高中英语高考必修第三册 Unit 5 高考题型组合练

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高中英语高考必修第三册 Unit 5 高考题型组合练

#高中英语高考必修第三册 Unit 5 高考题型组合练| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

这是一份高中英语高考必修第三册 Unit 5 高考题型组合练,共8页。试卷主要包含了A.bigger B,A.change B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

AIceland has lng been identified as having unique envirnments.Here yu can walk and swim between tectnic (地壳构造的) plates,bath in gethermal waters,and experience the wild landscapes.Furthermre,these unique envirnments have attracted the space-science cmmunity t use Iceland as ne f its test sites fr missins travelling t Mars.DAY 1Arrive in Reykjavik.After check-in,yu will visit the gethermal pls f the Blue Lagn t relax after yur flight,befre returning t yur htel t freshen up.Yu will then head t the Aurra Basecamp Observatry,where yu will be able t see the nrthern lights recreated indrs.In the evening,space expert Niamh Shaw will give the first f tw talks n ur attempt t establish bases n ther planets.DAY 2After breakfast,yu will set ut n special vehicles twards Pingvellir Natinal Park,a registered UNESCO wrld heritage site accmpanied by Niamh.Here,yu will have the pprtunity t d smething that yu can’t d anywhere else,the pprtunity t swim between the tectnic plates.In the evening,yu will enjy a secnd talk frm Niamh.DAY 3Tday yu begin yur jurney twards the 2020 NASA test site,where the NASA SAND E Mars Rver is being tested.NASA scientists will be n hand t explain the prject,alng with updates f the current Mars missins and the mst recent findings.DAY 4In 2019,Iceland Space Agency hsted the ISAGEVR1 Expeditin t Grimsvötn Vlcan n tp f the Vatnajökull Glacier t field-test the MS1 Mars Analg Spacesuit designed by the NASA/Jhnsn space centre.We will be wrking tgether with the agency t create a unique experience fr yu tday n the glacier.DAY 5In the afternn,yu will reach the bridge between the cntinents,spanning a gap in between the tw tectnic plates,n yur way t Keflavik Airprt and yur evening flight hme.eq \x(语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了五天冰岛之旅的具体行程。)1.Wh wuld be mst interested in this travel arrangement t Iceland?A.Fictin writers.B.Space enthusiasts.C.Wildlife prtectrs.D.Prfessinal swimmers.答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Furthermre,these unique envirnments have attracted the space-science cmmunity t use Iceland as ne f its test sites fr missins travelling t Mars.”可推知,太空爱好者对这次冰岛之旅最感兴趣。故选B项。2.Which days include chances t experience smething abut Mars?A.Day 1 and Day 2.B.Day 2 and Day 3.C.Day 3 and Day 4.D.Day 4 and Day 5.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据DAY 3部分中的“Tday yu begin yur the NASA SAND E Mars Rver is being tested.”及DAY 4部分中的“In 2019,Iceland Space field test the MS1 Mars Analg Spacesuit”可知,第3天和第4天的行程包含与火星有关的事情。故选C项。3.Which f the fllwing can best prmte this tur?A.“We hpe t ffer yu a great pprtunity t enjy hiking.”B.“We will let yu explre hw NASA is a part f everyday life.”C.“We want t help yu discver space science thrugh the jy f travel.”D.“We will prvide yu with a chance t experience the culture near the Arctic Circle.”答案 C解析 推理判断题。通读全文,结合第一段中的“Furthermre,these unique envirnments have attracted the space-science cmmunity t use Iceland as ne f its test sites fr missins travelling t Mars.”可知,文章主要讲述的是能体验航天科学的冰岛之旅,所以C项能最好地宣传这次旅行。故选C项。B(2022·山东滕州阶段性检测)Researchers at Oregn State University have made a key advance in seeking fr the green chemistry f changing the greenhuse gas carbn dixide int reusable frms f carbn by electrchemical reductin.Published in Nature Energy,the study led by Zhenxing Feng f the OSU Cllege f Engineering and clleagues at Suthern University f Science and Technlgy in China and Stanfrd University describes a new type f electrcatalyst (电催化剂).“The reductin f carbn dixide is beneficial fr a clean envirnment and sustainable develpment,” said Feng,assistant prfessr f chemical engineering.