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2023-03-23 01:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 解读:2021年光伏发电国家政策补贴,近日,国家发改委发布关于调整新能源标杆上网电价的通知(征求意见稿),其中光伏上网电价三类地区分别从0.98元、0.88元、0.80元下调至0.75元、0.65元、0.55元,而屋顶分布式“自发自用余量上网”和“全部自发自用”的补贴由目前执行的0.42元,下调至一类地区0.2元,二类地区0.25元,三类地区0.3元。        国家发改委发布关于调整新能源标杆上网电价的通知(征求意见稿)各省、自治区、直辖市发展改革委、物价局、国家电网公司、南方电网公司:为合理引导新能源投资,促进陆上风电、光伏发电等新能源产业健康有序发展,依据《可再生能源法》,决定调整新能源标杆上网电价政策。经研究,现就有关通知如下:一、继续实行新能源标杆上网电价退坡机制根据当前新能源产业技术进步和成本降低情况,适当降低保障性收购范围内2021年新建陆上风电和2021年新建光伏发电等新能源标杆上网电价,具体见附件一。光伏发电、陆上风电上网电价在当地燃煤机组标杆上网电价(含脱硫、脱硝、除尘电价加1分钱/千瓦时的超低排放加价)以内的部分,由当地省级电网结算;高出部分通过国家可再生能源发展基金予以补贴。二、适当降低分布式光伏补贴标准利用建筑物屋顶及附属场所建设的分布式光伏发电项目,在项目备案时可以选择“自发自用、余电上网”或“全额上网”中的一种模式。对“自发自用、余电上网”模式的分布式光伏发电实行按照全电量补贴的模式,补贴标准分别为:一类资源区0.2元/千瓦时、二类资源区0.25元/千瓦时、三类资源区0.3元/千瓦时,上述补贴资金通过可再生能源发展基金予以支付,由电网企业转付;其中,分布式光伏发电系统自用有余上网的电量,由电网企业按照当地燃煤机组标杆上网电价收购。“全额上网”模式执行光伏电站价格,具体补贴发放审批程序按照光伏电站的方式执行。三、明确海上风电标杆上网电价对非招标的海上风电项目,区分潮间带风电和近海风电两种类型确定上网电价。2021年12月31日以前投运的近海风电项目上网电价为每千瓦时0.8元(含税,下同),潮间带风电项目上网电价为每千瓦时0.7元。海上风电上网电价在当地燃煤机组标杆上网电价(含脱硫、脱销、除尘电价加1分钱/千瓦时的超低排放加价)以内的部分,由当地省级电网结算;高出部分通过国家可再生能源发展基金予以补贴。四、调整新建生物质发电等项目补贴方式          2021年1月1日以后并网的农林生物质发电、其他生物质发电、垃圾焚烧发电、垃圾填埋气发电、沼气发电等新能源发电项目标杆上网电价,由各省(区、市)价格主管部门确定继续执行国家制定的标杆电价或根据本地实际情况研究制定标杆上网电价。上述新能源项目标杆电价在当地燃煤机组标杆上网电价(含脱硫、脱硝、除尘电价加1分钱/千瓦时的超低排放加价)以内的部分,由当地省级电网结算;高出部分通过省内销售电价予以疏导。     五、鼓励招标等市场化方式确定新能源电价      国家鼓励各地通过招标等市场竞争方式确定陆上风电、海上风电、光伏发电等新能源项目业主和补贴标准,但通过市场竞争方式形成的价格不得高于国家规定的同类资源区陆上风电、海上风电、光伏发电标杆上网电价。     其中,实行招标等市场竞争方式确定的价格,在当地燃煤机组标杆上网电价(含脱硫、脱硝、除尘电价加1分钱/千瓦时的超低排放加价)以内的部分,由当地省级电网结算;高出部分由国家可再生能源发展基金予以补贴。     六、其他有关要求

