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#divert造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan.然而,达尔富尔的争端不应当转移国际社会对苏丹南部的关注。

2、The government is planning to divert the river to supply water to the town.政府正计划改变河道为那座城镇供水。

3、Divert IP Datagram Based on Network Protocol of Linux基于Linux网络协议的IP报文分流系统

4、The trucks were forced to divert to another road.卡车被迫改道而行。

5、He can always invent a new game to divert the children with it他总能搬出新玩意儿来娱悦孩子。

6、The fields clash and divert the magneton flow temporarily if they cannot merge in an alignment.如果两个磁场不能够合并成一个队列,磁场会互相冲突并发生磁子流暂时转移。

7、I divert my sight by instinct.我本能的反应是转移我的目光。

8、We feel it necessary to divert funds from entertainment to education.我们觉得,将用于娱乐的奖金转而投入教育是有必要的。

9、Late in life, Gatling did divert his attention to steam-powered ploughs.加特林到了晚年,他确实将注意力转移到了蒸汽式的犁。

10、Egypt is building 20 new cities to divert people away from Cairo. It plans 45 more.埃及正在建设20座新城,以减轻开罗人口压力,还计划再建45座。

11、In order to divert attention, he claimed he was stocking up for Y2K.为了转移注意力,他声称他是放养的Y2K问题了。

12、I found a computer game to divert the children.我发现了一种供孩子娱乐的电脑游戏。

13、We believe we can persuade our users to divert their purchase to you.我们相信能说服客户转向你方购货。

14、Hungary wants a "Danube strategy" to divert EU money and attention to the river basin.匈牙利希望“多瑙河战略”能使欧盟的资金和注意力转向江河流域。

15、It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other relevant expenses.土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。

16、Some want to divert aid money.一些人就想要把资金援助换成基础建设。

17、Consumers don't have to divert a growing share of their incomes from spending.消费者也不必逐渐减少他们收入中的支出部分。

18、Chinese: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course.中:不,我再说一遍,调整你的航线.

19、The divert position can be either 30° or 45° to the through position.转向位置到转接位置可以为30°也可为45°?

20、This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue。这故事不过是用来转移公众的注意力的。

21、That way, they can divert customers from another site to theirs.因为这样一来,它们就可以把想去另一个网站的客户引到自己的网站。

22、What you need are vertical stripes. They elongate and divert attention from your horizontal shape.那么你适合竖条纹,它可以起到拉长身形的作用,将人们的注意力从你发福的身材上移开。

23、I have neither friends nor books to divert me.我没有朋友或书籍可消遣的。

24、I had neither Friends or Books to divert me.我既没有朋友也没有书籍让我分心。

25、But it would also have outlets that could divert that flow, if need be, into undersea piping.但是如果有必要,它也可以有数个出口,以便将涌出的原油改道流进海底管道。

26、Otherwise it will divert resources where they're needed.否则它会将资源转移到需要的地方。

27、He instructed the switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.他通知接线员把劳拉打来的所有电话都转给他。

28、divert water from a river into the fields把水从河里引入田间

29、divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders.转移低电压到火车气缸。

30、Others just want to divert shoppers from big chains and giant shopping malls to local mom-and-pops.另一部分人只是想让购物者从大型连锁购物广场转移至当地的夫妻店进行购买。

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