“In cntrast t traditinal CO2 reductin that uses chemical methds at high temperatures with a high demand f extra energy,electrchemical CO2 reductin reactins can be perfrmed at rm temperature using liquid slutin.And the electricity required fr electrchemical CO2 reductin can be btained frm renewable energy surces such as slar pwer,thus enabling cmpletely green prcesses.”“T understand the reactin mechanism f ur catalyst,my grup at OSU used X-ray absrptin spectrscpy (光谱学) t mnitr the catalyst’s change during the reactin prcesses,cnfirming the rle f the catalyst in the reactin,” Feng said.“This cllabrative wrk demnstrates a high-perfrmance catalyst fr green prcesses f electrchemical CO2 reductin reactins.It als shws the reactin mechanism f ur catalyst,which can guide the future develpment f energy change devices as we wrk tward a negative-carbn ecnmy.”The Natinal Science Fundatin,the Department f Energy,the Guangdng Prvincial Key Labratry f Catalysis,Oregn State University,the Natinal Natural Science Fundatin f China and the Guangdng-Hng Kng-Maca Jint Labratry fr Phtnic-Thermal-Electrical Energy Materials and Devices supprted this research.Mayu Wang and Marcs Lucer f OSU were amng the cllabratrs,wh als included scientists frm Yale University,Nrthwestern University and the Argnne Natinal Labratry.4.What achievement have the researchers made?A.They have fund a way t retain CO2.B.They have learned the benefits f CO2.C.They have discvered hw t reuse CO2.D.They have invented a new frm f CO2.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,研究人员在寻找通过电化学还原法将温室气体二氧化碳转化为可重复利用的碳的绿色化学方面取得了关键性的进展。由此可知,研究人员取得的成就是发现了如何重复利用二氧化碳。故选C。5.What des Zhenxing Feng express abut the reductin f CO2 in Paragraph 3?A.Their methd has many advantages.B.Their methd nly needs slar energy.C.Their methd is bad fr the envirnment.D.The traditinal methd is ut f date.答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第二、三句可知,和传统的二氧化碳减排相比,电化学二氧化碳减排可以在室温下使用液体溶液进行,并且所需要的电力可以从太阳能等可再生能源中获取,因此可以使该过程完全环保。由此可推知,Zhenxing Feng认为他们的方法有更多的优势。故选A。6.Why many research centers are intrduced?A.T shw their ppularity.B.T tell us their lcatins.C.T invite mre peple t jin in the research.D.T prve the crrectness f the finding.答案 D解析 推理判断题。第五段提及的这些研究中心都支持这项研究。由此可推知,介绍这些研究中心是为了证明他们的发现是正确的。故选D。7.In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?A.Educatin. B.Science.C.Life. D.Health.答案 B解析 文章出处题。本文介绍了俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员发现通过电化学还原法能够将温室气体二氧化碳转化为可重复使用的碳,所以该文章应属于科学范畴。故选B。Ⅱ.完形填空Ten years ag,Liz Plachta gave birth t a little girl with Dwn syndrme(唐氏综合征) named Ruby.The lve Plachta felt fr her daughter 1 her t create a schlarship f $2,000 t help anther child with Dwn syndrme but wanting t g t cllege.“I really just wanted the wrld t 2 what I saw in her,which was that she was extrardinary,” Plachta shared with CBS News.The initial 3 f sending ne child t cllege didn’t quite g as planned.The family actually 4 t raise funds fr 11 kids with Dwn syndrme in that year.Frm there,Ruby’s Rainbw was 5 .It is a nn-prfit aimed at 6 higher educatin fr thse with Dwn syndrme and giving them the 7 nt nly t learn,but als t becme mre independent and able t cntribute t sciety.Ten years later and this schlarship prgram has snwballed int smething much 8 .Thrugh the charity,$1.2 millin has been raised,allwing many peple with Dwn syndrme t 9 their dreams f a higher educatin and shw the wrld just hw amazing they are.Hwever,althugh the schlarship prgram is a wnderful educatinal pprtunity,what matters mst is the 10 message this sends t parents f children with Dwn syndrme,r parents expecting a child with that extra chrmsme.Plachta wants parents t feel 11 .She wants parents nt t be 12 f a Dwn syndrme diagnsis.As she shares,“When the parents find ur website,they will see all f these amazing,beautiful,capable 13 ,and peple wh are ut there with Dwn syndrme 14 their lives.And 15 ,they’re crying tears f jy fr the future.”1.A.frced B.frbadeC.refused D.inspired答案 D解析 根据“t help anther child with Dwn syndrme but wanting t g t cllege”可知,Plachta对女儿的爱鼓舞了她创立助学金去帮助另外一位患有唐氏综合征但是却想上大学的人。