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2024-02-01 18:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”人工智能利与弊“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence。以下是关于人工智能利与弊四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

With the victory of alphago, a new bot pduced by Google, in the world go championship, artificial intelligence has become a new hot topic recently, and has csed extensive debate in o life. How does alpha goaI affect o life? There are different opinions among different people. Sral celebties, such as Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates, are worrying about artificial intelligence Dlopment, they worry that the abuse of artificial intelligence technolo is likely to usher in the situation of intelligent explosion, then machines will continue to impve their skills and knowledge, and ntually spass the human intelligence quotient.

What's worse, they may gain emotion. In other words, the machine may lose contl. Howr, the optimistic view is also accepted by many people, who fully beli that artificial intelligence can give us Bng convenience, efficiency and wealth.

The most important thing is that artificial intelligence will impve human pductivity and pmote social dlopment. Fm my standpoint, I am in favor of artificial intelligence, becse it can be applied to vaous fields and make o life convenient. For example, when we need medical , we may not have to go to the hospital.

What we need is an embedded medical artificial intelligence machine People's art phones, it can check o health, you can imagine how convenient and fast it is, although those pessimistic ideas are reasonable, I beli that the advantages of artificial intelligence oueigh the disadvantages.




In recent years, artificial intelligence is rywhere. Maybe you didn't notice it at all. But recently, Google's alphago beat world go champion Ricardo.

At the same time, the overall victory of machines once again makes artificial intelligence a hot topic. The impact of artificial intelligence on o life is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, the impact of artificial intelligence on Natal Science, in many aspects In comr science, artificial intelligence has an important position. On the contrary, artificial intelligence s us to form o own intelligence.

Second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second, second It has pduced great benefits, but it also cses employment pblems, becse artificial intelligence has replaced human beings in many aspects, which has led to a great change in the social framework. Finally, the impact of artificial intelligence on society is the last. Artificial intelligence pvides a new mode for o life, becse many dlopers use artificial intelligence to dlop interesting s, which makes o life interesting Life becomes colorful.

Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword, becse some people expect artificial intelligence to benefit in fields, while others worry that artificial intelligence will ntually get out of contl. But in my opinion, if we can make good use of it, it will bng convenience to o life instead of losing contl. Not only that, but also technolo can be dloped.




With the dlopment of modern society, artificial intelligence has gradually entered o life. It has bught infinite convenience to o life. This is for se.

Therefore, some people want to dlop artificial intelligence vigously and make o life fully intelligent. They think that in the fute, human beings will completely release their hands, and all things will be handed over to intelligent bots Help us learn and us work on the assembly line, which makes o life very easy. But some people worry about the dlopment of artificial intelligence.

They think that artificial intelligence will spass human intelligence. Then, artificial intelligence will replace human beings. At that time, human beings will suffer for artificial intelligence.

Everyone has different views on ryone. I also have my own views, I think For, fear is justified, but it is not necessary to exaggerate the consequences of the dlopment of artificial intelligence. We should grasp the degree, do not have this degree, within this limit, play the le of artificial intelligence dlopment to the extreme.

In this way, o fear can be eliminated, and artificial intelligence can be used to us kill o birds with one stone. I beli that in the fute, we will be able to have a intelligent A scientific and better society.



标签: 英文  英语  利与弊  四级  人工智能 




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