Installer language

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Installer language

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NSIS DiscussionInstaller language

Archive: Installer language

is9923rd November 2006 15:50 UTC

Installer languageI made an installer that works with several languages, evrything works fine and when a user runs an installer the language selection screan appears.

But the problem is that if the same user runs the same setup on the same pc again the setup wont ask him to select a language and instead will use a language he selected the first time.

How can I make the installer to ask the user the language each time it runs ?

fmt_jsc23rd November 2006 16:43 UTC

You have to delete the corresponding Registry key :-)

You have probably had to use some defines such as (the example is if you use the Modern User Interface plugin):!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT HKLM!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\mysoftwarename"!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "InstallerLanguage"

Which means the language selected by the user will be saved in the registry in HKLM\Software\mysoftwarename under the key name InstallerLanguage

Don't know though whether you can avoid the language to be saved in the first place by giving an empty registry path or using some other define?

glory_man23rd November 2006 16:44 UTC

Or you can use


is9923rd November 2006 16:51 UTC

Excelent !define MUI_LANGDLL_ALWAYSSHOW is exactly what I was looking for.


Boyito23rd November 2006 17:00 UTC


This work fine to me too, but when i run unistaller, this not "get" the language ive select when install.I use this

;Uninstaller FunctionsFunction un.onInit!insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGEMessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 $(UN_QUESTION) IDYES +2AbortFunctionEnd

fmt_jsc23rd November 2006 17:26 UTC

Did you check if the value is recorded in the registry with the MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT, KEY and VALUENAME you gave?

If it's correct, maybe try with calling the message box after stepping out of function un.onInit?

Boyito23rd November 2006 17:38 UTC


The stranger is that only happens in messagebox of onInit since in the one of onUninstSuccess works fine with the language of the installation

Function un.onUninstSuccessHideWindowMessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(UN_CONFIRMATION)FunctionEnd

Any idea?TIA

kichik23rd November 2006 19:27 UTC

The language selection doesn't take effect until after .onInit. You can use .onGUIInit to display multilingual messages with ease, or you could use a switch on $LANGUAGE.

Boyito23rd November 2006 19:36 UTC

Thanks Kichik

And in this part of code how i could use $LANGUAGE??

;Uninstaller FunctionsFunction un.onInit!insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGEMessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 $(UN_QUESTION) IDYES +2AbortFunctionEnd

Function un.onUninstSuccessHideWindowMessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(UN_CONFIRMATION)FunctionEnd

kichik23rd November 2006 19:39 UTC

If you want to use language strings, use them in un.onGUIInit. If you really must use it in un.onInit, use a switch.

!include LogicLib.nsh#...${Switch} $LANGUAGE ${Case} ${LANG_ENGLISH} MessageBox MB_OK english ${Break} ${Case} ${LANG_FRENCH} MessageBox MB_OK french ${Break}${EndSwitch}

Boyito 27th November 2006 16:15 UTC

Thanks Kichik, but i still vae problems with uninstaller This is my part of code with your help

;Uninstaller Functions Function un.onInit !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE !include LogicLib.nsh ${Switch} $LANGUAGE ${Case} ${LANG_ENGLISH} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you wish to uninstall $(^Name) with all componentes?" IDYES +2 Abort ${Break} ${Case} ${LANG_SPANISH} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "脗驴Est脙隆 completamente seguro que desea desinstalar $(^Name) junto con todos sus componentes?" IDYES +2 Abort ${Break} ${Case} ${LANG_PORTUGUESEBR} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "脗驴Voce est脙隆 completamente seguro que desea desinstalar $(^Name) junto con tudos sua componentes?" IDYES +2 Abort ${Break} ${EndSwitch} FunctionEnd

At this time the messagebox shows ok and in the install language, but the title of the unistall window still in Spanish, but not the title of unistall confirmation. If you wish ive attach some images.


kichik 27th November 2006 16:41 UTC

In that case, you can set Caption to a variable and change that variable in that Switch according to the selected language. Or simply put that message box in un.onGUIInit.

Boyito 27th November 2006 16:51 UTC

Thanks kichik, but if ive try that the compiler says Error : Function named "un.onGUIInit" already exists.

In other way how can I " set Caption to a variable and change that variable in that Switch according to the selected language", could you help me with some lines in my above code?


kichik 27th November 2006 16:57 UTC

You need to tell the MUI you want to use it with MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_UNGUIINIT.

Boyito 27th November 2006 17:32 UTC

Ok and whatsup with

how can I " set Caption to a variable and change that variable in that Switch according to the selected language", could you help me with some lines in my above code?

Thanks a lot

kichik 27th November 2006 17:40 UTC

You shouldn't use that. Use un.onGUIInit, it's by far the best solution. But if you insist...

Var captionCaption $CAPTIONFunction un.onInit# if english...StrCpy $caption "some caption"MessageBox MB_OK "some message"# if hebrew...StrCpy $caption "koteret"MessageBox MB_OK "hoda'a"FunctionEnd

Boyito 28th November 2006 12:56 UTC

Hi kichik, sorry for insist but just Im beginning with NSIS and are many things that exceed to me, thanks to answer.


UranusOne 20th February 2009 04:43 UTC

Hello everyone. Kichik is right. This is very interesting. Try this way it works. After adding conditionals that they want wherever they want.

Name "ChangeCaption"OutFile "ChangeCaption.exe"


Function .OnInit

StrCpy $CAPTION "MyNewCaption" MessageBox MB_OK "You NOT see the caption here" FunctionEnd

Section SectionOne

MessageBox MB_OK "You NOW see the caption here" SectionEnd

Kichik: you are the master, add this to the Code Example.

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