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#英语作文:读后续写思路点拨与分析| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Rebecca stretched her tired back. “That’s the last seedling(种树苗),Pa. Have we planted enough?”

Pa walked to the end of the row of cottonwood seedlings. “No,” he said. “We have to plant trees all the way to that rock over there. We’ll need about twenty more seedlings.”

“I’ll get the seedlings.” offered Rebecca. She longed to cool her feet in the shallow river running through the cotton field.

“You’d better let me go, Miss Petticoats,” teased her twin brother, William. “There are dangers all over this prairie(牧场/草原)

“You may both go,” said Pa. “But hurry back. I’d like to finish before sundown.”

They went across the shallow river to a sandbar where small cottonwood seedlings grew.

Gently, they pulled the seedlings from the sand.

“There! That’s twenty, with a few to spare.” said Rebecca.

“OK,” said William. He led the way to the riverbank, then stopped. “Look! There’s the dugout(防空壕)we lived in when we moved here last year.” He pointed to a hole in the grassy river bank.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

“No,” Rebecca said, “Pa is waiting. Besides, it’s hard telling what’s in there.”

“Then you start back.” said William, handing the seedlings to Rebecca. I’ll catch up.” He ran to the dugout and stepped inside.

Rebecca tied the seedlings into her long apron(围裙)and began to walk. Suddenly she froze in her tracks.

A huge prairie rattlesnake(响尾蛇)moved along the river bank.

It stopped right in front of the dugout and lay still, coiled up on the warm sunny bank.

“William!” Rebecca shouted. “Don’t come out!”

“Huh?” Williams face appeared at a tiny window beside the door of the dugout.

Rebecca pointed toward the rattler. William's face paled when he saw the snake blocking the doorway. He turned desperate eyes toward Rebecca, then he glanced behind himself. Rebecca knew what he was thinking: “Were there more snakes waiting in the shadowy corners of the dugout?”

Rebecca’s mind raced, trying to think of a way to get William out of there. An idea popped

into her head. It was their only hope. It was risky, but it was the only hope.

“Don’t move,” she said to William in a soft voice. “When r say NOW, you run out of there as fast as you can.”

Rebecca removed the skirt-like petticoat(衬裙)from beneath her dress, then dipped it into the river. She squeezed out some of the water, then climbed to the top of the bank, directly above the dugout’s opening.






Paragraph 1:

“Get ready to run, William,” she said, keeping an eye on the motionless snake.

Paragraph 2:

Are you OK?he asked, breathing heavily. Rebecca nodded.



难句分析:原文They went across the shallow river to sandbar where small cottonwood seedlings grew.


分析:这是一个主从复合句。主句是they went across the shallow river to sandbar,后面是关系副词 where引导的定语从句,修饰a sandbar。




2.设计后续事件结果一般要体现Rebecca和William兄妹的勇敢与聪明,要向好的方面发展。 本文中的设计就可以体现面对困难勇于克服的价值取向。

3.充分体现自己的写作水平,续写过程中的一词一句都是展示个人语言基本功的绝佳机会,因此在保持原作语言风格的基础上,要充分调动已有生活经验和知识遣词造句,增强语言表现力。 在叙述Rebecca向William大声嚷叫的同时,又要言简意赅地介绍William迅速做出反应的生动场面。




Paragraph 1:

“Get ready to run, William,” she said,keeping an eye on the motionless snake. Rebecca opened the dripping petticoat softly and gently,aimed at the snake and then dropped the petticoat on top of he rattlesnake with her hands trembling. “NOW!she shouted to her twin brother,William when the snake began to move towards the dugout. William swiftly jumped over the covered snake and desperately ran towards his father, and meanwhile, Rebecca was following him.

Paragraph 2:

“Are you OK? ” he asked,breathing heavily. Rebecca nodded, She said happily,“Thankfully, we managed to escape safely.” They both had a rest for a while and calmed themselves down. Rebecca examined whether the seedlings were still complete. But unfortunately, she dropped two seedlings when she together with William was escaping. They raced back to the woods to find them“They are over there!” Rebecca shouted loudly, and then they picked them up and turned back to their father.Not far away, they saw their father resting on a big rock, because there were no seedlings.(157 words)







⑥But unfortunately的运用恰到好处,together with的使用更加突显了作者驾驭英语语言的能力。

⑦shouted、picked up以及turned back to的使用,节奏紧凑、层次感强。



Paragraph 1:

“Get ready to run,William, ”she said,keeping an eye on the motionless snake. Rebecca opened the dripping petticoat(wet through with water)as much as she could. Her hands shook as she leaned over the bank. With one swift movement, she dropped the heavy garment on top of the rattlesnake.“NOW!” she shouted to William as the snake began to move under the petticoat. William jumped over the covered snake and ran fast before he stopped and turned around. Rebecca was right behind him.

