as i am是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

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as i am是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

2022-06-09 22:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

as i am 双语例句

1. As we began the 9am session, the supervising teachers said that new students were allowed to go back to our rooms to continue the meditation practice. I was so happy.    到了9点~11点那场,助理老师说新生可以选择回寮房继续用功,开心得不得了。

2. I didn't come to your blog for a few days. And today I heared the music of your blog, I am moved. It looks as if I have seen the beautiful ancient and modern China.    几天没来到你的博客,今天一听到你的博客的音乐,让我感动万分,让我仿佛看到美丽古老且现代的中国是什么样的。

3. I am not negating these things, but this does not characterize an evangelist as we see in Scripture.    由于他是唯一的圣经,特别是被称为福音(使徒21点08),他的所作所为,相信在座的特点没有什么是福音。

4. I am aware that there are psychiatrists who hesitate less often in their differential diagnosis, but I have become convinced that just as often they make mistakes.    我知道有精神病学家常常在他们差异的诊断中绝少踟躇犹豫,但我也确信他们也常常以同样的频率犯错。

5. Using USD in Vietnam is considered as retarded, and I am that idiot!    在越南使用美元是一件很笨的行为,因为我就是那傻瓜!

6. as i am是什么意思

6. I am trying to increase my vege diet as well.    我想提高我的蔬菜类食物,以及。

7. Don't forget, as I am curious to know.    千万别忘了,因为我很想知道。

8. I dare that you will disappear. Perhaps you don't know it and you can't understand. To get a baby I had paid a high price. I think you will understand it in the future. I don't to fetter you with the baby, because you are always free. Recently as if we havn't have anything to talk to each other. I don't know what you are thinking. I'm worried about it. I am in low spirits everyday. I wept the day you were out of home. I will be contented, even though the things I did just can give me a little consolation.    也许你不知道也不明白我付出了很大的代价来要一个我们的孩子我想你以后会明白的但我并不想用这孩子来束缚你因为你一直都是自由的最近我们之间好象都没有什么话说我不知道你都在想些什么我很担心我的心里每天都是闷闷的你不在家的时候我不知道自己哭了多少次哪怕我所做出的一切能得到一点点的安慰我都会觉得很满足我只要你有一点点的温柔分给我就好一点点就好。。。

9. Now, I am a junior at IU; I am often doing the same thing to help those new coming students as I was helped with open arms before.    现在,我算是一些新生的学长了,我也经常在现在的大学像学长过去那样帮助那些新生。

10. as i am的翻译

10. I am as if a muddy radish and pickled in a jar of salt water that other people prepare it. The only juice of my body has been also siphoned out, shrunk smaller and smaller.    是别人调配的一坛盐水,而自己只是一只带泥的萝卜,被腌渍之后,身上仅有的一些汁液,也被盐水虹吸出体外,抽缩得越来越小。


11. It is easier to understand everything when I am not by your side; I stayed beneath the big tree in the meadow across from your home, as you turned the house lights off and passed from room to room. I stayed as the roads grew invisible and silent and wide.      不在你身边我更易于了解一切;我待在你家对面草地上的一棵大树下,当你熄了屋灯并从一个房间走到另一个房间;我待着当道路变得又静又宽,终于消失不见。

12. I not am relying on the custom, the convention now, even not relies on the human body every tire bead heel you to converse, but is my mind in with yours mind speech, as soon as probably we all leave the world, two people stand equally in front of God -- because we are originally equal!      我现在不是凭借着习俗、常规,甚至也不是凭借着肉体凡胎跟你交谈,而是我的心灵在跟你的心灵说话,就好像我们都一离开人世,两人平等地站在上帝面前——因为我们本来就是平等的啊!

13. As long as I am still irresistable to you.      只要我在你心里,依然是不可抗拒的存在。

14. I know you will be as good as new when you come out from the hospital. I am anxious to see you around soon.      你出院后,会像新人一样的健康,我急盼著你早日出现在我们的周围。

15. I have not had all the luck I expected, but I am as merry as a cricket.      我没有碰见我所期望的好运气,但是我还是很快活)。

16. But, I am going back to China on June 15 lo, so I can see my dear dady and mami, I know they misssssss me soooooo much and I miss them as well......Dady, Mami, I am coming la....hehe      我去了汕头--西安--西藏--广州,在西安,从邱老师那里学了很多人生道理,也去参观了很多地方-大唐芙蓉园,品了

17. MILAN - Corriere dello Sport spoke to Vikash Dhorasoo who said:'I am working hard to learn your football as soon as possible which is very different from that at Lyon.      米兰:在接收《体育邮报》采访时,多拉苏说:我正在刻苦训练,以便尽早适应意大利足球。它和里昂的风格有很大的区别。

18. as i am

18. No one likes to be regarded as a poltroon, but I am truly afraid of waste my left times in such situation.      没亻愿意被当作胆小鬼,但是我真的害怕将自己最后的时光蒗费在这样的局面中。

19. As long as I am League president I will not comment on any refereeing decisions.      现在我是足协的主席,我不会对裁判有任何的评论。

20. I am looking for a position as assistant shipping clerk.      人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员的工作。

as i am 单语例句

1. " I am deeply honored to be appointed as chairman of the board, " said Tang of his appointment as chairman of the authority's board.

2. I am clear it will let no mistake slip away programmed in software, but it's not as creative as human being.

3. I am happy he has done this as it sets the bar high for his promise of adherence to rule of law.

4. " I am of course sad to be leaving the team, " McLaren quoted the Finn as saying.

5. I am doubtful as to whether the loophole is so big that its side effects would outweigh the advantages brought by the exemption.

6. I have an elder brother and a younger sister and as the middle kid I am easily forgotten by my parents.

7. " I am named as the executor in that will, " Stern continued.

8. " I am extremely proud of the team and of the whole club, " said Hoeness as the team hunts its first Champions League title since 2001.

9. As far as I am concerned, a number of such criteria are doubtful.

10. I am grateful to my parents that nurtured my appreciation of art that was born from my fascination as a child with The Pieta.




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