十二怒汉(1957)12 Angry Men、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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十二怒汉(1957)12 Angry Men、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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主持正义是政♥府♥最坚定的支柱(华盛顿名言)The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government.2楼 刑事庭你干得漂亮 漂亮You did a wonderful job. Wonderful.我们做到了 皮特 我们做到了We did it, Pete, we did it.有那么一刻 我们也怀疑过For a moment, we had our doubts.继续 你们已经听了这个漫长复杂的案子To continue, you've listened to a long and complex case,一级谋杀murder in the first degree.预谋杀人…Premeditated murder在我们刑事法庭上 是刑责最重的罪名is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts.你们都已经听过证词You've listened to the testimony.你们已经被宣读过适用本案的法律解释You've had the law read to you and interpreted as it applies in this case.现在你们的职责是 坐下来It's now your duty to sit down设法从想象中厘清事实and try and separate the facts from the fancy.一个人已经死了One man is dead.另一个人命悬一线Another man's life is at stake.如果对于被告的罪行 你们心里有一个合理的怀疑If there's a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused...一个合理的怀疑a reasonable doubt,那你们就必须给我一个无罪判决then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty.如果无论如何没有合理的怀疑And if however there's no reasonable doubt,那么你们必须 基于良知…then you must, in good conscience...判决被告有罪find the accused guilty.无论决定如何 你们的裁决必须全体一致However you decide, your verdict must be unanimous.在你们判决被告有罪的情况下In the event that you find the accused guilty,本席将不容 任何宽大处理的建议the bench will not entertain a recommendation for mercy.本案中死刑是强制性的The death sentence is mandatory in this case.你们面对的是一项重大的责任You are faced with a grave responsibility.谢谢 先生们Thank you, gentlemen.后备陪审员解散The alternate jurors are excused.陪审团现在退席The jury will now retire.12怒汉领衔主演:亨利·方达导演:西德尼·鲁迈特来块口香糖?Wanna piece of gum?不 谢谢No, thanks.这东西…- 怎么? - 动不了This thing...-What? -...isn't movin'.我来帮把手I'll give you a hand with that好了That's it.你知道吗?You know somethin'?我今早打电♥话♥给气象局I called the Weather Bureau this morning.今天将是今年中最热的一天This is gonna be the hottest day of the year.你本以为至少这地方有空调You'd think at least they'd air-condition this place.你叫什么名字 先生?What is your name, sir?哦 是…那个Oh, it's...that one.非常感谢Thank you very much.好了 先生们 大家都齐了OK, gentlemen. Everybody's here.如果你们需要什么Now, if there's anything you want,我就在门外面 敲门就行I'll be right outside the door. Just knock.我从不知道他们会锁上门I never knew they locked the door.他们当然会锁门 你以为呢?Sure they lock the door. What'd you think?我不知道 我只是从没想过I don't know. It just never occurred to me.那是要干嘛?What's that for?哦 我以为我们可能要投票Oh, I thought we might wanna vote by ballot.好主意 也许我们该让他选参议员Great idea. Maybe we can get him elected senator.你觉得如何?How'd you like it?哦 我不知道 挺有趣的Oh, I don't know. It was pretty interesting.是吗?我差点睡着了Yeah? I almost fell asleep.我是说 我从没当过陪审员I mean, I've never been on a jury before.没有吗?我当过很多次No? I've sat on many juries.我想是因为律师们说了又说I guess it's those lawyers talk and talk,即便是个开门见山的案子 就像这个even when it's an open-and-shut case like this one.你听过这么多空话吗?Ever hear so much talk about nothin'?我想他们有这个权利Well, I guess they're entitled.他们有权利 制度是这样 不过…They're entitled. It's the system, but...你问我的话 我会把那些难搞的孩子扇倒if you ask me, I'd slap those tough kids down他们才不会惹麻烦before they start any trouble.省了我们很多时间和金钱It saves a lot of time and money.我们开始吧Let's get started.