各新能源发电企业和电网企业必须真实、完整地记载和保存相关发电项目上网交易电量、价格和补贴金额等资料,接受有关部门监督检查。各级价格主管部门要加强对新能源上网电价执行和电价附加补贴结算的监管,督促相关上网电价政策执行到位。分布式:     电价补贴标准为每千瓦时0.42元(含税,下同),光伏发电项目自投入运营起执行标杆上网电价或电价补贴标准,期限原则上为20年。光伏发电先确定2021年标杆电价,2021年以后的价格另行制定。    集中式:     宁夏,青海海西,甘肃嘉峪关、武威、张掖、酒泉、敦煌、金昌,新疆哈密、塔城、阿勒泰、克拉玛依,内蒙古赤峰、通辽、兴安盟、呼伦贝尔以外地区0.8元/kwh     北京,天津,黑龙江,吉林,辽宁,四川,云南,内蒙古赤峰、通辽、兴安盟、呼伦贝尔,河北承德、张家口、唐山、秦皇岛,山西大同、朔州、忻州,陕西榆林、延安、青海,甘肃,新疆除新疆哈密、塔城、阿勒泰、克拉玛依0.88元/kwh     全国地方各省市政策     上海市     对于光伏项目,根据实际发电量对项目投资主体给予奖励,奖励时间为5年。单个项目年度奖励金额不超过5000万元。具体标准如下:     光伏电站:0.3元/千瓦时,         分布式光伏:工、商业用户为0.25元/千瓦时,学校用户为0.55元/千瓦时,个人、养老院等享受优惠电价用户为0.4元/千瓦时。     北京市      分布式:2021年1月1日至2021年12月31日期间并网发电的分布式光伏发电项目,按照实际发电量给予每千瓦时0.3元(含税)的奖励,连续奖励5年         集中式:0.88元/kwh     重庆市      在巫山、巫溪、奉节等3个县开展试点。在20-25年内每年预计为每户贫困户提供2000-3000元的现金收入。对建卡贫困户,市级财政扶贫资金补助8000元/户。对项目农户,采取发电量“全额上网”,净电量结算方式,按现行的三类资源区光伏电站标杆上网电价1.00元/千瓦时执行。        巫溪县      单户3KW分布式光伏发电系统需投资约2.4万元。对建档立卡贫困户的建设资金,市级财政扶贫资金解决0.8万元,县扶贫办解决0.8万元,剩余资金由贫困户自筹。贫困户筹集资金有困难的,必须自筹资金0.2万元,剩余部分可以自行向银行申请小额信用贷款最高限额0.6万元,按有关规定办理借款手续,签订还款协议。还款资金分年从光伏发电收入中偿还,最长期限不得超过5年。对项目农户,采取发电量“全额上网”的结算方式,按现行的三类资源区光伏电站标杆上网电价执行1.00元/千瓦时。         巫山县      2021年,装机总容量2780KW(贫困村1800KW,社会投资980KW)。在60个贫困村建成30KW集中式光伏电站60个。项目投资1800万元(市级资金600万元,县级配套720万元,农户自筹480万元),实现3000人脱贫。引导社会资本投资980万元,进入光伏发电产业和光伏设施农业,实现装机容量980KW。2021年,装机总容量2290KW(贫困村1290KW,社会投资1000KW)。在43个贫困村建成30KW集中式光伏电站43个,项目投资1290万元(市级资金430万元,县级配套520万元,农户自筹340万元),实现1800人脱贫。引导社会资本投资1000万元,进入光伏发电产业和光伏设施农业,实现装机容量1000KW。     江苏省     无锡市     分布式:鼓励支持城乡居民利用自有产权住宅屋顶安装、使用光伏发电系统,对居民屋顶使用本地产品的分布式发电项目,可按照2元/瓦的标准给予补贴。分布式电站:一次性补贴20万元/兆瓦;采用合同能源管理模式实施的项目,对实施合同能源管理用能项。           