圣杯 英语,圣杯之战中Archer在最后一战念的那些英文是什么意思呀?

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圣杯 英语,圣杯之战中Archer在最后一战念的那些英文是什么意思呀?

2023-03-25 15:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,圣杯之战中Archer在最后一战念的那些英文是什么意思呀? 2,英文Fate是什么意思 3,急求达芬奇密码小说的英文简介!! 4,“h”开头的英语形容词有哪些? 5,h开头的英语形容词 6,fate圣杯到底有什么用? 7,圣杯究竟是什么? 8,Fate里,圣杯到底是什么样的一个东西? 9,《达芬奇密码》中的圣杯到底是什么东东? 1,圣杯之战中Archer在最后一战念的那些英文是什么意思呀?

I am the bone of my sword 吾为所持剑之骨 Steel is my body 钢铁为身体 and fire is my blood 而火焰为血 I have created over a thousand blades 手创千剑 历经百战 Unknow to Death 无一败绩 Nor known to Life 无一知己 Have withstood pain to create many weapons 常独自一人自醉于剑丘之巅 Get those hands will never hold anything 因此 此生亦无任何意义 So as I pary! Unlimited Blade Works 则如我祈愿 无限之剑制

转自 archer吧



fate KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 命运;天命,天数[U] We still don't know the fate of the plane's passengers. 我们仍然不知道那架飞机上旅客的命运如何。 They were sure that fate was responsible for their meeting. 他们相信他们相遇是命运的安排。 2. 结局;结果[C] 3. 毁灭;灾难;死亡[U] 4. 【希神】【罗神】(大写)命运三女神[the P] vt. 1. 命定,注定[H][+to-v] Our team was fated to win. 我们队注定要赢的。 http://www.baidu.com/baidu?ie=gb2312&bs=&sr=&z=&ct=1048576&cl=3&f=8&word=Fate


Plot summary This book concerns the attempts of Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University, to solve the murder of renowned curator Jacques Saunière (see Bérenger Saunière) of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The title of the novel refers, among other things, to the fact that Saunière's body is found in the Denon Wing of the Louvre naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a Pentagram drawn on his stomach in his own blood. The interpretation of hidden messages inside Leonardo's famous works, (which relate to the concept of the Sacred feminine) including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, figure prominently in the solution to the mystery.

Vitruvian Man, by Leonardo da Vinci.The main conflict in the novel revolves around the solution to two mysteries:

What secret was Saunière protecting that led to his murder? Who is the mastermind behind his murder and the murder of the three other sénéchaux (keepers of the secrets of the grail)? The novel has several concurrent storylines that follow different characters throughout different parts of the book (DVC chapter summaries). Eventually all the storylines and characters are brought together and resolved in its denouement. The unraveling of the mystery requires the solution to a series of brain-teasers, including anagrams and number puzzles. The solution itself is found to be intimately connected with the possible location of the Holy Grail and to a mysterious society called the Priory of Sion, as well as to the Knights Templar. The story also involves the Catholic organization Opus Dei.

The novel is the second book of a trilogy by Brown in which Robert Langdon is the main character. The previous book, Angels and Demons, took place in Rome and concerned the Illuminati. Although Angels and Demons is centered on the same character it is not necessary to read the book in order to understand the plot of The Da Vinci Code. The next book is tentatively scheduled for release in 2007. Its working title is The Solomon Key, and it is understood to concern Freemasonry.


1、habit n.习惯,习性,脾性 2、 habitat n.(动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地 3、hail v.下雹;欢呼,欢迎 n.雹 4、hair n.毛发,头发;绒毛,毛状物 5、half n.半,一半 a.一半的,不完全的 ad.一半地 6、 hall n.礼堂,会堂,办公大楼,门厅 7、 halt n.止步,停步,停止前进 v.止步,(使)停止 8、 ham n.火腿 9、 hamburger n.汉堡包,牛肉饼 10、 hammer n.铁锤,槌,榔头 v.锤击,敲打 11、hamper v.妨碍,阻碍,牵制 12、hand n.手,人手,雇员; 13、handbook n.手册,指南 14、 handicap v.妨碍 n.(身体或智力方面的)缺陷;不利条件 15、 hardware n.五金,金属制品;硬件


