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2023-04-01 00:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,英语中"绑架"怎么讲? 2,HiJack一词的由来 3,关于犯罪的英语单词100个 4,各种犯罪的词汇 5,劫持英文怎样说? 6,持刀劫持人质怎么判? 7,英语双关语(pun)如何分类 8,不太明白英语的双关语。。 1,英语中"绑架"怎么讲?

绑架: 1. kidnap 2. staking

他失踪了这么久十之八九是被绑架了。 Having disappeared for long, he has been kidnapped in all probability 绑架者的藏身处是一座山上的旧农场。 The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills 有两个商人让恐怖分子绑架了. Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists



From Online Etymology Dictionary: hijack 1923, Amer.Eng., from high(way) + jacker "one who holds up." Originally "to rob (a bootlegger, smuggler, etc.) in transit;" sense of "seizing an aircraft in flight" is 1968 (also in 1961 variant skyjack), extended 1970s to any form of public transportation. Related: Hijacked; hijacking. 以上是从在线语源学词典找到的hijack的起源。 大概意思是:1923年开始出现在美式英语里,是由"highway"中的"high"和"jacker"(即拦路抢劫者)组合而成。起初是指在运输过程中抢劫走私犯等。1968年左右开始出现了“劫持飞行中的航空器”这一意思(1961年就出现了变体skyjack)。到1970年左右引申为到对任何公共交通设备的劫持。


1、crime 英[kraɪm] 美[kraɪm] n. 犯罪活动; 不法行为; 罪; 罪行; 不道德的行为; 罪过; [例句]He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime 他和卡西迪中尉正在勘查犯罪现场。 2、offence 英[əˈfens] 美[əˈfens] n. 违法行为; 犯罪; 罪行; 冒犯; 搅扰; 侮辱; [例句]Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty 人被控犯有叛国罪——一种可处死刑的罪行。 3、guilt 英[ɡɪlt] 美[ɡɪlt] n. 内疚; 悔恨; 犯罪; 罪行; 有罪; 罪责; 责任; 罪过; [例句]Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds 几秒钟的时间里,她经历了从愤怒到内疚的情感变化。 4、sin 英[sɪn] 美[sɪn] n. 罪,罪恶,罪过(对神的违犯或对宗教戒律、道德规范的违犯); 罪行,犯罪(违犯宗教戒律、道德规范的行为); 过错; 过失; 恶行; v. 犯戒律; 犯过失; abbr. 正弦; [例句]The Vatican's teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin 罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。 5、misdeed 英[ˌmɪsˈdiːd] 美[ˌmɪsˈdiːd] n. 恶行; 不义之举; [例句]This expression makes the person left holding the bag responsible for an action, often a crime or misdeed. 这个表达,使人左手拿着一个袋子的行动负责,往往是犯罪或不当行为。


帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪 crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge evidence 绑架妇女儿童罪 crime of kidnapping women and children 包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪 crime of harboring a mafia-style syndicate 包庇毒品犯罪分子罪 crime of harboring drug criminals 报复陷害罪case of retaliation and frame-ups

必要共同犯罪 indispensable joint crime 并科原则 doctrine of cumulating punishments 剥夺权利deprival of rights 不能犯 impossibility; unrealized offense 参加恐怖活动组织罪 crime of taking part in an organization engaged in terrorist activities

超越管辖权 excess of jurisdiction 超越职权范围 overstep one’s authority 惩办和宽大相结合combine punishment with leniency 惩办少数、改造多数的原则 principle of punishing the few and reforming the many 惩罚措施 punitive measure

惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction 惩罚与教育相结合 combination of punishment and education 处以刑罚 inflict punishment 处以有期徒刑 sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 触犯法律 break the law; violate the law

抽逃出资罪 crime of flight of capital contribution 抽象行政行为 abstract administrative act 出口骗税犯罪活动 criminal activities of cheating out of tax rebates in export 出售伪造发票罪 crime of selling counterfeit currency 出于对法律的无知 from ignorance of law

出于恶意 from malevolence 从轻处罚 gie a lesser punishment 从重处罚 give a severer punishment 单位受贿罪 crime of bribe taken by a unit 单一犯罪构成 single constitution of crime