目的单位和项目投资机构,分别一次性给予每个项目不超过20万元和100万元的奖励和项目扶持。     镇江市      地方光伏补贴0.1元每瓦     镇江市扬中市      分布式:除按政策享受国家0.42元/千瓦时补贴外,根据项目建成后的实际发电效果,在当年额度内再由市财政分别给予0.15元/千瓦时、0.1元/千瓦时补贴,补贴年限暂定为2021~2021年(享受国家、省专项补贴的项目不得重复补贴)。居民屋面项目补贴0.3元/千瓦时,补贴年限6年。对已建成的光伏屋顶发电项目,按新建项目标准的50%补贴。     镇江市句容市     分布式:2021-2021年期间建成的分布式工商业项目补贴0.1元/千瓦时,居民屋顶项目补贴0.3元/千瓦时,均连补5年;同时对屋顶出租的企业按实际使用面积给予一次性20元/平方米的补助。      备注:对屋顶出租亦有补贴     苏州市      分布式:2021~2021年期间建成并网投运的除享受国家和省有关补贴外,再给予项目应用单位或个人0.1元/千瓦时补贴。暂定补贴期限为三年。     盐城市      分布式:每年认定20个工商业分布式项目,按其实际发电量给予0.1元/千瓦时的市级补贴,单个项目年度发电补贴最高不超过30万元。     浙江省内     分布式:光伏发电项目所发电量,实行按照电量补贴的政策,补贴标准在国家规定的基础上,省再补贴0.1元/千瓦时。     集中式:0.1元/kwh。     杭州市      在国家、省有关补贴的基础上,按其实际发电量由市级财政再给予0.1元/千瓦时的补贴(自并网发电之月起连续补贴5年)。资金补贴时限对2021至2021年内建设并完成并网的分布式光伏发电项目,自并网发电之月起连续补贴5年(满60个月)。已享受国家“金太阳”、“光电建筑一体化”资助的项目不再重复补贴。        萧山区     富阳市      一是发电电量补贴。在建成投产后,前两年按0.3元/千瓦时标准对项目投资主体给予补贴,第三至五年按0.2元/千瓦时标准给予补贴。      二是居民初装补助。对居民住宅的光伏发电项目按装机容量给予1元/峰瓦的一次性补助,不再享受发电补贴。     建德市      2021年底前建设的分布式光伏项目补贴标准如下:企业自用的给予0.2元/千瓦时,上大网的给予0.1元/千瓦时;对居民住宅的光伏发电项目按装机容量给予1元/瓦的一次性补助,不再享受发电补贴。     温州市     分布式:2021年底前建成的分布式项目:工商屋顶电站每度补贴0.1元,居民电站每度补贴0.3元,补贴期限均为5年。      集中式:新建光伏发电项目,给予项目主营企业每度电0.1至0.2元的补贴。2021年底前建成并网发电的,0.15元/kWh;2021年底建成并网发电的,0.1元/kWh;     泰顺县      给予每度电0.3元补贴,自发电之日起连续补贴5年。     永嘉县      分布式:工商业分布式项目大于50KW的,给予每度电0.4元补贴,一补五年;居民家庭屋顶安装光伏发电系统的,按装机容量给予每瓦2元的一次性奖励,建成投产后前五年给予每千瓦时0.3元的补贴(不享受温州市市级补贴)。     洞头县     分布式:装机容量达到50千瓦以上的光伏发电项目,除按政策享受国家、省有关补贴外,所发全部电量(包括自发自用和上网电量),给予每度电0.4元补贴,一补五年;其中列入离岛“光电旅一体化”示范的项目,另外给予每度0.1元奖励。居民家庭屋顶安装光伏发电系统的,按装机容量给予每瓦2元的一次性奖励;并按发电量给予每度电0.2元补贴,一补五年。鼓励屋顶资源出租。对于民建建筑物屋顶出租用于安装分布式光伏发电系统的,按发电量给予屋顶所有人每度0.05元的补贴,自发电之日起一补五年,企业(居民)自建模式不补。

