
您所在的位置:网站首页 lndia形容词 “形容词+of”的常见搭配


2024-07-13 05:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




■湖南  陈根花  


▲be afraid of 害怕,担心  

Are you afraid of dogs? 你害狗吗?  

There’s nothing to be afraid of. 没什么可害怕的。  

He was afraid of failing in the exam. 他担心考试会不及格。  

▲be ashamed of 对(做)……感到羞愧(惭愧)  

You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。  

He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他对自己的失败感到羞惭。  


I am ashamed of that.=I am ashamed of myself for that. 我对此感到羞愧。  

He is ashamed of being poor.=He is ashamed of himself for being poor. 他因为穷而感到羞惭  

▲be aware of 觉察到,意识到  

Are you aware of the time? 你知道是什么时候了吗?  

He was not aware of having done wrong. 他还没有意识到自己做错了。  

▲be capable of 能够做,可以  

You are capable of better work than this. 你能比这做得更好。  

Show me what you are capable of. 让我看看你有什么本事。  

【注】表示能做某事,英语习惯上不说 be capable to do sth,而说 be capable of doing sth。如:  

He is capable of finishing the work in an hour. 他能在一小时内完成这工作。  

▲be careful of 当心,注意  

Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 留心那条狗,有时候咬人。  

Be careful of the icy pavement; it’s really glassy. 小心人行道上有冰,路面可真滑。  

【注】有时也说be careful about (with)。如:  

I hope you will be more careful of [about] your health. 希望你更注意身体。  

Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. 这只花瓶很贵,要小心点。  

▲be certain of 对……有把握(自信)  

Our team is certain of winning. 我们球队有把握赢。  

You should be certain of your facts before you rush into print. 你不应仓促付印,应先将事实弄确凿。  

【注】有时也说be certain about。如:  

I’m quite certain about it. 我对此很有把握。  

▲be characteristic of 有……的特色  

Sympathy is the feeling which is characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的情感。  

The defiant manner is characteristic of teenagers. 那种反抗的态度是十几岁青少年所特有的。  


▲be confident of 对……有信心(把握)  

He is confident of victory. 他对胜利充满信心。  

We are confident of our success. 我们确信能获得成功。  

▲be conscious of 对……有意识的(神志清醒的)  

I was not conscious of having offended him. 我没有意识到得罪了他。  

Was he conscious of what he was saying at the time? 他当时知道自己在说些什么吗?  

▲be considerate of 为……着想的,体谅,体贴  

He is considerate of other people’s wishes (feelings). 他能体谅别人的愿望(感情)。  

He is considerate of old people. 他对老人体贴入微。  

【注】比较下面的it is considerate of sb to do sth句式:  

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡觉时你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。  

▲be critical of 对……表示批评(谴责)  

The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。  

He is critical of grammar in the speech of other persons. 他爱挑别人讲话中的语法错误。  


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