Neo4j Cypher: 寻找一组匹配节点之间的共同节点

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Neo4j Cypher: 寻找一组匹配节点之间的共同节点

#Neo4j Cypher: 寻找一组匹配节点之间的共同节点| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Very similar to the question posted here

I have the following nodes: Article and Words. Each word is connected to an article by a MENTIONED relationship.

I need to query all articles that have common words where the list of common words is dynamic. From the clients perspective, I am passing back a list of words and expecting back a results of articles that have those words in common.

The following query does the job

WITH ["orange", "apple"] as words MATCH (w:Word)(w2:Word) WHERE IN words AND IN words RETURN a, w, w2

but does not work with word list of one. How can I make it handle any number of words? Is there a better way to do this?


Yes. There are two approaches I can think of:

Finding all articles that contain some subset of those words, and then returning only articles where the number of words mentioned is the number of words you supplied in your wordlist.

Getting the :Word nodes for the given list of words, and then getting articles where all words are mentioned in the article.

Here's an example graph to test this on:

MERGE (a1:Article {name:'a1'}), (a2:Article {name:'a2'}), (a3:Article {name:'a3'}) MERGE (w1:Word{name:'orange'}), (w2:Word{name:'apple'}), (w3:Word{name:'pineapple'}), (w4:Word{name:'banana'}) MERGE (a1)-[:MENTIONED]->(w1), (a1)-[:MENTIONED]->(w2), (a1)-[:MENTIONED]->(w3), (a1)-[:MENTIONED]->(w4), (a2)-[:MENTIONED]->(w1), (a2)-[:MENTIONED]->(w4), (a3)-[:MENTIONED]->(w1), (a3)-[:MENTIONED]->(w2), (a3)-[:MENTIONED]->(w3)

Approach 1, comparing the wordlist size to the number of words mentioned in the article, looks like this:

WITH ["orange", "apple"] as words MATCH (word:Word)




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