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查尔斯·狄更斯人物经历 篇一

On February 7, 1812, Charles Dickens was born in Father John Dickens is the British Navy Quartermaster staff, mother named Elizabeth Charles is the eldest son, sister Fanny Dickens is two years older than In December 1813, the family moved to

In 1821, Charles Dickens went to William Giles to do the school to study, writing the tragedy "Indian monarch Misner"。

On February 20, 1824, John Dickens was arrested on charges of debt, in the Marshall West debtor A few weeks later his wife Elizabeth and young children also moved into Previously, Charles Dickens was on February 9 into the Warren black shoe oil workshop as a child worker, so there is no family with the prison, alone in a friend home to spend the On May 28, John Dickens was released and the whole family lived in Johnson Street in Sommers Then Charles Dickens left the

In 1825, Charles Dickens entered the Wellington House In 1826, John Dickens was sent by the British news agency to the parliament as an The family was expelled for Charles Dickens was forced to drop out of school, successively in the Ellis and Blackman law firm and Charles Molloy law firm as

In 1829, Charles Dickens Society shorthand, into the London Civil Lawyers Court, as the trial In May 1830, he fell in love with the banker's daughter Maria Bieder

In 1831, Charles Dickens served as a journalist of the Parliament Mirror, edited by his uncle, In 1832, Charles Dickens served as a reporter for the "true" His work was quite successful at the same time, and his dramatic genius was discovered by the Covington Court, the theater intends to hire him, and has informed him to audition, but a disease to prevent him as an actor's

In 1833, Charles Dickens and his brothers and sisters lived in Bundink Street, where he often held amateur theater performances at He pleaded with Maria Biederner and was Creation of the first short story " Mins and his cousin" (post-income "Bozite set") to send "monthly magazine", immediately adopted, was greatly

In 1834, Charles Dickens served as a In August, he met the "Chronicle" editor George Hogarth daughter Catherine His short stories, close-up and essays on the "Boz" pen name, one after another in the "magazine", "Bell Weekly" and "Morning News" He began to live independently at the Fernivals

In 1835, Charles Dickens was engaged with Catherine His stories, close-ups and essays continue to be published in the Monthly Magazine, The Chronicle, and Bell's Life in

1836, February 8, "Bozite set" first series March 31, the first novel "Pickwick rumor" by Chapman and Hall Press began monthly by section published (20 months out)。 On April 2, Charles Dickens married Catherine Hoggas at Louis' s church in Chelsea and immediately went to Kent 9 - 12 months, the drama "strange gentleman" and "Qiao village" in the James Theater In December, he became acquainted with John Foster, who became his lifelong friend and biographer (three volumes of The Dickens Biography) published in 1872-1874)。 December 17, "Bozite set" second series

January 1, 1837, Charles Dickens editor of the monthly magazine "Bentley magazine" first The second issue of the journal serialized his "Oliver Te West" (24 months finished)。 On January 6th, Charles Dickens's first child (Charles) was March, the play "Is she his wife?" Staged at the James In July, the first visit to November 17, "Pickwick rumor" single book

1838 January and February, accompanied by Brown interviewed Yorkshire The second child (Mary) was On March 31, we began to publish "Nicholas Nickel Bay" (20 months out)。 November 9, "Oliver Te West" (fog orphans) published a single

January 31, 1839, resigned from the "Bentley magazine" editor in The third child (Kate) was On October 23rd, "Nicholas Nickel" was published

April 4, 1840, editor of the literary weekly "Humphrey master of the bell" first April 25, "old antique shop" in the weekly sub-series (40 weeks finished)。 In October, "Humphrey Master's Bell" was published in the first

In 1841, the fourth child (Walter) was February 13, "Barnaby Rach" in the "Humphrey Master's Bell" weekly on the serial (42 weeks finished)。 April, December, "Humphrey master of the bell" single book second volume, third volume December 5, "old antique shop", "Barnaby Rach" single book

From January to June 1842, his wife visited the United 10 - 11 months, accompanied by Foster and other visits to October 19, "travel beauty notes" On December 31, Martin Jussewell Witt began to be published monthly by Chapman and Hall Publishing (20 months out)。

October 5, 1843, hosted the opening ceremony of the Manchester Literary December 19, "Christmas carol" (post-income "Christmas story set")

In 1844, the fifth child (Francis) was With Chapman and Hall Press, the book was revised by Bradbury and Evans In July, "Martin Jussewell Witt" published a single July 16, to live in Genoa, November 30 to December 8, back to London to read the "church bells" to December 16, "Church Bell" (post-income "Christmas Stories")

In 1845, his wife visited In September, amateur performance Ben Jiong's drama "Everyone is happy"。 The sixth child (Alfred) was December 20, "Fireside Cricket" (post-income "Christmas Stories")

