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2023-04-14 04:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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原文标题:BartlebyThe lure of the family businessThe pros and cons of following in your parents’ footsteps巴托比专栏家族企业的吸引力 跟上父母步伐的利弊

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FAMILY BUSINESS makes for compelling drama. Just ask anyone tuning in to the final season of “Succession”, which has recently begun airing on HBO.


This Bartleby prefers “Buddenbrooks”, Thomas Mann’s chronicle of the decline and collapse of a German merchant family over the course of four generations. That novel, first published in 1901, drew heavily on the author’s personal experience.

The dilemmas of working for an organisation which an immediate family member runs or in which they own the majority sound alarming enough in fiction, never mind real life.


And nepotism can be plenty dramatic even without the plot twists.即使没有跌宕起伏的情节,裙带关系也足以引起剧烈反响。

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These days it is frowned upon—most publicly listed companies and professional firms ban it.


Still, family businesses make up more than 90% of the world’s enterprises. Many of them, quite literally, are mom-and-pop shops.


Some are large-ish businesses in smallish economies, like the one in Athens where this guest Bartleby, straight out of university, was put in charge of managing relations with institutional investors.


A handful are giant global corporations: think of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire (which allegedly inspired “Succession”) or Bernard Arnault’s $460bn luxury conglomerate, LVMH (which, as it happens, has grown by acquiring other family firms, such as Bulgari and Fendi). 少数是全球巨型公司:想想鲁珀特·默多克的媒体帝国(据称《继承者之战》受其启发)或伯纳德·阿诺特4600亿美元的奢侈品集团LVMH(事实上,它通过收购其他家族企业(如宝格丽和芬迪)而不断壮大)。

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Regardless of size, all family companies face common challenges.



loyalty and multi-generational thinking can morph into resistance to change, and if a firm has outside shareholders, clash with their interests.


The process of generational transition can be particularly draining and frustrating to the staff members who are not family, raising uncomfortable questions about social mobility, or the lack thereof.


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For the corporate heir, meeting family expectations and continuing a legacy while achieving personal fulfilment can generate a mass of contradictions, as Mann splendidly illuminated.


Even in companies that insist they are meritocratic, no amount of skill will convince all your colleagues that you have actually earned your job.


Any pre-existing domestic frictions might make their way into the business. And vice versa: disagreements over the business can breed feuds, often between siblings.


In India, the bitter dispute between Mukesh and Anil Ambani over their inherited empire, Reliance Industries, lasted for years after their father died without leaving a will. 在印度,穆克什和阿尼尔·安巴尼在他们继承的商业帝国“信实工业”之间的激烈纷争持续了多年,因为他们的父亲去世后没有留下遗嘱。

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No wonder some heirs decide to hold on to their shareholdings, perhaps a board seat, but pursue a career elsewhere.


Not all Waltons work for Walmart; it is hard to find Hoffmanns among executives at Roche, the Swiss drugmaking giant founded by their forebear in 1896.


They thus avoided being accused of belonging to the “lucky sperm club”, as Warren Buffett calls those who might well possess the managerial skills to lead a large organisation but never had to jump through the same hoops as everyone else.


Hilton and Marriott, two of the world’s biggest hotel chains, as well as Lego, a toymaking giant, are examples of companies which did not produce a strong successor and eventually ended up in the hands of professional managers.


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For those who nevertheless decide to take an active role in the family business, it does not have to be a poison.


Some of the logic that historically made family firms de rigueur continues to stand.


For example, designated heirs—like Mr Arnault’s five children, all of whom now run parts of LVMH—are groomed early on, so by the time they are ready to take over they have already acquired some industry knowledge by osmosis. 例如,指定继承人——比如阿诺特先生的5个孩子,他们现在都在管理LVMH的部分业务——早早地就被培养出来了,因此当他们准备接管时,他们已经通过潜移默化的渗透影响获得了一些行业知识。

[Paragraph 7]

At the personal level, work is not solely about money but also about empowerment and prestige. Your name on the door may


a sense of purpose.


Preserving the legacy of an empire can be rewarding, so long as the heir displays passion and persistence.


They can probably forget being one of the gang when it comes to office gossip, but they can earn their colleagues’ and subordinates’ respect with modesty and hard work.


The serious heir knows that showing up simply because it is easier than venturing out on their own doesn’t cut it.


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Ultimately, being entrusted with a business by people who share your DNA is something you ought to earn, not expect.


As the adage goes, “A family business is not a business you inherit from your parents, it is a business you borrow from your children.”


Disregard for this nugget of wisdom is what makes “Succession” such riveting television—and Waystar Royco so dysfunctional.对这句智慧金玉良言的无视,正是使得美剧《继承者之战》如此精彩的原因——也是传媒帝国“Waystar Royco”功能失调的原因。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量778左右)原文出自:2023年4月8日《The Economist》Business版块。

本文翻译整理: Irene

【重点句子】(4个)The dilemmas of working for an organisation which an immediate family member runs or in which they own the majority sound alarming enough in fiction, never mind real life.为一个直系亲属经营或拥有多数股份的公司工作的困境在小说中已经够惊人了,更不用说现实生活中的案例了。Filial loyalty and multi-generational thinking can morph into resistance to change, and if a firm has outside shareholders, clash with their interests.子女忠诚和多代思维可能会演变成对变革的抵制,如果一家家族企业有外部股东,这可能会与他们的利益发生冲突。

Any pre-existing domestic frictions might make their way into the business. And vice versa: disagreements over the business can breed feuds, often between siblings.任何现有的家庭矛盾都可能进入企业。反之亦然:企业上的意见分歧可能会导致家族纷争,通常是兄弟姐妹之间的纷争。At the personal level, work is not solely about money but also about empowerment and prestige. Your name on the door may bestow a sense of purpose.在个人层面上,工作不仅仅是关于金钱,还关乎赋权和声望。墙上的家族名字会赋予你一种使命感。



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