Hale, Haloed, Hallowed, Handsome, Handy, Happening, Happy, Happy-go-lucky, Hard-working, Hardy, Harmless, Harmonic, Harmonious, Harmonizable, Haunting, Head, Healing, Healthful, Healthy, Heartfelt, Heart-to-heart, Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavenly, Heavyweight, Heedful, Helped, Helpful, Helping, Hep, Heralded, Heroic


圣杯是可以实现一切愿望的宝物,只要有了圣杯,就等同于拥有了全世界。 圣杯,是源于基督的传说的奇迹之遗物。在基督教圈内,也有颇多追寻圣杯的旅行者们的传说流传着。然后在出现的圣杯被圣堂教会判定为“真”的时候,理所当然会爆发它的争夺战。为了追求作为圣遗物的圣杯而发生的战斗,就是圣杯存在的意义。 圣杯战争的胜利者所得到的奖品,即七组魔术师和英灵所争夺的,有着无论何等愿望都能立即实现的力量的“圣杯”。实际上,不过是保管已死Servant的灵魂的器具,并稳定住“大圣杯”与现世之间魔力通道的成就第三魔法的必要设备。 直至第三次为止,圣杯战争中的小圣杯都如字面一样是个“杯子”是具有圣遗物能力的器物。但是由于在第三次中小圣杯于战斗中损坏,仪式就此终止,所以之后就变成了能够自我管理的形态。 扩展资料: 圣杯争夺,六十年一次,冬木市的地脉中的灵力会积累到足以支撑圣杯降世的量,于是有着无论何等愿望都能立即实现的力量的圣杯便会出现于冬木市。而得到这一权力的,只能是一组Master与Servant。因此立下不成文的盟约,由七位魔术师,带领着各自召唤的英灵, 进行一次为了圣杯的所有权而爆发的战斗,最终活下来的胜利者将取得圣杯的所有权——这就是冬木市的圣杯战争。然而,它实质上是爱因兹贝伦家族、远坂家族、玛奇里家族(间桐家族)三家所筹划的,为了到达“根源”而构造的巨大仪式系统。 在《Fate/Apocrypha》设定中在第三次圣杯战争过后,御三家爱因兹贝伦、远坂、玛奇里处于虚弱无力的状态,大圣杯系统因而被纳粹势力所夺取,后来又被其他的魔术师搬运至别处。冬木市的圣杯战争也迎来了终结。 圣杯战争的资讯被公布,此后在世界各地都发生了亚种圣杯战争,召唤英灵变得稀松平常。然而这些亚种的圣杯战争召唤的英灵数量有限,且无法到达根源。圣杯大战则是扭曲了冬木市圣杯战争的例外战争。


书中把圣杯Sangreal (San+Greal)这个字拆成:Sang+Real又说Sang的法文即是blood,而Real的意思是Royal,所以Sangreal字面意思可以解作「王室血脉」。在电影中也有说明,圣杯是指玛利亚的子宫。 这本书里面说的是达芬奇和牛顿都是隐修会的成员,他们保受着抹大拉是耶稣的妻子和耶稣有后人的秘密。秘密议会要摧毁圣杯,以维护耶酥的神性;而隐修会则是为了保护“圣杯”和耶酥的后裔,以证明耶酥的凡性。


圣杯战争  在『Fate/stay night』中,主要登场人物们被卷进了“圣杯战争”,进行以性命为赌注的争斗。为什么他们要战斗?为什么要相互杀戮?说到底圣杯是什么?在这一项中,会解说谜题众多的圣杯战争之相关事项。 冬木市的圣杯战争  每六十年一次,圣杯会出现于冬木市。它有着无论是何等愿望都能立即实现的力量。得到这个权利的,只有一组御主和从者。 ……这就是冬木市的圣杯战争。然而,它实质上是爱因兹贝伦、远坂和玛奇里三家,为了到达“根源”而筹划的巨大仪式系统。 小圣杯  圣杯战争的胜利者所得到的奖品。实际上不过是保管已死从者之灵魂的器具,成就第三魔法的必要设备。 大圣杯  构筑于柳洞寺所在的円藏山其地下的大规模魔法阵。此阵有着从冬木市的灵脉中汲取仪式必要之魔力并储存的职责。






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