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2023-05-08 03:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Traffic Control简介



Qdiscs定义了数据包在一个类中的排队和处理方式。有几个qdiscs可用,每个qdiscs都有自己的一套功能和特点。例如,pfifo_fast qdisc 提供简单的先进先出(FIFO)队列,而分层令牌桶(HTB)qdisc 提供更先进的流量整形功能。







tc qdisc show dev ens224 #列出这个设备下的qdisc信息。qdisc mq 0:root

每一个interface都有一个root qdisc和一个ingress qdisc。 root就是输出,ingress是输入,但是现在好一点的MAC都是带有多个硬件队列的(每个队列有独立的中断,独立的Buffer ,硬件级别的队列控制,你甚至可以理解为一个mac可以分为多个子mac),但是又不能搞多个root qdisc出来,所以搞了一个mq,mq:(multi-queue) 也叫 multiqueue dummy schedule。 顺便提一句,TAS的前提就是至少要有2个发送队列。一般最多也就8个TX,8个RX。对应VLAN的8个优先级。看一下i210的参数。


The mq scheduler does two things: - present device TX queues as classes, allowing to attach different qdiscs to them, which are grafted to the TX queues - present accumulated statistics of all device queue root qdiscs Its used by default for multiqueue devices instead of the regular pfifo_fast qdisc, but can also be attached manually to restore multiqueue behaviour after attaching a non-multiqueue (shared) qdisc.


qdisc里面还有一个MultiQ,MultiQ vs Mq的区别我问了一下GPT-4:

The MultiQ and MQ (Multiqueue) are both queuing disciplines (qdiscs) used in the Linux traffic control subsystem to manage multiple transmission queues, but they serve slightly different purposes and work in different ways.MultiQ (multiq):MultiQ is a simple queuing discipline that utilizes multiple transmission queues, typically equal to the number of hardware transmit queues available on the network interface card (NIC). The primary purpose of MultiQ is to distribute packets among the hardware queues, allowing the NIC to transmit packets from different queues in parallel, which can improve the overall throughput.MultiQ does not perform any scheduling or prioritization between the queues. It relies on upper-layer protocols, such as the IP stack, to choose the correct queue for each packet. Typically, this decision is based on the packet's priority (e.g., type of service) or flow identification (e.g., 5-tuple).MQ (multiqueue):MQ is another queuing discipline that also utilizes multiple transmission queues. However, unlike MultiQ, MQ provides more control over the scheduling and prioritization of the packets among the different queues. MQ allows the system administrator to configure and use different qdiscs for each queue, enabling more advanced packet scheduling and prioritization policies.With MQ, you can attach different queuing disciplines, like HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket), FQ (Fair Queuing), or FQ-CoDel (Flow Queuing with Controlled Delay), to each of the queues, effectively creating a hierarchy of qdiscs that can enforce complex traffic shaping and prioritization rules.In summary, MultiQ is a simple queuing discipline that distributes packets among multiple hardware transmit queues for parallel transmission without any scheduling, while MQ allows for more complex and fine-grained control over the scheduling and prioritization of packets among the queues by attaching different qdiscs to each queue.

目前自己对(MultiQ vs Mq)还没有一个很好的理解,先把这个解释放在这里。mq和mulitq创建的结果如下图。

sudo tc qdisc add dev ens224 root handle 1: mq sudo tc qdisc add dev ens224 root handle 1: multiq




qdisc fq_codel 0: parent 1:1 limit 10240p flows 1024 quantum 1514 target 5ms interval 100ms memory_limit 32Mb ecn drop_batch 64

fq_codel:qdisc策略,后面会主要介绍一下这个策略, 一个策略可以包含多个class,每个class都需要一个id(major:miner)

The numbering of handles for classes and qdiscs


This parameter is completely free of meaning to the kernel. The user may use an arbitrary numbering scheme, however all objects in the traffic control structure with the same parent must share a major handle number. Conventional numbering schemes start at 1 for objects attached directly to the root qdisc.


This parameter unambiguously identifies the object as a qdisc if minor is 0. Any other value identifies the object as a class. All classes sharing a parent must have unique minor numbers.

上图是一个major:minor 的例子。数据流从10:1,10:2,12:1,12:2来,最终从root(1:1)出。多队列的话,最终就是从1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4出。



sudo tc qdisc add dev ens224 parent 1:1 handle 10 fq_codel sudo tc qdisc change dev ens224 handle 10 fq_codel limit 10250netem

netem(Network Emulation)是一个Linux内核中的网络模拟模块,它可以通过模拟各种网络条件(如延迟、丢包、抖动等)来帮助测试、调试和评估网络应用程序。通过netem,开发者和网络工程师可以在不同的网络环境下验证应用程序的性能、可靠性和稳定性。netem也是属于qdisc的一种



RTT:往返时间(Round-Trip Time,简称 RTT)是计算网络通信中数据包从发送端到接收端再返回发送端所需的总时间。在以太网中,RTT 是衡量网络延迟的一个关键指标。它受到网络拥塞、硬件性能、传输距离和其他许多因素的影响。RTT 可以用来评估网络连接的质量和速度,对于网络调优和故障排查具有重要意义。


sudo tc qdisc add dev ens224 parent 1:2 handle 11 netem delay 100ms


tc -s class show dev ens224


ndo_select_queue & netdev_pick_tx & XPS


返回一个固定值3(对应的就是1:4)。所以说这里我们需要修改igb_avb驱动,使他能进入netdev_pick_tx 函数(这个地方也是卡了我一会。。)


u16 netdev_pick_tx(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *sb_dev) { struct sock *sk = skb->sk; int queue_index = sk_tx_queue_get(sk); sb_dev = sb_dev ? : dev; if (queue_index ooo_okay || queue_index >= dev->real_num_tx_queues) { int new_index = get_xps_queue(dev, sb_dev, skb); if (new_index sk_dst_cache)) sk_tx_queue_set(sk, new_index); queue_index = new_index; } return queue_index; }

可以看到,get_xps_queue, skb_tx_hash。

skb_tx_hash 应该就是更加端口ip来计算index,没去细看,主要看一下get_xps_queue。

XPS is configured per transmit queue by setting a bitmap ofCPUs/receive-queues that may use that queue to transmit. The reversemapping, from CPUs to transmit queues or from receive-queues to transmitqueues, is computed and maintained for each network device. Whentransmitting the first packet in a flow, the function get_xps_queue() iscalled to select a queue. This function uses the ID of the receive queuefor the socket connection for a match in the receive queue-to-transmit queuelookup table. Alternatively, this function can also use the ID of therunning CPU as a key into the CPU-to-queue lookup table. If theID matches a single queue, that is used for transmission. If multiplequeues match, one is selected by using the flow hash to compute an indexinto the set. When selecting the transmit queue based on receive queue(s)map, the transmit device is not validated against the receive device as itrequires expensive lookup operation in the datapath.



要实现cpu和硬件队列的绑定,我们要用的XPS,RPS. Scaling in the Linux Networking Stack

XPS: Transmit Packet Steering

Transmit Packet Steering is a mechanism for intelligently selecting which transmit queue to use when transmitting a packet on a multi-queue device. This can be accomplished by recording two kinds of maps, either a mapping of CPU to hardware queue(s) or a mapping of receive queue(s) to hardware transmit queue(s).





这种模式代表的就是某个包从哪个队列接收到的,就从哪个队列发送出去。In this model, sending the packets on the same transmit queue corresponding to the associated receive queue has benefits in keeping the CPU overhead low

这里我们采用xps_cpus的方式,把CPU2 映射到队列1上。



这里我们用到了taskset 命令。





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