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2024-03-17 04:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



  1. 容易误用作及物动词的9个不及物动词

  误:deal a problem

  正:deal with a problem 处理问题

  误:depend sb

  正:depend on sb 依靠 / 依赖某人

  误:insist doing sth

  正:insist on doing sth 坚持要做某事

  误:knock the door

  正:knock on / at the door 敲门

  误:operate sb

  正:operate on sb 为某人做手术

  误:participate sth

  正:participate in sth 参加某事

  误:refer sth

  正:refer to sth 查阅 / 参考某物

  误:rely sb / sth

  正:rely on sb / sth 依靠 / 依赖某人 / 某物

  误:reply a letter

  正:reply to a letter 回信

  2. 容易误用作不及物动词的8个及物动词

  误:serve for sb

  正:serve sb 为某人服务

  误:marry with sb

  正:marry sb 与某人结婚

  误:discuss about sth

  正:discuss sth 讨论某事

  误:mention about sth

  正:mention sth 提到某事

  误:enter into a room

  正:enter a room 进入房间

  误:contact with sb

  正:contact sb 与某人联系

  误:equal to sth

  正: equal sth 等于某物

  误:ring to sb

  正:ring sb 给某人打电话

  3. be+形容词+about

  be angry about 为……生气

  be anxious about 为……担忧

  be careful about 当心……

  be certain about 确定……

  be curious about 对……好奇

  be disappointed about 对……失望

  be excited about 对……感到兴奋

  be glad about 对……感到高兴

  be happy about 为……感到高兴

  be hopeful about 对……抱有希望

  be mad about 对……入迷

  be nervous about 为……感到不安

  be particular about 对……讲究 / 挑剔

  be sad about 为……难过

  be serious about 对……认真

  be sure about 对……有把握

  be worried about 为……担忧

  4. be+形容词+at

  be angry at 为……生气

  be bad at 不善于……

  be clever at 擅长于……

  be disappointed at 对……失望

  be expert at 在……方面是内行

  be good at 善于……

  be mad at 对……发怒

  be quick at 在……方面敏捷

  be skilful at 在……方面熟练

  be slow at 在……方面迟钝

  5. be+形容词+for

  be anxious for 渴望

  be bad for 对……有害;对……不利

  be bound for 前往

  be celebrated for 以……出名

  be convenient for 对……方便;在……附近

  be eager for渴望

  be famous for 因……闻名

  be fit for 适合

  be good for 对……有益

  be grateful for 感谢

  be hungry for 渴望得到

  be late for 迟到

  be necessary for 对……有必要

  be ready for 为……准备好

  be sorry for 因……抱歉

  be suitable for 对……合适

  be thankful for 因……感激

  be well-known for 以……出名

  6. be+形容词+from

  be absent from 缺席;不在

  be different from 与……不同

  be far from 离……远;远远不

  be free from 没有;免受

  be safe from 没有……的危险

  be tired from 因……而疲劳

  7. be+形容词+in

  be concerned in 与……有关

  be disappointed in 对(某人)感到失望

  be engaged in 从事于;忙于

  be experienced in 在……方面有经验

  be expert in 在……方面是行家

  be fortunate in 在……方面幸运

  be honest in 在……方面诚实

  be interested in 对……感兴趣

  be lacking in 缺乏……

  be rich in 富于,在……方面富有

  be successful in 在……方面成功

  be weak in 在……方面不行

  8. be+形容词+of

  be afraid of 害怕

  be ashamed of 为……感到羞愧

  be aware of 意识到;知道

  be capable of 能够

  be careful of 小心;留心

  be certain of 确定;对……有把握

  be fond of 喜欢

  be free of 没有;摆脱

  be full of 充满

  be proud of 为……自豪

  be short of 缺乏

  be sick of 对……厌倦

  be sure of 肯定,有把握

  be tired of 对……厌烦

  be worthy of 值得

  9. be+形容词+to

  be accustomed to 习惯于

  be blind to 对……视而不见

  be close to 靠近;接近

  be cruel to 对……残酷;对……无情

  be devoted to 献身;专心于

  be equal to 等于;能胜任

  be familiar to 为(某人)所熟悉

  be harmful to 对……有危害

  be important to 对……重要

  be open to 对……开放;易受到……

  be opposed to 反对

  be polite to 对……有礼貌

  be related to 与……有关(亲戚关系)

  be rude to 对……无礼

  be similar to 与……相似

  be true to 忠实于;信守

  be used to 习惯于

  10. be+形容词+with

  be angry with 对(某人)生气

  be bored with 对……厌烦

  be busy with 忙于

  be careful with 小心

  be concerned with 关于;与……有关

  be content with 对……感到满足;对……满意

  be delighted with 对……感到满意

  be familiar with 熟悉;精通

  be honest with 对(某人)真诚

  be ill with 患……病

  be patient with 对(某人)有耐心

  be pleased with 对……满意;因……高兴

  be popular with 受……欢迎

  be satisfied with 对……满意

  be strict with 对(某人)严格

  11. in+其他词+of

  in advance of 在……前面

  in aid of 帮助

  in case of 万一;以防

  in celebration of 庆祝

  in charge of 负责;管理

  in commemoration of 纪念

  in defence of 保卫

  in face of 面对

  in favour of 赞成;主张

  in front of 在……前面

  in honor of 纪念;欢迎

  in memory of 纪念

  in need of 需要

  in place of 代替

  in possession of 拥有

  in praise of 称赞

  in respect of 关于;就……而言

  in search of 寻找;搜寻

  in spite of 虽然;尽管

  in support of 支持

  in view of 鉴于;考虑到

  12. 带to doing sth的常用结构

  1. 动词+介词to+动名词

  (1) admit to doing sth 承认做了某事

  (2) apply to doing sth 适用于做某事

  (3) object to doing sth 反对做某事

  (4) stick to doing sth 坚持做某事

  (5) take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事

  2. 动词+宾语+介词to+动名词

  (1) apply oneself to doing sth 专心致力于做某事

  (2) devote sth to doing sth 把……用于做某事

  (3) devote oneself to doing sth 献身 / 致力于做某事

  (4) reduce sb to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事

  13. be+形容词+介词to+动名词

  (1) be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

  (2) be reduced to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事

  (3) be devoted to doing sth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事

  14. 其他结构+介词to+动名词

  (1) get down to doing sth 开始做某事,认真处理某事

  (2) look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事












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