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on the adjustment of the new energy benchmark feed-in price (draft for comments), which the photovoltaic feed-in price of three types of areas respectively from 0.98 yuan, 0.88 yuan, 0.80 yuan down to 0.75 yuan, 0.65 yuan, 0.55 yuan,   And the roof distributed "self-use surplus Internet access" and "all self-use" subsidies from the current implementation of 0.42 yuan, down to a class of 0.2 yuan, class 2 area 0.25 yuan, class 3 area 0.3 yuan.  

National Development and Reform Commission of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government development and Reform Commission, Price Bureau, State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Grid Corporation:   In order to reasonably guide new energy investment and promote the healthy and orderly development of new energy industries such as onshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation, we decided to adjust the benchmark feed-in tariff policy for new energy in accordance with the Renewable Energy Law.  According to the current situation of technological progress and cost reduction in the new energy industry, the benchmark feed-in price of new energy such as new onshore wind power in 2021 and new photovoltaic power generation in 2021 within the scope of guaranteed acquisition shall be appropriately reduced. See Annex I for details.  The on-grid price of photovoltaic power generation and onshore wind power within the benchmark on-grid price of local coal-fired units (including the price of desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal plus the ultra-low emission price of 1 cent/KWH) will be settled by the local provincial power grid.  The higher portion is subsidized through the National Renewable Energy Development Fund.   Second, appropriate reduction of distributed photovoltaic subsidy standards for the construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects using the roof of buildings and affiliated places, in the project filing can choose one of the "spontaneous self-use, surplus electricity access" or "full access" mode.  "Spontaneous for private use, more electricity to Internet" model of distributed photovoltaic mode in accordance with electricity subsidies, subsidies standards are: a class of resources area 0.2 yuan/KWH, 2 kinds of resource area 0.25 yuan/KWH, three kinds of resources area 0.3 yuan/KWH, the subsidies money through renewable energy development fund shall be paid, by the power grid enterprise turn pay;  Among them, the power of distributed photovoltaic power generation system with excess power for self-use is purchased by power grid enterprises according to the benchmark feed-in price of local coal-fired units.  In the mode of "full access to the Internet", the price of photovoltaic power stations shall be implemented, and the approval procedures for specific subsidies shall be implemented in accordance with the way of photovoltaic power stations.   Iii. Define the benchmark feed-in price of offshore wind power. For non-bidding offshore wind power projects, distinguish the two types of inter-tidal wind power and offshore wind power to determine the feed-in price.  The feed-in price of offshore wind power projects that will be put into operation before December 31, 2021 is 0.8 yuan per KWH (tax included, the same below), and that of intertidal wind power projects is 0.7 yuan per KWH.  The part of the on-grid price of offshore wind power within the benchmark on-grid price of local coal-fired units (including the price of desulphurization, off-sale and dust removal plus the ultra-low emission markup of 1 cent/KWH) will be settled by the local provincial power grid.  The higher portion is subsidized through the National Renewable Energy Development Fund.  Fourth, adjust the subsidy method of new biomass power generation projects  

After January 1, 2021, new energy power generation projects such as agricultural and forestry biomass power generation, other biomass power generation, garbage incineration power generation, landfill gas power generation, biogas power generation benchmark feed-in price,   The price authorities of each province (autonomous region or municipality) shall determine to continue to implement the benchmark electricity price formulated by the state or study and formulate the benchmark on-grid electricity price according to the local actual situation.  The part of the benchmark price of new energy projects within the benchmark price of local coal-fired units (including the price of desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal plus the ultra-low emission markup of 1 cent/KWH) will be settled by the local provincial power grid.   The higher part will be channelled through the sale of electricity prices in the province.   The State encourages local governments to determine the owners and subsidy standards of new energy projects such as onshore wind power, offshore wind power and photovoltaic power through market competition such as bidding.  However, the price formed through market competition shall not be higher than the benchmark feed-in price for onshore wind power, offshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the same resource areas stipulated by the State.   Among them, the price determined through market competition such as bidding, within the benchmark feed-in price of local coal-fired units (including desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal price plus 1 cent/KWH ultra-low emission markup), will be settled by the local provincial power grid.  The higher portion is subsidized by the National Renewable Energy Development Fund.  Other relevant requirements  


All new energy power generation enterprises and power grid enterprises must truthfully and completely record and keep information such as electricity quantity, price and subsidy amount of relevant power generation projects, and accept supervision and inspection by relevant departments.   Price authorities at all levels shall strengthen supervision over the implementation of new energy feed-in price and the settlement of additional subsidies for electricity price, and supervise and urge the implementation of relevant feed-in price policies.  Distributed: The price subsidy standard is 0.42 yuan per kilowatt hour (tax included, the same below). Photovoltaic power generation projects will implement benchmark feed-in price or price subsidy standard since they are put into operation, and the term is 20 years in principle.  Photovoltaic power generation will first determine the benchmark electricity price in 2021, and the price after 2021 will be set separately.   Centralized:  Ningxia, Qinghai Haixi, Gansu Jiayuguan, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang, Jinchang, Xinjiang Hami, Tacheng, Altay, Karamay, Inner Mongolia Chifeng, Tongliao, Xingan League, Hulun Buir outside 0.8 yuan/KWH  Chifeng, Tongliao, Xingunita, Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia; Chengde, Zhangjiakou, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Hebei; Datong, Shuozhou, Xinzhou, Shanxi; Yulin, Yan 'an, Shaanxi; Qinghai, Gansu;  Xinjiang except Xinjiang Hami, Tacheng, Altay, Karamay 0.88 yuan/KWH national local policies of various provinces and cities Shanghai for photovoltaic projects, according to the actual power generation of the project investment subject to reward, reward time for 5 years.  The annual award for a single project shall not exceed 50 million yuan.   Specific standards are as follows: PV power station: 0.3 yuan/KWH,  

