
您所在的位置:网站首页 idear用英语怎么说 划龙舟,吃粽子,雄黄酒,挂香包,插艾叶,这些民俗用英语怎么说?


2024-07-11 17:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

据说,赛龙舟起源于人们划船寻找爱国诗人屈原(公元前343-278年)的尸体的传说。屈原投河溺水身亡。赛龙舟是端午节期间最重要的活动。木船是中国龙的形状和相关装饰。船的大小因地区而异,一般来说,长度约为20-35米,需要30-60人 划船。比赛中,龙舟队在鼓声的伴奏下,和谐而急促地划桨。据说获胜的队伍在来年会有好运和幸福的生活。


Duanwu Festival(Dragon Boat Festival) is a folk festival celebrated for over 2,000 years, when Chinese peoplepractice various customsthought todispel disease, and invoke good health. Some of the most traditional customs include dragon boat racing, eating sticky rice dumplings (zongzi), hanging Chinese mugwort and calumus, drinking realgar wine, and wearing perfume pouches.


Practice various customs:奉行各种习俗。practice有【奉行】的意思。

(Be) thought to:这是被动语态做修饰语,意思是【被认为】,翻译时可以不用翻译。

Dispel disease, and invoke good health:祛病防疫、祈求健康。Dispel的意思是【驱散,消除(尤指感觉或信仰)】, Invoke的意思是【向(神灵)祈求(帮助或宽恕)】。


Zongzi (粽子zòngzi /dzong-dzuh/) is the most traditional Dragon Boat Festival food. It is related to Qu Yuancommemoration, as the legend says thatlumps of ricewere thrown into the river to stop fish eating his drowned body. They are a kind ofsticky rice dumplingmade of glutinous rice filled with meats, beans, and otherfillings. Zongzi is wrapped in triangle or rectangle shapes in bamboo orreed leaves, and tied with soakedstalksor colorful silky cords. The flavors of zongzi are usually different from one region to another across China.



粽子的英文就是Sticky rice dumpling,剥开粽叶就是【米块】(Lump of rice),lump的意思【(一)块】的意思。馅料就是Fillings,粽子的馅料有glutinous rice,meats, beans。包粽子的动作,可以用wrap,包粽子用竹叶或粽叶,英文是bamboo or reed leaves。


There is an old saying: 'Drinkingrealgar winedrives diseases and evils away!' Realgar wine is a Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of fermented cereals and powdered realgar. In ancient times, people believed that realgar was an antidote for all poisons, and effective for killing insects and driving away evil spirits. So everyone would drink some realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.


Realgar wine就是【雄黄酒】啦。

Drives diseases and evils away的意思是【驱病祛邪】。


Before Dragon Boat Festival arrives, parents usually prepareperfume pouchesfor their children. They sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and thenstringthemwithsilk threads. During Dragon Boat Festival perfume pouches are hung around kids' necks or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. The perfume pouches are said to protect them from evil.


Perfume pouches就是【香包】的意思。pouch是【小袋子;荷包】。



The Dragon Boat Festival is held at the start of summer when diseases are moreprevalent. Mugwort leaves are used medicinally in China. Their fragrance is very pleasant,deterringflies and mosquitoes. Calamus an aquatic plant that has similar effects. On the fifth day of the fifth month, people usually clean their houses, courtyards, and hang mugwort and calamus ondoors lintelstodiscourage diseases. It is also said hanging mugwort and calamus can bring good luck to the family.


Mugwort and calamus的意思是就是【艾蒿和菖蒲】。



Doors lintel的意思是【过梁 ; 门楣】。

Discourage disease的意思是【阻止疾病】。返回搜狐,查看更多




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