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2022-12-25 12:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





磁盘分区 [root@oracle ~]# fdisk /dev/sda Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): m Command action a toggle a bootable flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the dos compatibility flag d delete a partition g create a new empty GPT partition table G create an IRIX (SGI) partition table l list known partition types m print this menu n add a new partition o create a new empty DOS partition table p print the partition table q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) Command (m for help): n Partition type: p primary (3 primary, 0 extended, 1 free) e extended Select (default e): p Selected partition 4 First sector (41943040-83886079, default 41943040): Using default value 41943040 Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (41943040-83886079, default 83886079): Using default value 83886079 Partition 4 of type Linux and of size 20 GiB is set Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) Syncing disks. 查看新的磁盘分区类型 [root@oracle ~]# fdisk -l Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949672960 bytes, 83886080 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk label type: dos Disk identifier: 0x000a9a6f Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 2048 6143 2048 83 Linux /dev/sda2 * 6144 2103295 1048576 83 Linux /dev/sda3 2103296 41943039 19919872 8e Linux LVM /dev/sda4 41943040 83886079 20971520 83 Linux Disk /dev/mapper/centos-root: 19.3 GB, 19323158528 bytes, 37740544 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk /dev/mapper/centos-swap: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes, 2097152 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes 修改磁盘分区类型

通过fdisk -l 查看到/dev/sdb3的分区Id为8e,所以,/dev/vdb4的id也修改与其一致。

[root@oracle ~]# fdisk /dev/sda Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): t Partition number (1-4, default 4): Hex code (type L to list all codes): L 0 Empty 24 NEC DOS 81 Minix / old Lin bf Solaris 1 FAT12 27 Hidden NTFS Win 82 Linux swap / So c1 DRDOS/sec (FAT- 2 XENIX root 39 Plan 9 83 Linux c4 DRDOS/sec (FAT- 3 XENIX usr 3c PartitionMagic 84 OS/2 hidden C: c6 DRDOS/sec (FAT- 4 FAT16




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