故选D。2.A.see B.recrdC.cmpare D.hide答案 A解析 根据“what I saw in her,which was that she was extrardinary”可知,Plachta想让世界看到她所看到的真实的女儿。故选A。3.A.requirement B.explanatinC.prject D.cncept答案 C解析 根据“The family actually t raise funds fr 11 kids with Dwn syndrme in that year.”可知,资助一个孩子上大学的最初的项目进行得与计划的不一样。故选C。4.A.pretended B.failedC.prmised D.managed答案 D解析 根据“raise funds fr 11 kids with Dwn syndrme in that year”可知,实际上那个家庭在那一年设法筹集了可以资助11位患有唐氏综合征的孩子上大学的资金。故选D。5.A.dnated B.brnC.ruined D.bught答案 B解析 这里指Ruby’s Rainbw项目诞生了。故选B。6.A.securing B.presentingC.brrwing D.prmting答案 A解析 根据“higher educatin fr thse with Dwn syndrme”可知,这是一个旨在确保患有唐氏综合征的孩子有机会上大学的非营利组织。故选A。7.A.permissin B.chanceC.plan D.desire答案 B解析 根据“nt nly t learn,but als t sciety”可知,该项目不仅为孩子们提供学习机会,而且使孩子们有机会更加独立并且能够回报社会。故选B。8.A.bigger B.fasterC.easier D.greener答案 A解析 根据“has snwballed int smething much”可知,十年后,这个助学项目变成了更大的项目。故选A。9.A.change B.makeC.achieve D.set答案 C解析 根据“their dreams f a higher educatin”可知,这些资金可以让很多唐氏综合征患者得以实现接受高等教育的梦想。故选C。10.A.challenging B.psitiveC.cntradictry D.cntrversial答案 B解析 这个项目向患者的父母传递了积极的讯息。故选B。11.A.graceful B.generalC.hpeful D.embarrassed答案 C解析 根据下文“As she shares,‘ will see all f these amazing,beautiful,capable...’”可知,Plachta希望患者的父母能够感受到希望。故选C。12.A.afraid B.freeC.aware D.careful答案 A解析 Plachta希望父母不要害怕面对唐氏综合征的诊断结果。故选A。13.A.fingers B.feetC.faces D.hands答案 C解析 根据“When the parents find ur website”可知,当患者的父母浏览网站的时候,他们会看到一张张了不起的、美丽的并且有能力的脸庞。故选C。14.A.exchanging B.pausingC.cancelling D.living答案 D解析 他们也会看到那些患有唐氏综合征的人依然在过他们的生活。故选D。15.A.unfrtunately B.suddenlyC.rarely D.randmly答案 B解析 他们会在浏览的某个瞬间突然泪流满面,那是因为他们看到了未来和希望而喜极而泣。故选B。Ⅲ.语法填空Shakespeare and Cmpany is an English-language bkshp in the heart f Paris.It 1. (be) a meeting place fr writers and readers fr almst seventy years.In 1951,a bkshp 2. (name) Le Mistral was pened by Gerge Whitman.It was renamed Shakespeare and Cmpany in 1964 3. hnr f a bkseller he admired,Sylvia Beach,wh funded the 4. (rigin) Shakespeare and Cmpany in 1919.Beach’s bkstre had been a gathering place fr great writers f the time,including Hemingway,Fitzgerald,and Pund.Gerge’s bkstre quickly became a center fr literary life.Frm the first day,writers,artists,and intellectuals were invited 5. (sleep) fr free amng the shelves.Since then,an estimated 30,000 peple have stayed in the bkshp.Over the years,the shp 6. (gradual) grew.Gerge said,“I 7. (create) this bkstre like a man wuld write a nvel,building each rm like 8. chapter,and I like peple t pen the dr the way they pen a bk.”Tday Gerge’s nvel,this bkshp,is still being written by Gerge’s child Sylvia,by a team f 9. (bkseller),and by the thusands f peple 10. cntinue t read,write,and sleep at Shakespeare and Cmpany.1.答案 has been解析 考查时态和主谓一致。由时间状语fr almst seventy years可知应使用现在完成时,It为单数主语应使用has。故填has been。2.答案 named解析 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,name搭配其后的Le Mistral作后置定语修饰主语a bkshp,name和bkshp之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词形式。故填named。3.答案 in解析 考查介词。这里为固定短语in hnr f,意为“为了纪念”。故填in。4.答案 riginal解析 考查词性转换。空格处在定冠词the和Shakespeare and Cmpany之间,作定语,需用形容词。故填riginal。5.答案 t sleep解析 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处符合invite在被动语态下的用法be invited t d sth.,即其后要接不定式。故填t sleep。6.答案 gradually解析 考查词性转换。这里修饰谓语动词grew,需要使用副词形式。故填gradually。7.答案 created解析 考查时态。分析该句情境,Gerge在说这句话时,书店早已建成,create这个动作发生在过去,要用一般过去时。故填created。8.答案 a解析 考查冠词。由句意可知,此处表示“一个章节”应使用表泛指的不定冠词,其后的chapter发音以辅音音素开头,要用不定冠词a。故填a。9.答案 bksellers解析 考查名词复数。空格前的修饰短语a team f意为“一队,一组”,其后应接可数名词复数形式。故填bksellers。10.答案 wh/that解析 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,空格前句成分完整,后句缺少主语,先行词为peple,指人,应使用关系代词wh或that。故填wh/that。语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员发现通过电化学还原法能够将二氧化碳转化为可重复使用的碳。语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。Liz Plachta的女儿患有唐氏综合征,出于对女儿的爱,她发起了爱心助学项目,帮助了很多唐氏综合征患者实现自己的求学梦。她的善举不仅帮助了那些病痛中的孩子,也鼓舞了他们的父母。语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了坐落于巴黎中心的一家著名书店——Shakespeare and Cmpany。


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