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#dramatic造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、He is also convinced that there will be dramatic changes in the realm of personal technology.他也相信在个人技术领域会有巨大变革。

2、This dramatic work has been a great joy这激动人心的工作是件使人非常高兴的事。

3、The two most dramatic amendments have little chance of enactment.另外两项修正案最惹人注目但不太可能通过。

4、For instance, a gossip site may use ellipses for dramatic effect.例如,一个八卦网站可能使用省略号(…)以凸显戏剧效果。

5、Stories are voiced by trained dramatic actors for your aural appeal.为你所需,这些故事由训练有素的剧场演员有声化。

6、Analysis of Dramatic Stage Aesthetics and Expressions戏曲舞台审美形态与表述方法之解读

7、This was on dramatic display at the ASEAN regional forum in Hanoi in July.这从7月河内东盟地区论坛上戏剧性的一幕中可以体现出来。

8、We have work out some of the most dramatic and effective sale display material.我们已经设计出了一些最有效和最引人注目的推销展览材料。

9、a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc一部音乐作品或者一个戏剧角色的演出。

10、Some people have planted sunflowers, for a folksy but dramatic effect.一些人还种上了向日葵,平淡的但给人以戏剧般的梦幻效果。

11、The Tree of Life looks like a dramatic and more grounded version of 2001: A Space Odyssey.《生命之树》更像是一出《2001漫游太空》的地面版。

12、I've used the font Trajan because it's a really dramatic looking font.我用的字体图拉真,因为它是一个非常显着寻找字型。

13、There is a dramatic physical change that occurs during the process of gelation.在凝胶的过程中,聚合物的物理性质发生巨大的变化。

14、Of or relating to a serious dramatic role.庄重的,严肃的剧中某个严肃角色的或与其有关的

15、Noh play is a unique classical dramatic art in Japan.能乐是日本独特的古典戏剧艺术。

16、Aeschylus' first known dramatic defeat came in 468 BCE.埃斯库罗斯第一次失败是在西元前468年。

17、The snow-capped peak provides a dramatic backdrop to the city of Portland, some 20 miles away.白雪覆盖的山顶成为20多英里(30公里)外的波特兰市引人注目的背景。

18、The most dramatic event of the Nixon presidency occurred in near obscurity.尼克松任内最戏剧化的事件几乎完全发生在黑暗之中。

19、A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music歌剧在戏院上演的配有音乐的戏剧表演

20、Fortunatelysurvives ShiChaoSiZhong is its dramatic art outstandingly manifests.幸存的《石巢四种》是其戏剧艺术的杰出体现。

21、A dramatic day in the ER followed.跟着是在急诊室度过了戏剧性的一天。

22、This will almost certainly lead to a dramatic reshaping of the industry.能基本确定的是这将更戏剧性的重组产业。

23、The most dramatic difference is how much harder it is to skim the XML version.最显著的差异是浏览XML版本有多难。

24、a dramatic event一个富有戏剧性的事件

25、But is there no obvious successor to her in these wonderfully dramatic bel canto roles?但没有明显的继任者,她在这美妙戏剧性美声唱法角色?

26、a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc..一部音乐作品或者一个戏剧角色的演出。

27、To perform in a dramatic role or roles扮演,担当戏剧角色中扮演

28、The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.这项公告对房屋价格产生了巨大的影响。

29、The resulting clothes were dramatic and brooding.成品衣服都是富有戏剧化和阴森感的。

30、I consider gold's backwardation as a leading indicator to a dramatic increase in prices.我认为黄金的现货溢价正是黄金价格显著上涨的一个领先指标。

dramatic翻译a. 戏剧性的, 生动的 详情




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