盗伐林木罪 crime of illegally chopping down trees; crime of illegally felling trees 盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪 crime of stealing or seizing guns, ammunition or explosives 盗窃犯 theft act; larcenist 渎职犯罪案件case of dereliction of duty 对象不能犯 object impossibility

多次作案 repeatedly commit crimes 罚不当罪 punishment does not fit the crime 犯意 criminal intent; mens real 犯罪低龄化 lowering ages of criminal offenders 犯罪动机 criminal motive

犯罪构成 constitution of a crime; constitutive elements of a crime 犯罪构成要件 special constitutive elements of crime 犯罪故意 criminal intent; guilty intent; meas rea 犯罪集团 criminal gang; criminal group 犯罪客观要件 objective circumstances of a crime

犯罪客体 criminal object; object of a crime 犯罪实行终了 completion of a criminal act 犯罪学 criminology 犯罪预防 crime prevention 犯罪中止 discontinuance of crime; desistance of crime

犯罪主观方面要素 subjective elements of crime 犯罪主体 subject of crime 犯罪着手 initiate a crime 犯罪组织 criminal organization 贩卖毒品罪 drug offense; crime of drug trafficking

防卫过当 unjustifiable self-defense 防卫挑拨 instigation of defense; provocation of defense 防卫限度 limit of defense 防止类似事件重演 prevent the recurrence of similar incidents 妨碍公务罪 crime of disrupting public service

妨害公共安全罪 crime of impairing public security 放弃权利 withdraw a claim; waive a right 非法持、私藏枪支、弹药罪 crime of illegally holding or hiding a firearm or ammunition 非法持有毒品罪 crime of illegally holding drugs 非法干涉 illegal intervention

非法干预 unlawful interference 非法出售增值税专用发票罪 crime of illegal selling invoice for exclusive use of VAT 非法活动 unlawful activities 非法利益 unlawful interests 非法手段 illegal means

非强制性行政行为 non-coercive form of administrative action 非正式的 informal; irregular 非政府机关 non-governmental organization 非主要条件 non-essential stipulation 非专业的 non-professional

诽谤罪 crime of defamation 隔地犯 offense of segregation by location 隔时犯 offense of segregation by time 工具不能犯 impossibility of instruments 故意犯罪 calculated crime; intentional crime

故意杀人罪 crime of intentional homicide 故意伤害罪 crime of willful and malicious injury 管辖:jurisdiction 惯犯 habitual criminal 惯例 custom and usage

过失犯罪 criminal negligence; involuntary crime; negligent crime 国家赔偿案件 case of state compensation 国家赔偿的归责原则 principle of culpability for state compensation 国家赔偿的双重过错原则 principle of dual faults for state compensation 国家赔偿法 state compensation law

国家赔偿主体 subject of state compensation 国家权力机关 state authority 国际审判机关 state judicial organs 国家行政机关 state administrative organs 国家意志 state’s will

国家职能 function of the state 国民待遇 national treatment 黑社会性质的犯罪集团 gangland criminal syndicate; mafia-style criminal gang 缓期二年执行 with a two-year reprieve 缓刑 probate cessat executio

集合犯 aggregate offense; collective offense 既遂犯 accomplished crime 继承法 inheritance law 继续犯 continuous crime 加重处罚 give an aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed

假冒他人注册商标罪 crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of another 假释 parole 假想防卫 imaginative defense 假想数罪 imaginatively several crimes 简单共同犯罪 simple joint crime

间接故意 indirect intent; indirect iintentino 教唆未遂 attempt of solicitation 劫持船只、汽车罪 crime of hijacking a ship or an automobile 劫持航空器罪 crime of skyjacking 结果犯 consequential offen

结果加重犯 aggregated consequential offense 结合犯 combinative crime; integrated offense se 拒不执行人民法院判决、裁定罪 crime of refusing o execute judgments or orders of the People’s Court 具结悔过 make a statement of repentence 具体行政行为 specific administrative act

具体罪名concrete accusation 绝对不确定法定刑 absolutely indeterminate statutory punishment 军人违反职责罪 crimes of soldiers violating military dutie 抗税罪 offense of resisting taxes 客体不能犯 object impossibility

空白罪状 blank facts about a crime 滥伐林木罪 crime of illegal denudation 累犯 recidivist; repeat offender; cumulative offense 连续犯罪 continuing crime 量刑 criterion for sentencing; sentencing criterion

