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2024-07-14 11:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

laud 网络解释

1. 称赞:recommend某个东西即表示了对某个东西的一种称赞(laud)sanction某个东西表示了对某个东西的关怀鼓励发展(foster)ps:M-W 是无敌的!(chenqi)ps:M-W 是无敌的!(chenqi)

2. laud的反义词

2. 赞美:lash#打 | laud#赞美 | lease#租

3. 称赞,赞美:10. savvy 理解,知道 | 11. laud 称赞,赞美 | 12. assn 协会,学会


4. 赞扬:lash out 指控,抨击 | laud 赞扬 | launch 开始,发动

laud 双语例句

1. But the living can praise thee, even those who stumble can laud thee.    一只蛆虫当然不能赞美你,一只尸虫也不能例举你的慈爱

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. They often laud these techniques saying that they have become wealth magnets attracting abundance - often from unlikely sources!    他们常常夸称他们已成为这些技术磁铁吸引大量财富往往很难从源头!

3. People laud the corporate hero -- theperson going above and beyond -- but not corporate martyrs, who havekilled themselves and potentially put the business in a compromisedsituation.    人们会称赞公司的英雄——那个鹤立鸡群的人,但是不会称赞公司的殉难者,那些不仅让自己壮烈牺来源:考试大牲还让公司陷于两难境地的人。

4. The teacher laud the student to the skies.    老师极力称赞该学生。不适合

5. laud的解释

5. The result is that once a product comes out, the fellow artists admire, the media laud to the skies, and the collectors follow up, continuing with this superficial vicious cycle.    这样的结果就是一个作品出来,同行们称奇,媒体们追捧,收藏家们跟上这个部队,继续这样悬而不实的恶性循环。

6. Flatter; laud to the skies; lavish praise on    他在部队里当一名炊事员。

7. The claudin family of tight junction proteins is the major component of the tight junction complex. It maintains the paracellular selective permeability of solutes and ions, and is regulated by protein kinases.    紧密连接蛋白c laud ins是构成紧密连接复合物的主要成分,维持细胞间离子和溶质的选择性渗透,c laud ins的调节主要通过蛋白激酶途径实现。

8. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

8. KU pulled out the title for the first time since 1988 when the team was last laud ed at the White House.    堪大自1998年在白宫荣授桂冠以来首次重夺冠军。

9. I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers.    我歌颂敌人,于是他们成了我的朋友;我鼓励朋友,于是我们情同手足。

10. laud

10. Hence he ordered a new service book, prepared by himself and Laud, to be adopted by Scotland.    因此他下令一项新的服务,书,准备由他自己和赞扬,将通过的苏格兰。

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. Is it too laud for me?      这个我穿太花俏吗?

12. Laud's reaction is a candid-camera miracle of instinctive incomprehension, Later, when Christine complains that the he mauls her in the mauls her in the movies, Antoine turns around with an anxious look at he girl's imperturbale parents, an instantaneous reflex of drug-store-cndy courtliness the defines the decency of a class and a period.      里奥德的反应是公正的电视摄影机的奇迹,本能的不理解。之后,在电影中当克瑞斯廷抱怨他打她时,安托万不安地转过来看着这女孩的沉着的父母,杂货店的殷勤的瞬间反射,解释这个阶级这个时代的高雅。

13. This part is mainly divided into five sections:The author is a bottom layer worker, the struggles for the survival filled with the person's whole life, and the experiences of as an official bring is wide awake a ground of understanding more to squeezeness and exploition and to the social reality, so the author directed the pike head of criticizing right to he ruling class; In section two, the author expressed the laud to the workers of the same class; In section three, the author also did not give up love this eternal subject, expressed their yearning for a love marriage of ideal; In section four, because of the author`s rich life experiences, the author take panoramic view of description to the succession miscellaneous of the society.      者丰富的人生经历,作者对社会中纷纷杂杂进行了全景性描述。

14. An Anglican and royalist martyr, Archbishop laud.      英国圣公会和保皇党的殉道者劳德大主教。

15. laud

15. Kathy was very pleased to have graduated cum laud in her class.      凯西在班上以优等成绩毕业,她为此而非常高兴。

16. laud的翻译

16. Even if Mr Obama had been so inclined, this was no time to laud private enterprise.      即使奥巴马有心,他也不适合在那个时候称赞私营企业。

17. The two countries laud their booming bilateral trade, which should reach $ 60 billion this year.      两国盛赞它们繁荣的双边贸易,今年将达到600亿美元。

18. Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich.      那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。

19. Laud an organization for its environmental consciousness.      嘉奖某个组织注重环保。

20. Chinese state media reports laud the project for contributing to the economy of Myanmar and solidifying the brotherly bond between the two countries.      中国官方媒体报道称赞该项目为缅甸经济和巩固两国间的兄弟情谊做出贡献。

laud 词典解释

1. 嘉许;赞扬;称赞    If people laud someone, they praise and admire them.

    e.g. He lauded the work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees...           他高度赞扬了联合国难民事务高级专员的工作。    e.g. They lauded the former president as a hero...           他们颂扬前总统为英雄。

lauded...the most lauded actress in New York.纽约最受赞誉的女演员laud 单语例句laud的意思

1. Instead of deriding such men, we should laud them for doing a job that brings out the best in them.

2. We laud the US decision to make the latest conclusion public, despite the anticipated loss of face.

laud 英英释义


1. praise, glorify, or honor

    e.g. extol the virtues of one's children           glorify one's spouse's cooking

    Synonym: extol exalt glorify proclaim



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