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#基于JavaWeb的小型课程信息管理系统的设计与实现| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


摘 要



在技术运用上,本系统是基于B/S架构的管理信息系统,实现跨操作系统、跨平台运作;运用Spring 的MVC框架,它涵盖了时下软件行业中流行的应用技术,它的开发效率与其他技术相比具有明显优势、具有灵活的设计方式、并且含有较高的代码重用性;可以完美无缝的与MySQL数据库连接;运用JSP和Jquery EasyUI框架进行网页界面的设计,增加用户体验的同时使界面更加美观和人性化。


University Educational Administration Management System Based on WEB


With the development of the Times, human beings have stepped into the information society, and the emergence and rapid development of information science has become twenty-one of the three pillars of human society in the 21st Century. In recent years, information science has risen to a leading position in the field of science and Technology. It is flooded with other two major scientific fields. Every year after the college entrance examination, a large number of new students will be welcomed by colleges and universities. There is a lot of inconvenience for the huge data of paper records. Therefore, the development of a small-scale course management system based on JavaWeb can not only save the financial expenses of colleges and universities, but also save resources and avoid unnecessary waste.

The overall development of the system using Eclipse, background using MySQL as a database, the application of the Java language for the compilation, supplemented by the SSM framework. The main functions include user"s information registration, user login, professional management, course management, statistics, changing passwords, querying basic information, selecting new courses, querying selected courses, modifying login passwords, and logging out. The basic ability to achieve students and teachers online course selection and start the basic needs.

In the technical application, the system is based on B/S architecture management information system, cross-operating system, cross-platform operation; Using the Spring SSM framework, it adopted the software design of the latest technology, to develop high efficiency, high design flexibility and code reuse, etc; Through seamless connection to a MySql database; Using JSP and Jquery EasyUI framework for web interface design, increase user experience at the same time make the interface more beautiful and humanization.

[Keywords] Educational administration; Management information system; B/S architecture; The MVC framework


1 前言 1

1.1 目的需求分析 1

1.1.1 系统需求 1

1.1.2 可行性分析 1

1.2 系统功能介绍 2

1.2.1 项目规划 2

1.2.2 系统管理模块 2

1.2.3 课程管理模块 3

1.2.4 教师管理模块 3

1.2.5 教室管理模块 3

1.2.6 班级管理模块 3

1.2.7 学院管理模块 3

1.2.8 专业管理模块 3

1.3 系统开发目的 4

2 系统分析 5

2.1 业务流程分析 5

2.2 数据流程分析 5

2.3 数据存储分析:实体联系图 6

2.4 功能分析:功能层次图 8

2.5 相关技术 8

3 系统设计 11

3.1 软件模块结构设计 11

3.1.1 系统方案确定 11

3.1.2 数据库描述 11

3.1.3 软件结构设计 11

3.2 数据库设计 12

3.2.1 数据库需求分析 12

3.2.2 实体类设计 12

3.2.3 数据表设计 12

3.3 系统功能设计 14

3.4 性能需求 14

3.4.1 数据精准度: 14

3.4.2 运行速度: 15

3.5 运行需求 15

3.5.1 用户界面 15

3.5.2 硬件接口 15

3.5.3 软件接口 15

3.5.4系统运行软件环境 15

3.5.5其他需求 15

4 系统结构 16

4.1 任务概述 16

4.2 运行设计 16

4.2.1 运行模块组合 16

4.2.2 运行控制 16

4.2.3 运行时间 16

4.2.4 出错输出信息 16

4.2.5 出错处理对策 16

4.3 分层架构 17

4.4 安全保密设计 17

4.5 维护设计 17

4.6 详细设计 17

4.7 系统模块 18

4.7.1 系统登录功能 18

4.7.2专业管理模块 18

4.7.3课程管理模块 18

4.7.4修改密码 18

4.7.6退出系统 18

5 编码与实现 19

5.1 系统配置 19

5.1.1 applicationContext.xml文件配置 19

5.1.2 web.xml文件配置 20

5.2 增、删、改、查功能方法的代码实现 21

5.2.1 教师信息的新增 21

5.2.2 教师信息的删除 21

5.2.3 教师信息的修改 22

5.2.4 教师信息的查询 22

6 系统测试 32

6.1 系统开发环境 32

6.2 登录验证测试 32

6.3 系统运行与维护 33

总结 34

致 谢 35

参考文献 36

1 前言











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