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look back造句

2024-07-03 13:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、As time goes by, look back to the road I took, I also feel gratified for this images harvest.感慨时光的流逝,回望走过的路,也为这不斐的影像收获感到欣慰。

2、She was never one to look back on her life, Freedman said.她从不是回忆她的一生的一,自由人说。

3、Many people would look back on Dell and say, "You went straight up."很多人回头看戴尔的时候会说:“你们直线上涨。”

4、Since then, I have encouraged myself to speak out so that I wouldn't look back with regret.从那以后,我一直鼓励自己说出自己的观点,这样我回过头来的时候就不会后悔。

5、Take a look back at 10 of the top spaceflight stories of 2007.下面就让我们回顾一下2007年的十大太空飞行事件。

6、I never look back to the old days with regret.我从不怀着悔恨的心情回顾过去。

7、Look back to the founding of the European Economic Community, the EU's forerunner, in 1957.回望过去,欧盟的前身欧洲经济委员会于1957年成立。

8、Look back at your previous entries to remind yourself how far you've come.回来翻看你以前的条目可以提醒你自己你已经前进了多远。

9、Here's a look back to a more golden age of travel.下面我们回顾一下那个旅行的黄金年代。

10、French historian Bloch: look back is a human instinct.法国史学家布洛赫:回望过去是人类的本能。

11、Look back at the last 10 things your company launched.回顾下你们公司过去推出的的10件产品。

12、With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future.因为两面神柬奈斯有两个脸,所以他可以看到过去的事,也可以看到将来的事。

13、“ A year of change,when I look back on it” He says他说:"当我回头再看时,那确实是悔改的一年。

14、Once mastered, you will never look back - but remember to practice.一旦掌握,你就再也不会回头了——一定要记着练习。

15、I look back on my schooldays with horror-I hated them!回想起我在学校里的那些日子真令人厌恶——我讨厌它们!

16、Some day when I look back on these days, I will not be regretful of what I have done.有一天当我回首这段日子,我不会后悔于我所做的一切。

17、look back with nostalgia to that period of friendly relations追忆过去的友好关系, 不胜怀念

18、Many people look back with nostalgia to feudal times.许多人留恋不舍地回顾封建时代。

19、Mr. Nelson liked to look back on the time he spent with his daughter.纳尔逊先生喜欢回顾他与女儿度过的时光。

20、Look back at the line where we created the JMS session.回头看一下我们创建JMS会话的代码行。

21、Never look back unless you want to go that way.不要回头望,除非想走回头路。

22、Were he alive today, Hippocrates might look back to his last meal to explain his cheerful mood.如果希波克拉底今天还在世的话,他也许会回顾他吃过的最后一顿饭,解释他兴奋的心情。

23、Such a rich chapter it had been, when one came to look back on it all!当一个人回顾这一切的时候,他会发现这是多么丰富多彩的一章啊!

24、Or look back at your own CV and review what you've accomplished.或者看看自己的简历,回顾一下自己所取得的成就。

25、I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.我将带着巨大的愉悦回首这件事。

26、No one can look back on his schooldays and say with truth that they were altogether unhappy.谁也不能在回首校园时代时真心真意地说那段日子完全不快乐。

27、You can see all this if you look back to Listing 5.如果您返回看清单5,您就可以看到这些。

28、look back upon the years of war回溯战争年代

29、It records your life so you can look back on it later.它记录了你的生活,你可以过后再去看看。

30、MethodsTo look back and analyse the clinical material of 83 patients poisoned by paraquat per os.方法对83例口服百草枯中毒患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

look back翻译回顾, 三心二意【经】 银行对过去贷款的审查 详情




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