Distributed pv: 0.25 yuan/KWH for industrial and commercial users, 0.55 yuan/KWH for school users, 0.4 yuan/KWH for individuals, nursing homes and other users enjoying preferential electricity price.   Beijing Distributed: Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects connected to the grid from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 will be awarded 0.3 yuan (including tax) per kilowatt-hour according to the actual generating capacity, for consecutive 5 years  

Chongqing launched the pilot project in wushan, Wusxi and Fengjie counties.  In 20-25 years, it is expected to provide cash income of 2,000-3,000 yuan per poor household every year.  For the poor households with credit cards, the municipal financial poverty alleviation fund will subsidize 8,000 yuan per household.  For project farmers, the electricity generation is "full online" and the net electricity is settled according to the current benchmark on-grid electricity price of PV power stations in the third-class resource areas of 1.00 yuan/KWH.  

The single-family 3KW distributed PHOTOVOLTAIC power generation system in Wuxi County requires an investment of about 24,000 yuan.  For the construction funds of registered poor households, the municipal financial poverty alleviation fund will pay 8,000 yuan, the county poverty alleviation office will pay 8,000 yuan, and the remaining funds will be raised by the poor households themselves.  If a poverty-stricken household has difficulty in raising funds, it must raise funds of 2,000 yuan by itself, and for the rest, it may apply to a bank for a maximum of 6,000 yuan for a small-amount credit loan, go through loan procedures in accordance with relevant regulations and sign a repayment agreement.  The repayment funds will be repaid from pv revenue annually, with a maximum period of 5 years.  For project farmers, the settlement method of "full online" electricity generation will be adopted, and 1.00 yuan/KWH will be implemented according to the current benchmark online electricity price of photovoltaic power stations in the third-class resource areas.  

In 2021, wushan county will have a total installed capacity of 2780KW(1800KW for poor villages, 980KW for social investment).  60 30KW centralized photovoltaic power stations were built in 60 poverty-stricken villages.  The project has invested 18 million yuan (6 million yuan municipal fund, 7.2 million yuan county-level matching fund, 4.8 million yuan raised by farmers themselves), and 3,000 people have been lifted out of poverty.  We will guide social capital to invest 9.8 million yuan to enter the photovoltaic power generation industry and photovoltaic facility agriculture, and realize the installed capacity of 980 kW.  In 2021, the total installed capacity will be 2290KW(poor villages 1290KW, social investment 1000KW).  43 30KW centralized PHOTOVOLTAIC power stations have been built in 43 poverty-stricken villages, with project investment of 12.9 million yuan (municipal fund of 4.3 million yuan, county-level matching fund of 5.2 million yuan, farmers self-raised 3.4 million yuan), and 1,800 people have been lifted out of poverty.   We will guide social capital to invest 10 million yuan to enter the photovoltaic power generation industry and photovoltaic facility agriculture to achieve an installed capacity of 1,000 kW.   Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province distributed: encourage and support urban and rural residents to install and use photovoltaic power generation systems on the roofs of houses with their own property rights, and subsidize the distributed power generation projects that use local products on the roofs of residents according to the standard of 2 yuan/watt.  Distributed power station: one-time subsidy of 200,000 yuan/mw;  For projects implemented by contract energy management mode, energy items of contract energy management shall be used.  

