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2023-04-09 14:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

sensitize是什么意思/翻译_sensitize读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 19小时前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 2


sensitize是什么意思/翻译_sensitize读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 sensitize

英 [ˈsensətaɪz] 美 [ˈsensətaɪz]

v.  使敏感(尤指对问题或不好的事); 使意识到; 使(对…)过敏



BNC.35036 / COCA.19314



sensitize是什么意思/翻译_sensitize读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 使敏感(尤指对问题或不好的事);使意识到to make sb/sth more aware of sth, especially a problem or sth bad People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers teatening the environment.人们对危害环境的各种因素有越来越强的意识。 使(对…)过敏to make sb/sth sensitive to physical or chemical changes, or to a particular substance 柯林斯词典

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 sensitise

VERB 使敏感;使意识到If you sensitize people to a particular problem or situation, you make them aware of it. It seems important to sensitize people to the fact that depression is more than the blues…让人们意识到抑郁症不仅仅是心情忧郁,这点似乎很重要。 How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women’s issues?在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢? VERB 使对…有反应;使敏化;使过敏If a substance is sensitized to something such as light or touch, it is made sensitive to it. Skin is easily irritated, chapped, chafed, and sensitized.皮肤很容易受到刺激、发生皴裂、擦得红肿和出现过敏。 …sensitised nerve endings.变得敏感的神经末梢 双语例句 It seems important to sensitize people to the fact that depression is more than the blues 让人们意识到抑郁症不仅仅是心情忧郁,这点似乎很重要。 How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women’s issues? 在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢? Skin is easily irritated, chapped, chafed, and sensitized. 皮肤很容易受到刺激、发生皴裂、擦得红肿和出现过敏。 Various studies had suggested that early exposure to peanut protein by infants with allergic tendencies could sensitize them and lead to a serious peanut allergy. 为数众多不同的研究表明,具有过敏倾向的婴儿过早地接触到花生蛋白很可能会引起致敏,继而导致严重的花生过敏。 Sensitize and educate the public about mental health and mental disorders, and raise awareness of the rights of people with mental disorders. 就精神健康和精神障碍向公众进行宣传和教育,以及提高对精神障碍患者权利的认识。 The association aims to sensitize employers to the problems faced by left-handed people in the workplace. 联合会意在使雇主们关注车间里的左撇子所面临的问题。 CHK1 inhibition is expected to sensitize cells to a broad spectrum of DNA-damaging agents. 人们认为抑制CHK1可以使细胞对DNA损伤剂的敏感性扩宽。 Efforts to sensitize affected communities are continuing, with local volunteers supported by Portuguese-speaking experts from Brazil and Mozambique. 向受感染社区进行宣传的努力正在继续,地方志愿人员得到了来自巴西和莫桑比克讲葡萄牙语的专家的支持。 In a literal sense what it does is decrease hepatic glucose which is increased in diabetes where as glitazones act to sensitize the liver and adipose tissue and muscle to insulin like effects. 二甲双胍能降低糖尿病患者所增加的肝葡萄糖,而格列酮的作用机制在于其能够增强肝脏、脂肪组织、和肌肉对胰岛素的敏感性。 Religious leaders are also helping to sensitize the public. 宗教领导人也在帮助向公众进行宣传。 The SL approach may sensitize the malignant cell to drugs aimed at secondary molecular targets. SL治疗法可以驱使恶性肿瘤细胞对次级靶位点的蛋白敏感。 Methods: Toluene 2, 4 diisocyanate ( TDI) was used to sensitize white rabbits as allergic rhinitis models, and nedocromil sodium was used to treat the disease. The changes in nasal mucosa were studied by pathological methods. 方法:采用甲苯2,4二异氰酸酯(TDI)致敏兔制作变应性鼻炎动物模型,观察尼多考米钠治疗前后实验动物症状和体征的变化,同时应用组织病理学方法观察鼻黏膜的改变。 Methods We had investigated the clinical features of 80 children who had drug eruptions, and their drug eruption types and sensitize drug kinds. 方法分析80例药疹患儿的临床特点、药疹类型及致敏药物的种类。 In order to prepare Ag-coated flake graphite used as filler of conductive adhesive or poles of the battery, the electroless plating procedure was investigated that plated the silver directly in alkaline solution without activation or sensitize treatment. 为制备可用于高性能电池电极和导电胶的石墨填料,采用了不经过敏化、活化处理而直接在碱性镀液中进行化学镀银的方法制备了镀银鳞片石墨。 The TiO 2 films prepared by Sol Gel method are modified by using the chlorophyll as sensitize and characterized by XRD, AFM and Uv vis absorption spectrum. 