Paragraph 2:

“Are you OK? ” he asked, breathing heavily. Rebecca nodded. She was glad they managed to escape. It took them five minutes to catch their breath and calm themselves down. Rebecca checked to make sure that the seedlings were still complete.Then William gave Rebecca a grateful hug. “Thanks,sister. I’d have done the same for you back there.” Rebecca said with a grin. “You couldn’t have, for you don’t wear petticoats!” Laughing, they raced back to the woods.(160 words)


keep an eye on留意/照看

lean over the bank向河岸倾斜

on top of在……之上

be right behind sb.刚好在某人的背后

manage to escape设法逃脱

catch one’s breath喘口气

calm oneself down使自己平静下来


A Gift of Gold


It was the winter of 1937, just after Christmas.The Depression was still going on, but I was in good spirits.I was going to graduate from elementary_school,_but my mother still dressed me in shorts.Most of my classmates had given up wearing shorts.For the graduation ceremony, all the boys were expected to dress white shirts and darkblue wool pants.

I waited until a week before I told my_mother.On a cold Monday afternoon I went home from school.

“Mom,” I said, “about graduation ...”

“Yes? ” she answered.

“They are going to give me the firstprize medal,” I said.

Still working over the_stove,_she looked over her shoulder at me and smiled broadly.“That's wonderful,Babe.Dad and I will both be there, and we'll be the proudest in the place.”

She must have seen by the look on my face that something was wrong.She turned her back and said,“ So? ”

“So, I have to get long pants,” I said.

“Babe, we don't have the money for new_pants right now,” she said.

“Okay,” I burst out.“Then I won't go to graduation.Plus, I'm running away from home! ”

“If I were you, I wouldn't pack my bags.We'll solve the pants problem somehow,” she said.

The following Saturday, when my mother said,“Let's go shopping,” I knew that she had solved the problem.Then we left home.We took_the_trolley and got off at Southern Boulevard, the best shopping street.Our clothing store was just a couple of blocks away.

But first we walked a short way down the Boulevard and stopped at a place I had never noticed before.

“Wait here,” she said.Then she opened the door with the hand with a gold_wedding_ring on her ring_finger and entered a storefront that looked like a bank.

She went out about ten minutes later with a purse in her left_hand,_and then we went to the pants store. I chose a pair of pants. After a patient bargain with the_seller,_my mother bought it at the price of three dollars and fifty cents and handed it to me.





Paragraph 1:

I was holding the pants tightly under my arm when my mother went to pay the money.

Paragraph 2:

We took the trolley back home.



原文:She must have seen by the look on my face that something was wrong.


分析:这是一个主从复合句。that something was wrong是由that引导的宾语从句。主句的谓语为must have seen,是情态动词对过去事实的肯定推测的用法,由“must+have+过去分词”构成。










1.根据Paragraph1提示句I was holding the pants tightly under my arm when my mother went to pay the money.可分析,此段可以细致刻画妈妈付款的一举一动,然后可以对妈妈钱的来源提出疑问,为下一段埋下伏笔。但无论后续事件怎样设计,都要注意过渡自然、合情合理。

2.根据Paragraph2提示句We took the trolley back home.分析,此段着重介绍坐车过程以及回到家中的具体细节,也可以在此段中对钱的来源给出合理的解释,升华文章续写的主题。设计后续事件要向好的方面发展,要有积极进取的价值取向。




Paragraph 1:

I was holding the pants tightly under my arm when my mother went to pay the money. As soon as I turned around, I saw her take a sum of money out of her purse in her left hand. I didn't know where my mom got all this money from. Finally she handed this money for the pants to the seller,who immediately gave my mother the fifty cents' change.Mom smiled at me,and said, “Let's go back, honey.”

Paragraph 2:

We took the trolley back home. And the trolley was crowded with man people, so my mother and I were standing together all the time. However, I even imagined walking up to the stage in my new pants to receive my medal, and I couldn't help laughing. When we got home, my mother took out the key and wanted to open the door. And at that moment, I noticed that the gold wedding ring on her ring finger my mother had always worn was missing. Perhaps it was Mother who sold it, and I felt sad, lost in thought.(161 word)

①从属连词as soon as的使用,衔接自然、结构紧凑


③who引导的非限制性定语从句更清晰地刻画了the seller接下来的具体动作和细节。


⑤imagine的运用自然、流畅,而I couldn’t help doing的使用则流露出作者无比激动的心情。


⑦that引导的宾语从句,精准到位,流畅自然; 定语从句 my mother had always worn使用得也恰到好处。

⑧it was...who构成的强调句,非常清晰地突出了“母亲”用卖掉的戒指的钱购买的长裤,与前文形成呼应。


Paragraph 1:

I was holding the pants tightly under my arm when my mother went to pay the money. I saw her take a tiny brown envelope from her purse,tear back the sealed flap and remove the contents.There were four brandnew onedollar bills inside.She carefully unfolded them and handed them to the_seller.The seller gave my mother the fifty cents' change.How did she manage to get such a large sum of money?Maybe my parents found new jobs with higher salary.

Paragraph 2:

We took the trolley back home.Sitting next to my mother on the_trolley,_I had the window seat and looked out for most of the ride.I even imagined Father had come home early and prepared a wonderful meal.About halfway home, I shifted around in my seat to face forward.I glanced down at my mother's hands folded across her purse, which was resting on her lap. It was then that I saw the gold_wedding_ring that had always circled the ring_finger on her left_hand was no longer there.(137 words)


take a tiny brown envelope from从……里拿出一个褐色小信封


manage to do设法做……

a large sum of money一大笔钱

with higher salary较高的薪水




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