levity是什么意思 levity的中文翻译、读音、例句

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levity是什么意思 levity的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-07-13 18:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: levity在中文中有"轻浮、不稳定"的意思,levity是什么意思 levity的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"轻率"的意思,发音是[l'eviti],levity在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到64个与levity相关的用法和句子。




1. He brought some levity to the meeting with his funny jokes. (他用滑稽的笑话给会议带来了一些欢乐。)

2. The serious topic needed a little levity to make it easier to discuss. (这个严肃的话题需要一些轻松的氛围,以便更容易地讨论。)

3. Some people mistake levity for lack of seriousness. (有些人把轻松当成缺乏严肃。)




例句:Almost every situation allows for a bit of levity, so remain humble and try seeing the humorous side of things. (几乎所有的情况都允许一点浮夸,因此在保持谦虚的同时也要看到幽默的本质。)


例句:When he finished with a final birdie, any seriousness of the incident gave way to levity. (当他以一杆小鸟球结束最后一轮时,那丝严肃的气氛也烟消云散。)


例句:I object to the note of levity which the counsel for the defense is introducing into these proceedings. (我反对辩方律师 给这个严肃的法庭 带来的轻浮随意之风)


例句:At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity. (翻译:那时候,阿诺德不赞成如此的轻浮行为。)


1. I object to the note of levity which the counsel for the defense is introducing into these proceedings. (翻译:我反对辩方律师 给这个严肃的法庭 带来的轻浮随意之风)

2. At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity. (翻译:那时候,阿诺德不赞成如此的轻浮行为。)

3. Now he's so angry, moments of levity actually cause him pain. (翻译:moments of levity actually cause him pain.)

4. In times of painful injustice, play brings the levity we need to be able to breathe. (翻译:当令人痛心的不公发生时, 玩乐给我们带来能让我们喘息的轻松。)

5. Okay, that's an interesting joke, but I appreciate levity in a moment of misunderstanding, so thank you, Greg. (翻译:哈哈... 那是个有趣笑话! 我很欣赏这种化解误会的幽默感)

6. I am sure foreigners must think our levity is baffling. (翻译:外国人肯定认为我们的轻浮举止不可理喻。)

7. Of course I can understand why they might consider tourists frolicking with his likeness to be a display of inappropriate levity. (翻译:我当然能理解他们为什么会觉得游客对肖像的嬉戏是不适当的轻浮表现。)



1. 词释:levity是一个名词,意为轻率、轻浮、不严肃,指言行举止缺乏重视或者嬉笑怒骂不分。在文学、电影等艺术形式中,levity也可以指表现出来的轻松幽默的氛围。

2. 词源解释:levity来自于拉丁语levitas,意为轻盈,后来演变为轻浮、轻率的意思。

3. 用法提示:levity通常会与seriousness(严肃)相对,表示相反的含义。另外,该词通常用于形容人的风格、情绪等,也可以用于描述某种言论或行为。

4. 考试应用:levity常常在英语四级、六级等考试中出现,考生需要根据上下文选择合适的翻译和表达方式。


1. His levity at the funeral angered his wife and children.(他在葬礼上的轻浮言行激怒了他的妻子和孩子。)

2. The manager couldn't tolerate the levity of his employees during the important meeting.(经理无法容忍员工在重要会议上的轻率行为。)

3. The levity of the comedian's jokes made the audience laugh out loud.(喜剧演员的幽默引发了听众的大笑。)

4. She was always full of levity and cheerfulness, no matter how difficult the situation was.(无论情况多么困难,她总是充满着轻松愉快的氛围。)

5. The levity of the party atmosphere gradually dissipated as the night went on.(随着夜晚的推进,聚会的轻松氛围逐渐散去。)

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