The target unit and the project investment institution will give a one-time reward and project support of no more than 200,000 yuan and 1 million yuan for each project respectively.   Zhenjiang local pv subsidy 0.1 yuan per watt  In addition to the national subsidy of 0.42 yuan/KWH according to the policy, the municipal finance will give 0.15 yuan/KWH and 0.1 yuan/KWH subsidies respectively within the quota of the year according to the actual power generation effect after the completion of the project, and the subsidy period is tentatively set as 2021~2021 (the projects enjoying national and provincial special subsidies shall not be subsidized repeatedly).  Residential roofing project subsidy 0.3 yuan/KWH, subsidy period of 6 years.  For photovoltaic rooftop power generation projects already built, 50% subsidy according to the standard of new projects.  Distributed in Jurong City, Zhenjiang: The distributed industrial and commercial projects completed in 2021-2021 will be subsidized 0.1 yuan/KWH, and the residential roof projects will be subsidized 0.3 yuan/KWH, both of which will be subsidized continuously for 5 years;   At the same time, enterprises renting the roof will be given a one-time subsidy of 20 yuan/square meter according to the actual use area.  Suzhou distributed: in addition to enjoying the relevant national and provincial subsidies during 2021 ~ 2021, the project application unit or individual will be given 0.1 yuan/KWH subsidy.  The temporary period of subsidy is three years.  Yancheng Distributed: 20 industrial and commercial distributed projects are identified every year, and the municipal subsidy of 0.1 yuan/KWH is given according to their actual generating capacity, and the annual power generation subsidy of a single project is no more than 300,000 yuan.   Distributed within Zhejiang Province: the amount of electricity generated by photovoltaic power generation projects shall be subsidized in accordance with the policy of electricity quantity subsidy. On the basis of the subsidy standard stipulated by the state, 0.1 yuan/KWH will be subsidized by the province.  Centralized: 0.1 yuan/KWH.  On the basis of relevant national and provincial subsidies, Hangzhou will be given a subsidy of 0.1 yuan/KWH by municipal finance according to its actual generating capacity (continuous subsidy for 5 years since the month of grid connection).   Duration of subsidy For distributed photovoltaic power generation projects that are built and connected to the grid in 2021 and completed in 2021 will be subsidized for 5 consecutive years (over 60 months) starting from the month of grid connection.   The projects already subsidized by the state "Golden Sun" and "Photoelectric building Integration" will not be subsidized again.  

Xiaoshan District Fuyang city is a power subsidy.  After the project is completed and put into operation, the project investors will be subsidized at 0.3 yuan/KWH standard for the first two years, and 0.2 yuan/KWH standard for the third to fifth years.  Second, residents' subsidy for initial installation.  Residential photovoltaic power generation projects will be given a one-time subsidy of 1 yuan/peak-watt based on installed capacity, and will no longer enjoy power generation subsidies.  The subsidy standards for distributed photovoltaic projects to be built in Jiande city before the end of 2021 are as follows: enterprises will be given 0.2 yuan/KWH for their own use, and 0.1 yuan/KWH for large network access;   Residential photovoltaic power generation projects will be given a one-time subsidy of 1 yuan/watt based on installed capacity, and will no longer enjoy power generation subsidies.   Distributed projects built before the end of 2021: industrial and commercial rooftop power stations are subsidized 0.1 yuan per KWH, and residential power stations are subsidized 0.3 yuan per KWH. The subsidy period is 5 years.  Centralized: for new photovoltaic power generation projects, the main enterprises of the project will be given a subsidy of 0.1 to 0.2 yuan per KWH of electricity.   0.15 yuan /kWh for grid connected power generation before the end of 2021;  If completed by the end of 2021, 0.1 yuan /kWh;   Taishun county gives 0.3 yuan subsidy for each kilowatt hour of electricity for 5 consecutive years since the date of spontaneous electricity.  Distributed project in Yongjia County: Industrial and commercial distributed project larger than 50KW will be subsidized 0.4 yuan per kilowatt hour for five years;  Residents who install photovoltaic power generation system on the roof will be given a one-time reward of 2 yuan per watt according to installed capacity, and a subsidy of 0.3 yuan per KWH will be given in the first five years after completion and operation (wenzhou municipal subsidy will not be enjoyed).  Distributed in Dongtou County: Photovoltaic power generation projects with installed capacity of more than 50 kW will enjoy relevant national and provincial subsidies according to policies, and all the electricity generated (including self-use and online electricity) will be subsidized 0.4 yuan per kilowatt hour for five years.  The projects listed in the demonstration of "photoelectric travel integration" on outlying islands will be rewarded with 0.1 yuan per degree.  Residents who install photovoltaic power generation systems on their roofs will be given a one-time reward of 2 yuan per watt based on installed capacity;  And according to the generating capacity to give a subsidy of 0.2 yuan per KWH of electricity, a subsidy of five years.  Encourage roof rental.  For the rooftop rental of private buildings for the installation of distributed photovoltaic power generation system, the rooftop owner will be given a subsidy of 0.05 yuan per KWH according to the generating capacity. The subsidy will be paid for five years from the date of spontaneous electricity generation, and the subsidy will not be paid for the self-built mode of enterprises (residents).  




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