2023年初高英语衔接讲义 发音要领和字母及字母组合发音

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2023年初高英语衔接讲义 发音要领和字母及字母组合发音

#2023年初高英语衔接讲义 发音要领和字母及字母组合发音| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


发音要领和常见字母及字母组合发音舌位图1./i:/发音要领:1.舌尖抵下齿2.舌前部尽量抬高3.唇形扁平(嘴角往后扯)。4 .重读拖长e i ea ie ee ey eiOne evening, a police drank a cup of tea, ate a piece of beef, and went to catch a thief who stole a key and hid on the ceiling.2./ /发音要领:1.舌尖抵下齿2.舌前部抬高3.唇形偏平4.短促轻快i u e a y ui eyMy sister is very busy but she still buy delicious oranges for me. I am very happy and play the guitar like a monkey.3./e/发音要领:1.舌尖抵下齿2.舌前部抬高3.唇形偏平(齿间距为一个手指)。4.短促轻快 “咩”~a ie u e ai ei eaMany friends bury themselves into study with out leaving their desks.They said too much leisure can not bring them true pleasure./ /发音要领:1.舌尖抵下齿2.舌前部稍抬高3.唇形偏平(齿间距为两个手指)。4.重读中长,下巴速下速回发抵舌“唉”sad5./ /发音要领:1.舌尖轻触下齿龈2.舌身稍往后缩3.双唇自然张开 (齿间距为1.5个手指)4.短促轻快发一声的“阿胶”的“阿”er ou or o ar a uMy teacher is a famous actor. He is popular. He likes collecting banana in campus.6./ :/发音要领:1.舌尖轻触下齿龈2.舌身稍往后缩3.双唇稍有紧张感(齿间距为1个手指)4.重读拖长,声音集中。ir ur or ear ourThe girl is a nurse. You should listen to her words and get up early to start a journey.7./ /发音要领:1.舌尖轻触下齿龈2.舌头稍微后缩(没有呕吐感)3.双唇放松,齿间距为2个手指左右4.短促轻快,无力的“啊”o u oo ouCome on. A cup of blood is enough.8./ɑ:/发音要领:1.舌尖离开下齿2.舌身平放,舌后稍微抬起3.双唇完全张开,略圆(齿间距为3个手指)。4.重读托长,下巴拉低发“啊”a al er au ear ar uarMy father is a calm clerk. He never laughs from the heart and often walks in the park like a guard.9./ :/发音要领:1.舌尖离开下齿2.舌身向后缩3.双唇呈圆形并前突4.重读托长,发四声。our au or al ou aw a ar ore oo oarYour daughter had a short walk and bought strawberries and drank some water in a warm store whose door began to roar(狂响)。10./ /发音要领:1.舌尖离开下齿2.舌身平放,舌后稍微抬起3.双唇张大呈圆形,并前突4.轻快短促的发“凹”。o au aWe have a box of sausages. Please watch the door when Daddy and Mommy leave.11./ /发音要领:1.舌尖离开下齿,舌身往后缩2.舌后部抬起3.双唇收圆,稍前突4.轻快短促。o oo oul uThe woman has a good look and could make sugar.12./u:/发音要领:1.舌尖离开下齿,舌身往后缩2.舌后部用力抬起3.双唇收圆,唇形很小,向前突出。4.重读拖长。ou u oo ui ew o ue oeA group of people polluted the food and juice , and threw them into whose blue shoes.作业:听歌曲,并标出阴影字母或字母组合音标My LoveWestlife西城男孩An empty street.空旷的大街。An empty house.空荡的房子。A hole inside my heart.空洞的心。I'm all alone.我是如此孤寂。And the rooms are getting smaller.房间也变得小起来。I wonder how ! 我不知道为何!I wonder why ! 我也不明白为什么!I wonder where they are.我更不了解它们在哪里。The days we had.那些我们过去拥有的日子。The songs we sang together.我们一起唱过的歌。Oh,yeah !And oh my love.噢!我亲爱的。I'm holding on forever.我愿永远拥抱你。Reaching for the love that seems so far.努力去达到那远不可及的爱的彼岸。So I say a little prayer.于是我做着微不足道的祈祷。And hope my dreams will take me there.希望梦想能把我带到彼岸。Where the skies are blue.在那里天空是兰的。To see you once again,my love.在那里能与你重逢,我的爱人。Overseas from coast to coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。Where the fields are green.在那里土地是绿的。To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。My love ! 我的爱人!双元音1./e / ea;ey;ay;aiThey are so great. But they take a subway and train to Hong Kong.2./a / i;y;igh;ie;uyA tiger fly high without guide and die, what can he buy 3./ / oy;oiThe boy is so noisy.4./ / ere;ea;eer;eHere is a hero drinking beer in the theater.5./e / ere;air;are;ear妻:接到丈夫电话 高兴地说在做头发,买衣服,丈夫:Where are you?I don’t care what you wear or your hair.6./ / ure;our;oor;uaMake sure the tour in February is not poor.7./ / ow;oa;o;ouHe row a boat in cold winter to exercise his shoulder.8./a / ow;ouHow about?辅音(28)14个简单/p/ p pp /b/ b bb /g/ g gg /m/ m mm/t/ t tt /d/ d dd /l/ l ll/ts/ ts /dz/ ds /tr/ tr /dr/ dr/v/ v /θ/ th / / th14个特别记忆1)/k/ ck c k chA black cat likes our school.2)/f/ f ff gh phDon’t eat food, take photos and laugh aloud in the office.3)/s/ ss s c scA boss in a small city can’t enjoy scenery.4.)/z/ s ss z zzHis possession became zero which is a puzzle./ / t ss s ch sh cIt is a tradition to put some Russia’s sugar on Chicago’s fish which is delicious/ / g s garage pleasure/h/ h wh who is happy 8)/r/ r rr wrThe roses arrived at a wrong time.9)/t / ch t tchMy child draw a picture for a match.10)/d / g j dgPut the orange juice in the fridge.11)/n/ kn gn n nnI don’t know your foreign name is Sunny./ / n ngMy uncle is singing.13)/j/ y iIt took him a year to make a billion14)/w/ wh wa white watch考察方式:考察模板:默写;听写;补全词语;挖空排序;运用:给词划线






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