量刑不当 criterion for sentence 量刑幅度 extent for discretionary action of sentencing 虐待罪 crime of abusing member of one’s family 挪用公款案 case of misappropriation of public funds 偶犯 casual offender; casual offense

情节加重犯 aggravated offense by circumstances 情节特别严重 when the circumstances are particularly wicked 情节严重、构成犯罪的 when the circumstances are so serious as to constitute a crime 取保候审 post a bail and await trial with restricted liberty of moving 扰乱公共场所秩序罪 crime of disturbing order at public places

刑法 criminal law 刑罚 penalty; punishment 刑事责任能力 criminal capacity 行政法 administrative law; executive law 行政法规 administrative laws and regulations

行政法学 administrative jurisprudence 行政解释 administrative interpretation 行政救济 administrative remedy 预防犯罪 anti-crime 治安管理 security administration

治安条例 security regulations


hijack ['haidʒæk] v. 抢劫,劫持,揩油 例句: The plane is hijacked by six armed terrorists. 该飞机被6个武装的恐怖主义者所劫持。 There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象. They planned to hijack a plane.

kidnap ['kidnæp] v. 绑架,诱拐,拐骗 例句: "They'll kidnap the boy, " I said. Finn stared at me. "What in the world for? " 我说:"他们将绑架这个男孩子。"芬恩眼盯着我问道:"这样干究竟是为了什么呢? She swears she didn't mean to leave Nurse Ellen down there to die. In the same way she says she only pretended to kidnap the children. 她发誓说她并不是想把埃伦保姆丢在那里让她去死。她同时又说她只是假装把孩子们绑架走。


你好,如你所说,绑架罪,以下为相关规定; 刑法2011 第二百三十九条 【绑架罪】以勒索财物为目的绑架他人的,或者绑架他人作为人质的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚金或者没收财产;情节较轻的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。




一、英语双关语的分类主要有语音双关和语义双关。 二、语音双关: 1、同音双关 在现代英语词C中,同音异义词数量很大,为双关表达提供了大量的原始素材。同音异义词发音一样,拼写和词义不同因此常被巧妙地运用,形成双关。 2、近音双关 近音双关指的是两个词或短语的发音相似,意思不同,给听者或读者带来明确的联想造成一语双关。 三、语义双关: 1、同形异义词 语义双关以同形异义词为最常见,它是通过同形词来体现语义的双重含义。 2、同形异义短语 英语中的习语大多不能按其字面组成词的意思来解释,而是具有作为习语特定的含义,因此许多习语也成为语义双关的一种来源。 扩展资料: 一、英语双关语(pun)指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义和同音的条件,有意使语句具有双重意义,言在此而意在彼的修辞方式。双关可使语言表达得含蓄、幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。 二、主要特点 1、谐音双关和语义双关都是一语关顾表里两层含义,其中蕴含着的不直接说出来的含义是表意所在,既要含而不露,又要使人体会得到,寻味得出,不能造成误会或歧义。 2、要注意双关内容的思想性,不要单纯追求风趣和含蓄。用双关构成歇后语时,尤应注意体现思想积极、健康。 三、语义双关和借喻不同: 1、借喻是以喻体代本体,说的是喻体,要表达的是本体事物,是比喻与被比喻的关系,目的在于使抽象深奥的事物表达得具体、生动、简洁。 2、语义双关表达的是两种意思,借一个词语或句子的意义关顾两个事物,表里意思不一,目的在于收到含蓄委婉、幽默风趣的效果。 参考资料来源:百度百科-双关语



我在网上找了些幽默双关语,你可以看参考资料。比如其中一个例子: Mother: Your hair needs cutting badly.(你的头发实在要剪一剪) Daughter: I think it needs cutting nicely, it was cut badly last time.(我觉得它需要剪得好点,上回剪得太糟了) badly既作“很、非常”解,又作“糟糕、差”解,妈妈的意思是“非常”,强调急迫性,而女儿则用了它的“坏”的意思,所以就很幽默。可是在翻译成中文的时候,它的双关意思就消失了。

在Jane Austin的小说《Pride and Prejudice》里就有很多诙谐机智的对话实用了双关语,很有意思。





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