好主意Good idea.对 我们开始吧 可能大家都还有工作要做Yeah, let's get going. We've probably all got things to do here.我觉得我们可以暂停五分钟再开始I think we can start with a five- minute break.有一位先生在洗手间里There's one gentleman is in the bathroom.我们要按次序坐吗?Are...we gonna sit in order?我说 我不知道 我想是吧Say, I don't know. I guess so.老兄 你坐到我的位置了Buddy, you're in my seat.哦 对不起 - 没关系Oh, excuse me. - That's all right.嘿 这风景不坏 对吧?Hey, that's not a bad view, huh?你对这案子有什么看法?What did you think of the case?我是说 对我来说它很有意思I mean, it had a lot of interest for me.没有真正的…死角 你明白我的意思吧No real...dead spots. You know what I mean.我告诉你 遇上谋杀案算我们运气好I tell you we were lucky to get a murder case.我还以为我们会遇上袭击案或盗窃案I figured us for an assault or burglary.伙计 那会很无聊!Boy, they can be the dullest!嘿 那是伍尔沃斯大楼吗?Hey, is that the Woolworth Building?没错That's right.这不挺意思吗?Isn't that funny?你看 我一辈子都住在这里 从没进去过You know, I've lived here all my life. I've never been inside it.要是你必须要分辨出那些废话If you had to sort out all that junk,就跟电影上的一样like that thing with the movies.对 这话你说得对 还有那把刀是怎么回事?Yeah, you can say that again. And what about that business with the knife?我说 要成年人去相信那种胡话吗?I mean, asking grown-up people to believe that kind of jazz, huh?真的 你指望那个 你知道我们在对付什么Truly, you expect that. You know what we're dealing with.对 我想是这样Yeah, I guess so.你的喇叭能用了 现在试试你的灯光吧Well, your horn works. Now try your lights.怎么 你感冒了?What're you, got a cold?还有热 这热感冒真是要命And hot. This hot-weather colds can kill you.我简直不能碰我的鼻子 知道我的意思吧?I can hardly touch my nose. You know what I mean?当然 我的感冒刚刚好Sure do. I just got over one.哦 快点 主席先生 咱们开始吧Oh, come on! Mr Foreman, let's go.不 那人还在洗手间里The guy's still in the bathroom.有什么新闻?我今早没机会看报纸What's new? I didn't get a chance to see a paper this morning.我只是想知道今天收盘的情况I was only wondering how the market closed.你有交易席位吗?You got a seat on the exchange?我是个经纪人I'm a broker.我经营通信业务I run a messenger service.贝克传呼公♥司♥The Beck and Call Company.名字是我妻子取的The name is my wife's idea.有37个人干活 白手起家Got 37 men workin'. Started with nothin'.好了 各位 咱们找座位坐吧OK, men. Let's take our seats.我们都能很快离开这里We can all get out of here pretty quick.不知道你们其他人怎样 但我有今晚球赛的票I don't know about the rest of you. But I have tickets to that ball game tonight.洋基对克利夫兰Yanks and Cleveland.我们有这个叫摩杰卢斯基的小子We've got this kid Modjelewski in there.他是头公牛 这小子He's a real bull, this kid.真正的接球手 你知道吗?Real jug-handled. You know?你真是个棒球迷 是吗?You're a real baseball fan, aren't ya?我们坐哪里?Where do we sit here?我想我们照次序坐 你知道 按陪审员编号♥I thought we'd sit in order, you know, by jury numbers.一、二、三、四、五 以此类推围着桌子One, two, three, four, five and so on around the table,如果你们各位没意见的话if that's OK with you gentlemen.那有什么差别? - 按次序坐挺合理的What's the difference? - It's reasonable to sit in order.就这么办吧 - 这是十二号♥Let it be. - That's twelve.从你开始一 二We go around one, two...你对公诉检察官印象如何?What was your impression of the prosecuting attorney?你说什么?I beg pardon?我觉得他很犀利I thought he was really sharp,他处理那些论点的方式 一个接一个the way he handled all those points one by one...按照逻辑顺序in logical sequence.我印象深刻I was very impressed.我觉得他…干得非常专业I think he...he did an expert job.也很能驾驭 知道吗 真正的驾驭A lot of drive, too. You know? Real drive.好了 大伙儿 咱们能安静会儿吗?大家?OK, fellas. Can we hold it down a minute? Fellas?我说 我们就要开始了Say, we'd like to get started.




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