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2023-07-22 16:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、He had attempted tokill himself on several occasions.(他好几次都企图自杀。)

2、Is it ever right tokill?(有没有什么情况下,杀人是对的?)

3、These are the cells that directly attack andkill microorganisms.(这些细胞可以直接攻击并杀死微生物。)

4、Don't try and double-cross me, Taylor, because I'llkill you.(不要试着出卖我,泰勒,因为我会杀了你。)

5、Chlorine is widely used tokill germs.(氯广泛用于杀菌。)

6、Drugs cankill.(毒品可以致死。)

7、I would as liefkill myself as betray my master.(我宁愿自杀也不会出卖我的主人。)

8、This murderous lunatic couldkill them both without a second thought.(这个杀人狂会毫不犹豫地把他们两人都杀掉。)

9、Pythonskill by tightening their coils so that their victim cannot breathe.(蟒蛇捕杀时紧紧盘成圈,使猎物无法呼吸。)

10、Microbial infections nowkill 17m people a year.(细菌感染现在每年杀死1700万人。)

11、They rob us, they infringe our rights, theykill us.(他们劫掠我们,他们侵犯我们的权利,他们屠杀我们。)

12、The book analyses why womenkill and how the law treats them.(这本书分析了妇女为什么杀人以及法律如何处置她们。)

13、This is a torturous, agonizing way tokill someone.(这是个折磨人、让人痛苦难当的杀人方法。)

14、I'dkill him for two pins.(我恨不得杀了他。)

15、Tiredness while driving cankill.(疲劳驾驶会出人命的。)

16、An increase in crime couldkill the golden goose of tourism.(犯罪率的上升可能会扼杀旅游业这只产金蛋的鹅。)

17、This gun is designed for one purpose – it's basically tokill people.(设计这把枪只有一个目的–主要用于杀人。)

18、Then a voice bawled: "Lay off! I'llkill you, you little rascal!"(然后一个声音大叫道:“停下!我要杀了你!你这个小捣蛋鬼!”)

19、Chlorine is added tokill bacteria.(加入氯以杀菌。)

20、I couldkill you! I swear I could!(我要杀了你!我发誓我要。)

21、Why would she cover for someone who was trying tokill her?(她为何要包庇那个试图要杀死她的人呢?)

22、Thou shalt notkill.(不可杀人。)

23、Neanderthal man was able tokill woolly mammoths and bears.(尼安德特人能够捕杀长毛猛犸象和熊。)

24、The guerrillas threatened tokill their hostages.(游击队员们威胁要杀死人质。)

25、It is an effective treatment for the bacteria and doeskill it off.(这是一种有效的灭菌方法,确实把细菌都杀光了。)

26、He had a course of antibiotics tokill the bacterium.(他服了一疗程的抗生素来杀死细菌。)

27、"I'llkill you for that," he roared.(“我要为此杀了你,”他吼道。)

28、Tell Richard I'm going tokill him when I get hold of him.(告诉理查德,我要抓住他就杀了他。)

29、Some drugskill off useful bacteria in the user's body.(某些药物会杀死服用者体内的有益细菌。)




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