以叶绿素为敏化剂对采用SOLGEL法制备的TiO2膜进行表面修饰,利用XRD,AFM,UVVis光谱对催化剂进行表征,并在可见光照射下进行杀灭白菜软腐病病原菌的活性研究。 This algorithm describes a very short test code sequence which can sensitize multiple faults to the output of parity checkers in the network. 该算法利用我们先前建立的黑盒等效测试法设计出一个很短的测试序列,将网络中的多重故障直接敏化到最近的奇偶校验器。 To determine whether persistent exposure to hypoxia may sensitize or blunt cell response to histamine, the effects of 24 h subacute mild hypoxia on histamine-stimulated calcium oscillation frequency were examined in pulmonary artery endothelial cells ( PAECs). 为探索持续缺氧是强化还是钝化肺动脉内皮细胞对组胺的反应,研究了24h亚急性轻度缺氧对组胺刺激的肺动脉内皮细胞钙振荡频率的影响,并探索了其机制。 The dye Rhodamine B and coumarin mixture is used to sensitize nanocrystalline porous films. 采用罗丹明-B与香豆素混合的方法,配制成敏化剂修饰纳米晶薄膜。 Inhibited the activation of transcription factors NF-kappa B. The study elucidated that emodin sensitize HeLa cells via generation of ROS which result in enhancement of apoptosis signaling pathway and inhibition of survival signaling pathway. 抑制转录因子NF-kB激活。本研究提示:大黄素通过提高ROS介导凋亡信号传导的增强和生存信号传导的抑制,增加HeLa细胞对As2O3促凋亡的敏感性。 Otherwise, Ce~ ( 3+) can sensitize luminescence of Tb~ ( 3+) in the phosphors, the energy transition mechanism between activated centers and sensitizer is dipole-dipole action. 另外,Ce~(3+)离子对荧光体中Tb~(3+)的荧光发射具有敏化作用,敏化剂与激活剂之间能量传递机理为允许的电偶极-偶极作用。 Firstly, false paths in static timing analysis and the algorithm to sensitize paths are presented, and then some factors affecting gates and interconnects delay are discussed. 首先,文章讨论了静态时序分析中的伪路径问题以及路径敏化算法,分析了影响逻辑门和互连线延时的因素。 However, RAGE knock down did not sensitize tumor to doxorubicin. 然而,RAGE敲低并不能提高肿瘤对阿霉素的敏感性。 It was found that borax and aluminium ion can markedly sensitize the fluorescence of Aesculetin. 4. 发现硼砂和铝离子对秦皮乙素有明显的荧光增敏作用。 It will help to sensitize both teachers and learners to the importance of language learning beliefs. 有助于教师和学生充分认识到学习观念的重要性。 The purpose of the study is to help both teachers and learners alike to sensitize to the importance of self-regulated learning. 本文的研究目的是帮助教师和学生进一步认识到自主学习在语言学习过程中的重要性。 In this dissertation, porphyrins are used to sensitize TiO2 nanoparticles to enhance their visible light responses, and to improve their visible light photocatalytic activity for the degradation of organic pollutes and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution form water reduction. 为了拓宽TiO2光催化剂的光响应范围,本文采用负载卟啉的方法对二氧化钛纳米粒子进行改性以增强它们对可见光的响应,提高其可见光光催化降解有机污染物和光催化还原水析氢的效率。 However, many tumors including gastric cancer remain resistant to treatment with TRAIL. Therefore how to sensitize cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis may be promising for TRAIL application. 但是很多肿瘤细胞包括胃癌细胞对TRAIL诱导的凋亡不敏感,因此如何能够提高肿瘤细胞对TRAIL诱导的凋亡的敏感性对TRAIL能更好地应用于临床至关重要。 Furthermore, MTDH knockdown has been found to sensitize breast cancer and neuroblastoma cells to cisplatin. The mechanisms of radiotherapy and cisplatin to kill cancer cell are similar: causing DNA damage. 另外,研究者发现干扰MTDH可以增加乳腺癌和神经母细胞瘤对顺铂的敏感性,而放疗和顺铂的作用机制相似,均可引起DNA损伤,所以我们猜想MTDH可能影响肿瘤细胞对放疗的敏感性。 Tough training to sensitize them to their work areas to be improved, work to develop and improve, while also stimulating the spiritual aspects of employee morale, good job allocation mechanism and the core staff promotion mechanisms are an important way to encourage the spirit of. 通过培训使他们认识到自己工作中应改善的方面,工作得到发展和提高,同时还要在精神方面上激发员工的斗志,良好的岗位配置机制与晋升机制是对核心员工进行精神激励的重要方式。 英英释义


make sensitive or aware He was not sensitized to her emotional needs

Synonym:    sensitisesensifysensibilizesensibilise

make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion sensitize the photographic film

Synonym:    sensitise

make sensitive to a drug or allergen Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen

Synonym:    sensitise

cause to sense She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society My tongue became sensitized to good wine

Synonym:    sensitise



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