to apply trigger = { OR = { } } } contributes_to_curia_treasury = #yes/no privileges = { #'privileges' includes the names of the estate privileges this estate uses. #Estate privileges can be found in the {{path|common/estates_privileges/00_privileges.txt}} } agendas = { #'agendas' includes the names of the estate privileges this estate uses. #Estate agendas can be found in the {{path|common/estates_agendas/*.txt}} } influence_from_dev_modifier = #Determines percent influence from development }



/Europa Universalis IV/common/estate_privileges

#所有范围都是国家范围 #所有参数都是可选的 = { icon =        land_share = #要让出的王冠领地(给阶级)       max_absolutism =       #特权对最大专治度的影响       loyalty =               #这个特权生效产生的忠诚度影响       influence =          #这个特权生效产生的影响力修正 is_valid = { } #国家启用该特权的条件 can_select = { } #国家是否允许选择特权条件 on_granted = { }   #特权立即执行的效果 can_revoke = { } #国家是否可以撤销特权的条件 on_revoked = { } #特权被撤销的影响 on_invalid = { } #由于权限无效造成撤销的影响 penalties = { } #特权激活时代负面修正       benefits = { }             #特权激活时的正面修正 conditional_modifier = {    #如果指令为真,应用的修正 trigger = { } modifier = { } is_bad = #yes/no修正是否是负面的 } modifier_by_land_ownership = { } #修正与阶级领地相乘 mechanics = { } #特权引用的特殊机制 cooldown_years = #特权无法撤销的时间限制 on_cooldown_expires = { effects } #Effect executed once the specified cooldown_years timer has run down ai_will_do = { #If above ESTATE_PRIVILEGE_GRANT_THRESHOLD define, AI will try to apply. If below factor = #ESTATE_PRIVILEGE_REVOKE_THRESHOLD, AI will try to revoke. modifier = { factor = } } }

It is important to note the addition of 'benefits = { }', which is not included in /Europa Universalis IV/common/estate_privileges/xx_example.txt


This is taken from /Europa Universalis IV/common/estate_agendas/xx_example.txt

#(Nearly) all scopes are country scope #All parameters are optional (but it will not be much of an agenda without some of them...) = { max_days_active = #Lets you override the default of 20 years for an agenda can_select = { triggers } #Conditions for whether the agenda can be offered to you provinces_to_highlight = { triggers } #Conditions for provinces to be highlighted by the agenda. Root = country, this = province. selection_weight = { #Determines how likely (compared to the estate's other agendas) this agenda is to be selected. factor = #initial factor will ignore numbers below 1, use a modifier for that! modifier = { factor = triggers = } } pre_effect = { effects } #Effects executed to set up the task (set flags and targets), before it is shown to the player. immediate_effect = { effects } #Effects executed when the agenda is accepted by the country task_requirements = { triggers } #Conditions for completing the task successfully task_completed_effect = { effects } #Effects executed when the agenda is successfully completed failing_effect = { effects } #Effects executed when the agenda is failed (i.e. when fail_if is true or time runs out) fail_if = { triggers } #Conditions for when the agenda should be auto-failed on_invalid = { effects } #Effects executed when the country no longer has that estate or the invalid_trigger is true. #Useful for clearing flags, modifiers etc. invalid_trigger = { triggers } #Conditions for when the agenda should end without it counting as a fail (executing on_invalid #rather than failing_effect). Happens by default it the estate giving the agenda is removed. modifier = { modifier } #Country modifier granted while the agenda is active } 阶层预载 #Define estate loyalty and influence modifiers here = { modifier_definition = { type = #Either loyalty or influence key = #This is what will be referenced in other files trigger = { } } } 阶层王冠领地

/Europa Universalis IV/common/estate_crown_land Bonuses:

= { key = range_from = range_to = modifier = { } }


= { key = random_seed = random_seed cooldown_months = trigger = { } effect = { } ai_will_do = { factor = modifier = { factor = } } } 界面

有关阶层的所有图片与图标都在/Europa Universalis IV/interface/countryestatesview.gfx 中进行定义,编辑GFX_estates_icons的noOfFrames以使得新增阶层后的阶层数目与所填数字匹配,对 GFX_estate_interactions 进行修改则可以完成对阶层特权的定义。

spriteType = { name = "GFX_estates_icons" texturefile = "gfx//interface//estates//estates_icons.dds" noOfFrames = 11 #增加这一数字,以和增加后的阶层数匹配 loadType = "INGAME" }

All privilege icons have to be defined in this format

spriteType = { name = "" texturefile = "gfx/interface/privileges/*.dds" } GFX

阶层图标存放在 /Europa Universalis IV/gfx/interface/estates_icons.dds,这也是用在阶层特权界面的图标。

每个图标为 44 x 44 像素大小

同样还有另一版图标位于/Europa Universalis IV/gfx/interface/estates_icons_colour-stroke.dds,这是用于阶层土地界面的图标。

每个图标为 44 x 44 像素大小

特权图标则位于 /Europa Universalis IV/gfx/interface/privileges/privilege_*.dds



: "名称" _desc: "描述" : "名称" : "描述" : "名称" : "描述"

影响和忠诚修正用这个: §Y$VAL$%§! 在它们的工具提示(tooltips)内显示它们改变的影响或忠诚数量。

一个阶层能在本地化字符串中用:$$ 引用,它将显示该阶层的当前名称,适配该阶层的任何自定义名称实例。不过,需要本地化作用域支持动态本地化(例如,不会工作在互动标题中)。



- estate_church - estate_nobles - estate_burghers - estate_cossacks - estate_nomadic_tribes - estate_dhimmi - estate_jains - estate_brahmins - estate_maratha - estate_rajput - estate_vaisyas 模组制作  文档 效果指令 • 触发条件 • 修正 • 作用域 • 变量 • 本地化 • 可定制的本地化 脚本 顾问 • 时代 • 书签 • 建筑 • 宣战理由 • 殖民区域 • 新建国家 • 文化 • 决议 • 定义 • 外交行动 • 灾难 • 阶层• 事件 • 派系 • 政府 • 政府互动(1.35) • 伟大工程 • 历史 • 理念组 • 思潮 • 任务树 • 修正 • 自定义国家 • 政策 • 宗教 •  叛军 • 附属国类型 • 科技 • 贸易公司 • 商品 • 单位 • 旗舰 地图 地图 • 随机新世界 • 贸易节点 图形 3D模型 • 界面 • 贴图库 • 字体 • 粒子特效 • 着色器 • 兵模 音频 音乐 • 音效 其它 控制台指令 • 校验码 • JoroDox模组制作工具 • Mod文件结构 • Mod错误调试 • 验证器 • 运行文件 教程 添加省份 • 成就修改 • On actions • 模组制作




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