January 21, 1846 to February 9, editor of "Daily News"。 May 18, "Italian style" June 11 to November 16, to live in Lausanne, Switzerland, after going to September 30, "Dong Bei father and son" began month by month published (20 months out)。 December 19 "Battle of Life" (post-income "Christmas Stories")

February 28, 1847, returned from Paris to The seventh child (Sidney) was

In April 1848, "Dong Bei father and son" published a single May-July, amateur directors and performances in London and December 19, "the devil man" (after the income "Christmas story set")

In 1849, the eighth child (Henry) was On April 30, "David Copperfield" began to be published month by month (20 months out)。

The ninth child (Dora) was born in And Bewei Li Dayton to create a literary March 30, editor of literary weekly

Since January 1851, "Children's British History" began in the "homely" weekly Held amateur theater performances at Lucken April 14, daughter Dora

In 1852, the tenth child (Edward) was In the north show Bu Wei a Li Dayton In October, go to the French Poloni "Desolate Villa" began to be published month by month (20 months out)。 "Christmas story set" single book In 1853, living in the French Chicken Wilke Collins Tour In September, "desolate Villa" single book On December 27th, in Birmingham for the first time held a public recitation performance, recitation "Christmas carol"。

In 1854, in January, visit Lancashire Summer to France April 1 to August 12, "difficult times" in the "homely" on the serial, the same year out of the

In February 1855, with Maria Biederner reunion, then she has become a wife of In June, he directed and performed Collins' "Lighthouse"。 Participate in the Administrative Reform In October, the family went to Paris to December 1, "small Du Li" began month by month published (20 months out of Qi)。

In March 1856, buy the village of April, back to the In January 1857, director and performance of the drama of Collins "deep " Andersen visits Gates to visit Playing in Manchester with the actress Ellen Ternan and his mother, his sister get to "Little Du Li" single book In October, the two lazy apprenticeships, co-authored with Collins, were published in "homely"。

April 29, 1858 to July 22, held in London business recitation May, separated from his wife Catherine, the community have talked June 12, in the "homely" published on their own family disputes August 2 to November 13, held in England, Scotland and Ireland throughout the first tour recitation

April 30, 1859, Dickens editor of the literary weekly "year round" the first issue, the first issue of serial number "Tale of Two Cities", to November 26 In the same year, May 28, "homely" the last issue of the In October, a second tour recitation was

In 1860, the second woman Kate Dickens married Charles Collins (Wilji's brother)。 Charles Dickens settled in Gates January 28, "non-travel salesman notes" began in the "four seasons" on the December 1, "great future" began in the "year round" on the

1861, March-April, held in London recitation August, "lofty future" single book "Non Travel Traveler Notes" is published October to January the following year, to the field held recitation 1862, March-June, held in London recitation

In January 1863, the British Embassy in Paris held a recital performance for charity On May 1, 1864, "our common friends" began to be published month by month (20 months out)。 June 9, 1865, and Alan Ternan travel by train in Kent, Sri Lanka, a car In November, "our common friend" is published December, "Non Travel Travelers Notes" second edition

1866 April-June, held in London and abroad recitation From January to May in 1867, recitation performances were held in England and In November, went to the United States to carry out recitation The last Christmas story "This road is not available" (with Collins) in the "year round"

On April 22, 1868, the United States returned to October, held a farewell recitation January 5, 1869, recitation performance "Oliver Te West" in the "Sikes Khan Nancy" April 22, due to health reasons to suspend recitation

In 1870 January, held in London 12 farewell recitation March 9, received by the Queen April 1, "Druid's mystery" began to sub-published (plan divided into 12, died only completed 6)。 June 9, suffering from cerebral hemorrhage died in the Gates After his death he was buried in the poet's corner of Westminster, and his tombstone wrote: "He is a poor, suffering and sympathetic to the oppressed people; his death has caused the world to lose a great British

查尔斯·狄更斯简介 篇二

Charles Dickens, full name Charles John Heifam Dickens (English name: Charles John Huffam Dickens, February 7, 1812 - June 9, 1870), British The main works are "David Copperfield" "Pickwick rumor" "fog are orphans" "old antique shop" "hard times" "our common friend" "Tale of Two Cities" and so

Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in the suburbs of Portsmouth, was born in the Navy staff family, juvenile family life because of distress, only intermittent After being forced to work in the factory to do child After 15 years old, became a law firm apprentice, record and court 20 years old when the newspaper interviewer, reported the House of In 1837 he completed the first novel "Pickwick rumor", is the first realist novel creation, and later creative talent to mature, has published "fog orphans" (1838), "old antique shop" (1850), "The Times of Hardness" (1854), "Tale of Two Cities" (1859) "Great Expectations" (1861), 1870 June 9 died in Rochester near the Gates

Dickens especially paid attention to describing the life of the "little people" living in the bottom of the British society, and profoundly reflected the complex social reality of Britain at that time, and made outstanding contributions to the development and development of British critical realist His works have had a profound impact on the development of English

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