a beautiful scene

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a beautiful scene

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That's such a beautiful scene! 火车站坐落在泰国一个僻静的地方,随着行驶中火车的声音,你可以看到火车穿过绿色的拱形的路,场景十分美丽! It's a beautiful scene, but it's shattered by the cries of a child, and actually several children, in need of rescue in the water. 河边景色优美, 但却被一个孩子的哭声打破了,实际是上好几个孩子 都掉进了河里,亟待营救。 Chris Botti came on, the song, "Embraceable You" and it relaxed me and I had become so comfortable in my seat that my mind drifted away to a beautiful scene of a moment of mine back in time and right then I said to myself "This is what I love". 克里斯波提的歌开始放了,是那首"想要拥抱你",听着我感觉异常轻松,身心愉悦,思绪飘散回往昔种种美好时刻,我对自己说,"这是我钟情的时刻。" The Convention Center is equipped with the latest technology and offers 30 functions rooms of flexible meeting, event, exhibit space. The specially designed Grand Hall with 2000 Square meters of space represents a beautiful scene of Chang' an Avenue. The hotel professional events planning team every detail of banquet, conference, and exhibition events to deliver a successful outcome. It is beneficial to your business travel. 北京国际饭店拥有通过高端技术、全新理念打造的会议中心,除包含30余个大小不同、风格各异的多功能厅之外,2000平米的紫金大厅更是长安街上一道亮丽的风景。近千间套各类客房舒适典雅,惬合人意;雅致时尚的套间、高级间、标准间等多种房型满足客人不同的需求。步入明亮的客房,日新月异的北京尽收眼底,令人心驰神往。位于酒店一层的霄云厅自助餐厅,环绕室外花园,开阔典雅,得享自然景观,自助更是丰富多样、精彩纷呈。位于二十八层的星光汇是北京市中心唯一的可以360度俯瞰都市风情的旋转餐吧。置身于108米高的旋转餐厅内,顶部为灯光汇成的星座,室外是天光、灯光交相辉映,室内音乐烛火摇曳婉约。星光汇不失为三五好友小聚或商务邀约的理想佳地,提供多种选择,经典下午茶、新派西餐、演艺酒吧、红酒屋、雪茄吧。。。。。。_ The entrance building of Hankou Beach Park is located along the Ferry Port in Yanjiang Avenue. It was designed in 2001 and completed in 2004, with a total floor area of 9,000 m2. The streamlined and transparent entrance building with 360 degree view is fashionable. In order to adapt to the waterside terrain and match the curved surface of Ferry port, the building adopts the roof of wave-like shape, transparent vitreous architectural form, and is provided with exhibition halls, cafes, restaurants and other public service places. The architecture and design layout both are in a novel style, which adds a beautiful scene to city. 汉口江滩入口建筑位于沿江大道客运港旁。2001年设计,2004年竣工。总建筑面积9000平方米。为一流线形、全观景、通透的时尚派建筑,为顺应水边的地形和呼应客运港弧面的造型,设计有水波形的屋顶,全通透的玻璃体建筑造型,并设有展厅、咖啡厅、餐厅等为广大市民服务的场所。建筑及造园布局新颖,为江城增添了一道靓丽的风景线。 The Senate Mansion of the Republic of Gabon is located in Libreville, Capital of Gabon. It was designed in 2000 and completed in 2005, with a floor area of 10,299 m2. As a comprehensive building, it has conference rooms, offices and restaurants, etc. The general plane adopts circular form, which represents a united and concerted spirit of the Senate. According to weather conditions and natural environments of the country, the Mansion adopts gallery-type layout to facilitate lighting and solemn, brilliant and smooth architectural form constitutes a beautiful scene along the coastline. 加蓬共和国参议院大厦位于首都利伯维尔,2000年设计,2005年竣工。建筑面积10299平方米,是一座集会议、办公、餐厅于一体的综合性大楼。总平面运用圆形构图,体现参议院机构团结向心的精神。大厦融合该国气候和自然环境,在平面上采用外廊式布局,有利于采光和通风。造型庄重、明快、舒展,构成海岸线上一大景观。 When I see a beautiful scene, 看到这么漂亮的景色 I'm sure it was a beautiful scene. 那场面定很感人 It's a beautiful scene. 种十分美妙的快感。 It's a beautiful scene. 唉,真是羞死人了! 内容可能不合适 例句仅用于帮助你翻译不同情境中的单词或表达式,我们并没有对例句进行筛选和验证,例句可能包含不适当的术语或观点。请为我们指出需要编辑或不应显示的例句。粗俗或口语化的译文通常用红色或橘黄色加以标记。 注册以查看更多例句。 简单免费 注册 连接 未找到该义项 广告

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