词汇辨析 4 Trespass, encroach, violate, intrude, infringe, invade

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词汇辨析 4 Trespass, encroach, violate, intrude, infringe, invade

2023-11-10 12:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Invadeandviolateare much harsher terms; they would never suggest unintentional acts, like intrude, nor gradual acts, like encroach. They may, in fact, suggest savagery and violence.

Invade和violate是语气严厉的用词,不像encroach那样指逐步或偷偷摸摸 地侵入别国领土,也不像intrude那样可指无意的侵扰。实际上,他们可能暗含着野蛮和暴力。

Invade (v.)most readily brings to mind a military attack by one nation on another. It implies a definite, hostile, and injurious entry into the territory or sphere of another.


◇ Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.希特勒1939年入侵波兰。

◇ Grasshoppers invaded fields and eat the crops.蝗虫侵犯农田,吃掉庄稼。

violate (vt.)has both a sexual and a legal context. violate

可以表示在法律上违反规定、原则等,或侵犯他人的权利,也可用于强暴、强奸的语境中,violate就有这样的一个意思to force sb to have sex (syn, rape)

◇a woman violated by her attacker

◇ a court ruling that basic constitutional rights had been violated

infringe(vt. to break a rule, law, etc 违反,违背(规定、法律等)) most appropriately refers to the violation of a principle or a legal right.

主要用于法律方面。强调明显地违反法律,违背某项 原则或侵犯他人的合法权利。

◇ they infringed building regulations.

[顺带积累]Phrasal verbs

Infringe on / upon sth if something infringes on / upon someone’s rights or freedom, it takes away some of their rights or limits their freedom 侵犯(权利或自由)

◇ These restrictions infringe upon basic human rights. 这些限制侵犯了基本人权。

◇infringing on a copyright侵犯版权

Trespass( vi. to go onto someone’s private land without their permission 擅闯(私地),擅自进入 [+on / upon] ) implies an unwarranted, unlawful, or offensive intrusion.

trespass是个法律用语,本来主要指未经许可进入私人土地,或 非法侵入,现在也可表示侵夺或过多地占用等意思。

◇warned people about trespassing on their land

[顺带积累]Phrasal verbs

Trespass on sth(formal) to unfairly use more than you should of someone else’s time, help etc for your own advantage过多占用(别人的时间);过多利用(别人的帮助)

◇ It would be trespassing on their hospitality to accept any more from them.





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